Chapter 10

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The  rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. The alpha had already got up from the bed unable to sleep the whole night.

Different thoughts dancing in his mind disturbing his slumber. Previously a guard had knocked his room informing about needing his presence in the dining hall.

Taehyung quickly got ready wearing a royal blue shirt and pant walking towards the dining hall. Alpha Jeon and his mate had met them yesturday when they arrived and had asked them to stay in the guest room situated in the pack house itself. Taehyung was expecting a certain omega to greet him on his arrival but he was no where to be seen.

When Taehyung reached the dining hall he was greeted with te scene of his parents talking with Jungkook's parents. His eyea roamed across the hall to get a glimpse of his omega but the said omega was no where to be seen.

Taehyung walkes towards where his parents were seating, bowing at them followed by greeting the Jeons. Mrs Jeon was quick to get up from his seat approaching Taehung dragging him to seat beside her for breakfast.

Everyone had started having their breakfast already but Taehyung was contemplating whether to wait for his omega to arrive.

"Jungkook will be here any moment Tae.", Jin said as if he just heard the alpha's inner thoughts.

Taehyung just simply noded not knowing how Jin knew Jungkook's whereabouts.

The only sound of clattering of spoons and forks was heard before someone cleared their throat. Although Taehyung's eyes were stuck on the figure since the time he got the wift of sandalwood.

Jin immediately got up from his seat engulfing the little omega in a bone crashing hug. After what felt like hours, Jin freed Jungkook cupping his now red cheeks showering him with kisses.

"Oh my god, Tae your omega indeed is very beautiful. And yes you were not wrong when you said that he is very delicate. You are so adorable Jungkookie", Jin squilled, his hands squishing re omega's cheeks.

"You are more beautiful luna kim.", Jungkook said shying away not able to handle so many compliments. And the fact that his alpha had described him saying he is beautiful and delicate was doing things to his heart.

"Namjoonie look he is so cute."

"He indeed is.", Namjoon came forward to give a hug to Jungkook.

"All the Blue moon pack members are going to adore their new luna.", Namjoon said smiling at Jungkook.

Jungkook face turned red at the thought of him becoming a luna. He has grown up watching his mom being adored by the pack members and the thought of him experiencing the same made him giddy.

"You need to eat Jungkookie. See how thin you are.", Jin said getting hold of Jungkook's wrist dragging him to seat beside him.

For a moment, Jungkook's eyes caught Taehyung staring at him but the alpha was quick to look away.

Both the Jeons and Kims were seated in the garden, seriousness oozing out of them.

"Alpha Namjoon and luna Seokjin as you both know that our sons are fated mates, I want to propose a marriage proposal of my son to yours.", Mr Jeon was the first one to talk.

"I was going to do the same Alpha Jeon. As you may know, Taehyung had to wait for his mate over seven years and I don't want to keep my son away from his mate anymore.", Namjoon said unaware of the dejected look on Taehyung's face.

"Both Taehyung and Jungkook have met each other so I don't think we need any kind of confirmation from both of them.", Mr Jeon said looking at both the yougers one looked shy while the other had a blank face.

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