Chapter 8

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"The moon is a friend for the loneliness to talk to."
This is what Taehyung would think whenever he used to go to sleep. Looking at the moon, Taehyung would spend endless time either staring or putting his thoughts into words as if moon is listening.

But today when he returned home after dropping Jungkook at his house Taehyung couldn't keep his thoughts about the omega at bay.

Finally moon goddess had answered his endless requests of meeting his mate.

Now standing near his balcony, staring at the moon, Taehyung didn't feel lonely because he knew that now he has someone who he would claim as his other than his family.

"We see the moon, you and I"

Taehyung thought.

He wished the omega would also be staring at the moon listening to the alpha's inner thoughts.

As if the alpha's wish is the omega's command, Jungkook too was staring at the moon while cuddling with himself on the bed.

"Always remember we are under the same sky, looking at the same moon. "

Jungkook wanted to tell the alpha but he knew that its not possible. If he could, he would have surely shared his thoughts with the alpha so that the alpha won't feel lonely.

Unknowingly, both the mates were staring at the moon, wishing to share the same thoughts with each other. Although they were alone in their respective rooms, there was someone who was witnessing the mates turmoil.

Moon goddess smiled looking down at both her children, blessing them happiness and love.

Moon goddess wished the whole world to witness true love and she knew that this is gonna happen in the form of these two mates.

The rays of sunshine entered the room of the beautiful omega forming a beautiful rainbow in his room.

Jungkook stirred, eyes slowly opening. He got up from the sleeping position, resting his head on the headrest. A smile formed on his lips remembering yesturday.

The omega was sure that yesturday was the best day of his life. He has a mate now. Wow, Jungkook couldn't help but squill.

Jungkook got down off the bed, doing his morning chores. Today was a sunday so the omega didn't have to go to school.

Jungkook went down the hall and was greeted by his dad who was sitting on the dining table.

"Good morning dad", Jungkook wished, back hugging his dad.

"Good morning kookie. I heard your performance was the best among all the other performances. "

"We did our best dad and we enjoyed it a lot.", Jungkook said.

Jungkook was not sure whether to inform his parents about Taehyung. He and Taehyung haven't had a talk about this yet . What if Taehyung doesn't like Jungkook telling the news to his parents?

Jungkook was deep in his thoughts when a hand on his shoulders shook him.

"What are you thinking baby? First finish you breakfast, its getting cold." , mrs jeon said.

"Yeah mom"

"Mom, I am going to my art studio. I want to complete some of my pending work.", Jungkook said.

"I will take you with me to the art studio, i have a meeting at my office and your art studio is near to my office.", mr jeon exclaimed getting up from his chair waiting for jungkook to finish his breakfast.

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