Chapter 41

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Jungkook walks towards the parked car with Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin trailing behind him. All the four settle inside the car ready to go to the university.

"Alpha, you have promised me that you'll do something about our ten days long trip. I want you to do something as soon as possible.", Jungkook whines his eyes boring at the back of the alpha's head.

"Of course, petal. You know that alpha does what he says.", Taehyung tries to assure the omega who has a constant frown on his beautiful face along with an unavoidable pout.

"Alpha, even you promised me to do something about this matter. I won't talk with you if you don't take some action.", Jimin too whines copying his best friend earning a thumbs up from Jungkook.

"Yes I will, baby.", Yoongi assures looking at the omega through the rare view mirror.

Their journey to the university goes smoothly and less chaotic then  yesturday's journey. Well, Taehyung and Jungkook were glad that Jimin and Yoongi has resolved their fight and has started talking to each other like normal people.

Taehyung parks the car outside the university gates before all four of them get out of the car.

Taehyung places a kiss on the omega's forehead, holding his petite waist. Jungkook observes how the alpha's eyes speaks volumes of love he has for his mate, the fondness clearly glistening in his eyes. The omega closed his eyes shut, praying to the Moongodess for blessing him with Taehyung as his mate.

Jungkook has always been sudden in his life. He does what he feels like at the moment always following his heart. His heart that now belongs to his alpha, with his alpha's heart kept safely hidden inside the infinite layers of his skin.

"Alpha, I love you the most. You are the most precious possession of mine.", Jungkook confesses earning a chuckle from the alpha.

"What happened to you all of a sudden?", Taehyung asks squeezing the omega's waist to emphasise his question.

"Felt like it.", Jungkook chooses to say not wanting to get overwhelmed by the alpha's touch. He knew if he would speak his heart to his alpha right now, he wouldn't be able to let his alpha away from him. His omega would yearn for his alpha which would lead him in to skiping his university which he doesn't want to.

"I love you too, my love. The greatest blessing from the Moongodess.", the alpha confesses before kissing the omega's plump lips. They both forgot the fact that they are not alone and that they have the most weirdest combo couple with them.

Emotions can be overwhelming sometimes, but they need to be conveyed to the right person at right time.

Taehyung watches the omega enter the university gates. He lifts his hand in air waving back at the omega who turns around to wave a final goodbye to him. If someone needs to understand the happiness of finding love, they should surely have a talk with Taehyung.

"Oh whipped alpha, you are looking like a creep while staring at the now invisible figure of your omega.", Yoongi yells frustrated by his own cousin's behaviour. How can someone be this whipped? Even he found his mate the same day his cousin did but he isn't acting as creepy as his cousin is.

Maybe he is more matured that his cousin, Yoongi concludes mentally patting his back.

"Let's go hyung, we need to meet the principal.", Taehyung says making his way inside the university gates with Yoongi trailing behind.

The omega's didn't know that their alphas are going to meet their principal. It was Taehyung's idea to not tell their mates about it since he wanted to tell the principal more important things which he didn't want his omega to know.

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