Chapter 46

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Jungkook walks around the mansion making his way towards the kitchen to cook something for himself as he was feeling hungry. He decides to cook for two since Jimin too was home as he usually works from home.

He takes out noodles from the kitchen cabinet before putting them in the par boiling water. On the other side he make the preparations for the sauce, his mouth watering by how delicious it looks.

Once he was done with his cooking, the omega serves a plate for two before making his way towards Jimin and Yoongi's bedroom.

"Jimin, what are you doing? Come let's have some noodles.", Jungkook says as soon as he enters his best friend's bedroom.

" Oh my moongodess, since when did I become your favourite child? Jungkook you know, I so wanted to eat noodles.", Jimin says, closing his laptop before settling down on the sofa beside Jungkook.

"How was your heat Jungkook? Was it painful? ", Jimin asks before taking the first bite, moaning at its taste.

" It was not that bad. I triggered alpha's rut so it wasn't difficult for me.", Jungkook shrugs.

"So, little Jungkook or Taehyung is on the way huh.", Jimin teases earning a smack from the embarrassed omega.

" Stop talking and eat.", Jungkook orders earning a teasing smile from the other.

Jungkook wants it to be true. He is really eager to have a junior Taehyung or Jungkook at home as soon as possible.

After they were done with eating noodles, Jungkook goes to the kitchen for washing the utensils. He was about to rinse the bowl when he scrunches his nose at the awful smell of the leftover, suddenly getting the urge to puke.

He slaps his hand over his mouth as he runs towards their bedroom before entering the toilet, vomiting out whatever he had eaten earlier.

Suddenly his head starts pinning. He takes support of the wall walking out of the toilet, as he settles down on the bed feeling everything black out in front of his eyes. He stays still, clutching his head which feels heavy. Jungkook tries to improve his breathing and compose his racing heart beats.

He again feels the urge to vomit. He somehow gathers himself before entering the toilet, emptying his stomach before washing his face feeling a little dizzy.

'What's with the sudden vomiting and dizziness? I was all good  a few minutes ago. ', Jungkook thinks suddenly feeling tired.

"Wait... Am I pregnant? ", Jungkook yells out loud before slapping his hand over his mouth to lower his voice.

" Oh god... Oh moongodess... What do I do? Should I visit a doctor? Should I take a pregnancy test first?", Jungkook talks to himself, feeling nervous and happy at the thought of being pregnant.

Nevertheless, he chooses to take a home pregnancy test first. He quickly takes his wallet, informing Jimin about him visiting the Convineince store before taking a cab.

He was so nervous that, he forgot the fact that they have more than five cars parked in their garrage.

As he comes home after buying the pregnancy kit, he carefully enters their bedroom wishing no one must ask him what he bought from the Convineince store.

He enters their toilet, opening the packet and taking the kit out. He carefully reads all the instructions before getting into the process of testing.

Jungkook has never felt this nervous before. Not when he got married. Not when he had his graduation results. But here he is, sitting on the closed toilet seat with the test kit in his hand which is shaking a little.

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