Chapter 50

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Jungkook frowns feeling a excruciating pain in his stomach. He opens his eyes, his palm rubbing his belly which is much more heavier than it was a month ago.

According to the doctor, he is supposed to give birth to his baby last week but maybe the baby isn't willing to leave the comfort of his or her mother's stomach.

Jungkook burries his face in his Alpha's neck inhalling his scent. He knows that the time has come for the baby to finally be out in this world.

Jungkook stirs, now lying on his back but the sudden pain in his stomach keeps increasing as time passes.

"Alpha... "

Taehyung gets up from his sleep when the painful voice of his omega fall on his ears. He rubs the Omega's baby bump before releasing his scent as it forms a wall around the omega.

"Is the baby coming? Are you feeling a lot of pain? ", Taehyung questions continuing to press kisses all over the Omega's belly.

" The pain is not too much as it's still early for the actual labor to start but I think our baby is coming out  today or tomorrow.", Jungkook feels breathless as he says these words out loud.

"Let me call appa. ", Taehyung frantically takes out his mobile phone before calling Jin even if he was just next door.

Not even a minute passes when the omega comes running to their room followed by scared looking Namjoon.

" Jungkookie, how are you feeling son?", Jin questions as he comes to sit on the bed next to Jungkook.

"Something is stretching in my stomach, appa. I think baby is coming soon. ", Jungkook says before clutching his stomach when yet another wave of pain surges through his body.

" Let me call the doctor then. Mrs. Shein will guide us through it."

Taehyung quickly calls the doctor who suggests Jungkook to do some exercises which will help him during the delivery.

Jungkook does a lot of pregnancy exercises with the help of Taehyung and Jin. Later even Yoongi and Jimin had joined them.

Everyone's faces were as if Jungkook is going to give birth right in front of them.

After almost ten hours, the pain intensifies leading them to take Jungkook to the hospital.

The rather calm household is filled with people panicking over little things. The only person who was calm in this situation was Jungkook.

Although he was in a lot of pain, the antics of his family members made him laugh. It was funny how his huge tummy used to shake while he giggled at their antics. Jungkook knows that even their baby is enjoying everything even though he can't really see anything from being inside of his mumma's stomach.

Thankfully, after a lot of chaos and panicking with Jin yelling at Namjoon for bringing elderly diapers instead of baby diapers, they had finally reached the hospital.

Jungkook lies down on the hospital bed with Taehyung sitting beside him. The alpha wasn't willing to leave the Omega's side even for a second.

"Alpha, do you want to feel our baby's kick from inside my stomach for the last time? ", Jungkook asks earning a frantic nod from his alpha.

Taehyung quickly puts his palm over the Omega's stomach as he feels the baby's kick as if the baby could feel his appa's touch.

" Come soon okay, baby. Don't give mumma any pain okay. We love him right? So we should not let him go through any sort of pain, my squishy cutie baby.", Taehyung leans forward placing a kiss on the Omega's baby bump.

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