Chapter 25

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Both Jungkook and Jimin ran out of the plane as soon as they landed. Taehyung almost got a cardiac arrest when Jungkook left his hand and ran almost bumping into someone.

"Pup be careful. I don't want you to get lost in this crowd.", Taehyung said with a frown. Jungkook chuckled before standing on his toes easing his alpha's frown with his dainty fingers.

"Sorry alpha, I will be careful from now on. I will hold your hand in a tight grip and never leave your side.", Jungkook says before holding Taehyung''s hand lacing his small fingers with the long ones. Taehyung smiles before bringing the omega's hand near his lips placing a kiss there.

All  four of them sat inside the car this time the alpha's were successful in separating their mates from one another. As soon as they entered the resort they were warmly welcomed with flower garlands and welcome drinks. 

"Alpha I'm hungry.", Jimin whines, looking at yoongi.

"Tae, I think we should have some breakfast. Me and Jimin we both are hungry and most probably you and Jungkook too.", Yoongi says already walking towards the restaurant holding Jimin's hand.

Taehyung along with Jungkook follows them towards the restaurant with Jungkook smiling looking at how Yoongi was holding Jimin's waist pressing him towards his chest.

Jungkook then looks at his own hand linked with his alpha and his smile dims but he shakes his head assuring himself that maybe everyone doesn't move fast in their relationship.

He remembers how yesturday, Jimin was telling him how Yoongi was all over him on their wedding night and how he was worshipping his body showering him with  sweet praises.

Jimin looked so shy and happy while explaining him his mating process that now even Jungkook was craving for closeness with his alpha. Even he wants his alpha to love him, kiss him, mate with him.

He knows that its not in Taehyung's nature to be as open as Yoongi but him being an omega had a very introvert nature when it comes to his alpha. But one thing he knows is that he loves his alpha a lot. Even more than his life. His alpha is a treasure that he wants to keep safe from the entire world. 

Jungkook smiles when Taehyung pulls a chair out for him to sit. Jungkook stares with aww at Yoongi when he feeds Jimin with his own hands.

Taehyung too observes it all and feels bad that he has never been so romantic with his omega. Maybe he is lacking somewhere. When his eyes falls on Jungkook who somewhat looks happy looking at Yoongi and Jimin but there is no shine of stars and galaxies that his eyes hold usually.

Taehyung mentally notes to talk to Yoongi on how to make his omega happy and be more open to your mate. He knows that Jungkook is happy but he wants his omega to be the happiest.

After they were done eating both the omegas decided to go to the private beach and Yoongi and Taehyung being the whipped alpha's agreed. The omegas ran towards the water while the alpha's settled on the beach chair sunbathing.

"Hyung am I being a bad alpha?" Taehyung's sudden question startles Yoongi, his brows frowning thinking about his brother's question.

"And why would you say that?", Yoongi chooses to ask back before answering the previous question.

"I don't know hyung. To tell you the truth, I love Jungkook. Maybe more than anyone else.", Taehyung pauses when he sees an amused smile on Yoongi's face.

"Happy realisation brother. Honestly, you were in love with him from the day you first saw him.", Yoongi smiles.

"And how can you be so sure?", Taehyung archs his brow.

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