Chapter 37

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Jungkook holds the belts of his backpack as he descends down the stairs of his university. He was supposed to meet Jimin at the cantene but Jimin canceled the plan after his teacher announced an extra lecture.

Jungkook walks upto the library to get some historical books to learn about the architecture and politics behind the construction of all the holy monuments been made in their province.

He browses through the first compartment of the huge bookshelf in search of a particular book that his alpha had asked him to read in order to understand the political reason behind the contruction of churches and other holy places in the Kim's province.

The omega sighs when he couldn't find a book in the first shelf. He goes to the second shelf, then third where he finally finds the book. He sits on the chair, keeping his backpack aside, slowly and carefully opening the book.

The book seemed to be written very long ago.  By looking at the brown, torn out pages, the omega could conclude that the book was read by many.

He concentrates on reading each and every line carefully even noting down the few points he found very useful and important for his assignment. He was supposed to visit all the churches and other holy places in their province and write his own research on their political backgrounds.

There were a few points which shook the omega. Mentions where the loss of werewolves and other creatures was the main reason behind the construction of those huge churches in order to bring peace and harmony among everyone.

Jungkook eyes go wide whenever he reads about the previous head alpha's and Luna's of this province which were Taehyung's ancestors.

Jungkook sighs dramatically when he finishes reading the first few chapters of the book. He quickly gets up from his chair walking towards the librarian to issue the book so that he could take it home.

A smile appears on the omega's lips when he sees his alpha standing by the gate of his university waiting for his university class to get over. Jungkook squeals before running towards his alpha, jumping on him bringing him in a tight hug.

They both get inside the car with the omega blabbering about his day to his mate throughout the journey back home.

As they reach home the first thing the omega does is hugging Jin. He has been very fond of him since the start and now that Taehyung had started going for work, Jungkook was accompanied by Jin the whole time. The omega had found a best friend in Jin and they really had a very strong son-in-law and father-in-law relationship.

"Appa, I need to go to the Namsen church in the evening. I have to do some research on it's political background so it is necessary for me to visit that place.", Jungkook informs unaware of the another pair of ears listening to his whole conversation with Jin.

"Okay baby. Go freshen up and have some lunch. There's still time for you to go so you take a little rest too okay.", Jungkook nods before walking towards his and his alpha's bedroom.


"Appa I will take my leave now. I'll be back by 7.", Jungkook assures Jin before walking out of the house.  He decides to walk down the lane since the church wasn't that far away from their mansion.

"Are you ready? I don't want you to cause any problems. If this plan of mine fails than you won't be able to see the sunlight of the next day.", Yujin threatens the other person on the call.

"Keep everything ready. He has just left. It won't take much time for him to arrive at the church. Poor thing didn't even take guards along with him.", Yujin smirks before getting inside a car which was supposed to follow the omega. This time Yujin makes sure to keep valid distance betweem him and the omega so that he won't be able to hear his thoughts.

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