Chapter 4

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"When you are destined to someone, it is not you who are destined but your soul. Moon goddess ties the one particular thread of your heart to the one who she is sure will be your better half.", miss yu explained to the whole class.

"Better half is the one who will fill the hollow surfaces of your soul. That person will dissolve within you  same as how salt dissolves in water without leaving any traces of it being a part of you." she continued.

Everyone was so engrossed in what miss Yu was explaining that the ringing of the bell went unheard by the whole class.

Although they all were a part of political science major, Mates was a compulsory subject included in their syllabus.

Jungkook in particular is very much fond of this subject. Mates and destiny were his favourite topics other than civics and politics.

As soon as the class ended, Jimin and Jungkook were on their toes, hurrily packing their bags because they needed to do a last dance practice before the event in the evening.

Finally the day have arrived when they are going to perform at the event. To say they were excited for the event will be an understatement.

"Jungkookie hurry up, lets go", Jimin draged jungkook through the corridor to the dance studio.

Almost an hour had passed but the two excited omegas couldn't stop practising.

"Jungkook, I think we should stop now, it's almost evening and the guest will be arriving soon."

As soon as the words left their dance teacher's mouth, Jimin jolted up from where they were sitting.

"kookie, we need to get ready for the performance."

"Yes! Let's go ", with that both jungkook and jimin left towards the changing room.

"Hyung ,why are you so nervous?", Taehyung asked while adjusting his coat which was selected by Jin for the event.

"I don't know tae. I  always knew that he is my mate but I was waiting for him to come to the right age. But now that the day has come when he will also know that I am his fated mate, I don't know how he will react.", yoongi uttered with a frown on his forehead.

"Don't worry hyung. Everything will be alright. I am sure he will be happy knowing that you are his mate."

"I hope so too. You know I love him and I desperately want him to love me too. Of course I won't force him to love me but still.. ", yoongi almost cried.

" He will love you back hyung and if he doesn't which is really rare, it will be his loss not yours.", Taehyung exclaimed not able to understand why his hyung was being so nervous about meeting his mate.

"Now stop thinking about it and get ready, we need to reach at the event in an hour. You very well know I don't like to be late.", Taehyung continued.

After an hour

"Hyung you are sweating", Taehyung uttered with a frown resting on his always blank face.

"I am nervous tae. I can't believe he is so close and that we both are breathing the same air."

Taehyung along with Yoongi entered the open ground of the college, face stoic and a superior aura.

Although Yoongi was not a true blood like Taehyung, he still possesed a very strong aura which could retrain any other alpha.

Both of them were escorted by the volunteers and made them seat on the front seat.

"Everything will be fine hyung, now let's just enjoy the event okay? "

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