Chapter 13

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The end is beyond your expectations. (●'з')♡


The omega looked behind watching his alpha was still inside the car staring at him that's when he realised his actions.

He walked upto the driver's window knocking on the glass seal which brought the alpha out of his daze. Taehyung slowly lowered the window  staring at his omega.

"Alpha you coming or not? Are you gonna enjoy the fair sitting inside the car?"

Taehyung felt second hand embarrassment. He quickly got out of the car clearing his throat. Well Jungkook should be the one embarrassed by his previous actions which he was, but the alpha doesn't need to know.

Taehyung didn't expect such a huge croud to be present on a week day. After analysing the croud and looking at the cute little omega beside him,  Taehyung stared at the omega's left hand which was over his hips. The alpha contemplated, calculating all the possibilities of his omega getting lost in the croud.

Jungkook startles when his alpha laces his fingers with his own, curling them around his. The hold was tight but not suffocating. Jungkook stares at their joined hands than at the alpha before he is guiding his alpha through the croud looking around the different stalls.

Taehyung simply followed his omega stoping whenever his omega finds something interesting.

"Alpha Kim Taehyung"

There's a tap on the alpha's shoulder that stops them from walking any further. The said person comes in front of them bowing at Taehyung.

"Mr Park, nice to meet you.", Taehyumg greets as soon as he recognises that person.

"How come you here Alpha Kim? Never knew you were fond of these things.", mr park asks genuine confusion lacing on his face.

"I am here with my fated one.", Taehyung says, his hand which was holding Jungkook's now holding the omega's waist pulling him closer to himself.

"Oh ! My greetings luna.", Mr Park says bowing at Jungkook.

Jungkook was shocked when the stranger called him luna. Well he must get used to people calling him luna from now on.

Jungkook greets back, bowing at Mr park.

"I won't take much of your time. Enjoy alpha and luna." with that Mr park leaves leaving the mates alone.

"People are going to recognise you as their luna now. I hope you don't feel uncomfortable. If you are then please let me know.", Taehyung says leaving his omega's waist before taking hold of his hands.

Taehyung doesn't know why he found the urge to hold his omega's waist showing who the omega belongs to. It was not about ownership. It was about a person who is made for him.

For him to love.
For him to care.
For him to kiss.
For him to mate.

"Alpha look over there. That shop as so many beautiful antics.", Jungkook says pointing at a particular shop.

Taehyung let's Jungkook drag him towards the beautifully decorated shop. They observe some of the antics, beautifully carved with marbles and mud.

Taehyung's eyes roam over each and every object present in the shop, that's when he see's something sparkling just below few pendants.

Taehyungs watches how his omega is busy observing one of the antics which looks like a rabbit made up of marble.

Taehyung goes towards the antic that was sparkling. When he gets close to the sparkling object he realises that it is not a antic but a bracelet. Beautiful.

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