Chapter 31

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Leo had informed Taehyung that it was indeed Mr Park who had sent the cars behind Taehyung that day. Taehyung had walked into the Park's office with eyes full of rage demanding answers from him.

Mr. Park cowards away at the news of Taehyung's arrival but couldn't hide much. Taehyung was quick enough to get hold of him.

Indeed, the Park had sent those cars inorder to take revenge from Taehyung but soon had backed off when Mr. Park's secretary got the insights of  how Taehyung had gotten rid of one of his past rivals.


It has been a week since Jungkook had joined the new university. He had made a few friends both Alphas and omegas.

Jungkook was humming a song when a pair of arms slide around his waist hugging him from behind.

"Can't we stay at home forever? I don't want us to go away from each other." , Taehyung mumbles against the omega's skin.

"It's just a matter of few hours alpha.", the omega tries to explain his whining husband who pouts, atleast tries to copy Jungkook's.

Chuckle leaves Jungkook's mouth before turn around in his alpha's hold and tiptoes placing a kiss on Taehyung's lips.

"Go get ready alpha or else we will get late.", Jungkook requests threading his fingers through the alpha's black locks.

Taehyung groans before letting Jungkook go. He walks into the closet searching for some formal suit to wear.

When Jungkook comes out of the bathroom he sees his alpha struggling with the tie. He chuckles before walking towards him taking the loose ends of the tie.

Taehyung's hands goes around the omega's waist who is busy tieing the tie. Jungkook looks into the alpha's eyes once done. A smile appears on his face when he sees how fondly Taehyung was looking at him.

"Let's go alpha. I'm so excited to go to the college today. Jiminie is going to accompany me from now onwards.", Jungkook does his usual bunny dance making Taehyung smile at his antics.

Jungkook drags Taehyung towards their car before taking the passenger seat. Jungkook observes how Taehyung puts on the key before turning on the engine. How he checks the rare view mirror and the front mirror.

"Do you want to drive? ", Taehyung asks eyes fixed in front.

"Yes... But I don't know how to drive a car alpha.", Jungkook pouts resting his cheeks on his hand.

"No worries pup. I will teach you how to. Let's start your driving lessons from tonight.", Taehyung says making Jungkook smile bashfully.

"Yes yes..... I love you so much alpha.", Jungkook leans towards Taehyung, placing a kiss on his cheeks.

"Are you excited for today? Your best friend is joining you from today.", Taehyung asks slowing his car near the speed breaker.

"Yes.  I can't wait for introducing him to my new friends. I'm sure Jimin will  get along with them very well.", Jungkook exclaims excitedly.

Taehyung stops the car in front of the university gates. Jungkook gets down from the car opening his phone to call Jimin.

"Hey, where are you? ", Jungkook asks as soon as Jimin picks up the call.

"We are in front of the principal's office. I need to collect my schedule.", Jimin says earning a hum from Jungkook.

"Meet me in the canteen then. I along with alpha will be waiting for you and Yoongi hyung.", Jungkook says before cutting the call.

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