Chapter 40

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Jungkook snuggles closer to his alpha whose arm was wrapped around his waist. The omega's eyes open but shuts back unable to resist the sunbeams. He then slowly opens his eyes, so wanting to watch his alpha sleeping.

A smile appears on the omega's face when his eyes fall on the sleeping face of his alpha. So calm and at ease. His alpha looks so handsome even in his sleep that Jungkook forget everything else around him. He doesn't realize how much time he has spent staring at his alpha's face when Taehyung begans to move a little.

"Good morning alpha. Did my alpha sleep well? ", Jungkook asks caressing the alpha's cheeks. There's a smile appearing on Taehyung's face when he recollects yesturday's night.

"I slept love. Did my omega sleep well? Are you sore? ", Taehyung asks making a blush appear on his omega's cheeks.

"No alpha. I am kinda used to your width so I don't feel much pain anymore.", Jungkook informs placing a kiss on his alpha's chest.

"My mark looks beautiful on you.", Taehyung compliments placing a kiss on the now healed mark.

"And I love how you smell like me.", the omega utters caressing his mark over the alpha's neck. They both stay in the same position for a while, feeling comfort in each others warmth.

"Alpha, I think we should go back to our room. We need to get ready for our respective tasks. I have an important lecture to attend today.", Jungkook says before getting up from the bed. He pulls the alpha's arms with all his will, who was not in the mood of getting up.

"Alpha, get up please. We are going to get late or else.", Jungkook whines. Taehyung, not wanting to upset his mate, gets up from the bed before picking the omega in his arms. Jungkook squeals when he was suddenly lifted from the floor but hides his face below Taehyung's chin while wrapping his arms around his alpha's neck.

Both the mates get ready for the day as Jungkook wanted to go to his university while Taehyung was going to his office. With a lot of struggle, where Taehyung was not letting the pretty omega get ready by continuously placing kisses on his  pretty face and neck.

"Alpha... Wait for the night to come. I promise I'll be all yours. But please let me go for now. We both are getting late.", Jungkook tries his luck but all in vain. The alpha only pulls him closer by his waist.

He unbuttons the top three buttons of the shirt Jungkook was wearing. Taehyung places his hand over his breast, his fingers brushing over the nipple under the bralet.

"I can't get enough of your breasts. So full and soft. I so want to make you pregnant so that you can start lactating.", Taehyung hushes near the omega's ears giving it a light suck.

"Alpha, we will talk about it later tonight. We will have to leave now.", Jungkooo whispers, flustered by the alpha's talk. He is well aware that he won't be able to control himself if his alpha continues his ministrations for some more time.

Both the mates have dinner with Jimin and Yoongi bickering over something that has upsetted Jimin. Jungkook couldn't help but giggle witnessing their fight only to earn a glare from his best friend.

All the four of them get inside the car with Taehyung and Yoongi in the front and Jungkook and Jimin in the backseat. Taehyung was so irritated by the end of the journey to the university that he felt an urge to throw Yoongi out of the car by how much he was bickering with his mate.

This makes Taehyung think about how he and Jungkook hadn't really fought like couples usually do. Maybe it is the understanding between them or maybe it's because none of them are interested in fighting with one another. Taehyung is glad that Jungkook is not a violent person.

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