Chapter 22

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Taehyung descends down the stairs walking towards the backyard where everyone were busy with the wedding preparations.

Jimin and Yoongi had decided to get marry at the garden behind their house.

As Taehyung enters the backyard his eyes fall on the omega who was busy instructing the decorators with a frown on his face.

"Alpha, look the decorations aren't done yet.", Jungkook whines when Taehyung comes to stand beside him.

"Let them do their work pup. Don't stress about it." Jungkook's cheeks turn red feeling his alpha caressing his cheeks. He had completely forgotten about the little romance they did back in the bedroom.

"But alpha it's already time. Jimin and Yoongi hyung are almost ready to walk down the aisle.", the omega pouts not knowing what his actions are doing to his alpha.

Taehyung leans down to place a kiss on the omega's cheek before smiling looking at the omega's wide eyes.

"You are too cute for my heart, pup. Stop pouting or else I will keep showering you with kisses.", Taehyung says. His usual flirty self doing it's best.

"What if I don't want to stop pouting alpha?" Jungkook very well knows where he putting himself in but also loves teasing his alpha.

"Then be ready to endure unexpected kisses."
"And", Taehyung leans down, his lips brushing over  the omega's earlobe...
"Next time the kisses won't be limited to the cheeks."

Jungkook let's out a shuttered breath he didn't know he was holding but whines when  the sudden warmth of his alpha's body vanishes.

Taehyung smirks before placing one last kiss on the omega's cheek before walking away towards Yoongi's room.

Jungkook stands freezed at his place unable to digest whatever just happened. Suddenly his heart beats increasing, his body heating up, his cheeks turned red.

"Jungkookie, if you are so flustered with just a cheek kiss then how are you going to survive the mating process.. " Jungkook mumbles under his breadth before looking around frantically to see whether anyone listened to him talking about it. He sighs when no one does before walking towards Jimin's room.


Jimin walks down the aisle with his father looking handsome as always in his blue suit.

"I feel like I am reliving our marriage alpha.", Jungkook looks at Taehyung who places a kiss on his forehead.

"Me too pup.", They all start clapping as Jimin and Yoongi exchange rings.

Both Jungkook and Taehyung walk upto the newlyweds wishing them for their new beginnings.

"Congratulations you both. Yoongi hyung, I hope you'll be able to handle my best friend.", Jungkook teases earning a playful punch from Jimin.

"What? I am telling the truth." Jungkook gasps as if offended.

"Sorry Jimin. My luna can be notorious sometimes.", Taehyung says holding Jungkook who glares at him.

"Yoongi hyung, Jimin best of luck for your life ahead.", With that Taehyung leaves pulling Jumgkook who was about to whisper something in Jimin's ears.

"Alpha...why did you drag me here? I was going to tell Jimin something important.", Jungkook huffs glaring at Taehyung.

"I know you were going to tease him more."

"You know me well.", Jungkook smiles sheepishly.

"Did you forget about our deal? ", Taehyung asks.

"What deal?", Jungkook asks confused.

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