Chapter 5

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"A Chinese proverb says an invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, despite the time, the place, despite the circumstances. The thread can be tightened or tangled, but never be broken."

Today is the day Taehyung realised, why his appa believed in this proverb.
Although he believes in fate, he was skeptical about the real meaning of that word.

Now seeing his mate right in front of him, first time in his life taehyung couldn't think of any words to speak. He felt his mouth go dry and his mind hazy.

Is this how it feels when you first meet your fated mate? Taehyung couldn't help but think. The feeling was beautiful though.

He never thought his mate will be so beautiful, mesmerising, gorgeous......

Words will not be enough to describe the beauty of his mate. His omega was just ethereal.

His Omega...

Truely speaking, Taehyung didn't have an idea that he would find his mate today. Now that he thinks of it, he feels nervous. The thought of looking more handsome for his mate crossed his mind. He was sure he have become self conscious now.

He looked beside him only to find yoongi deep in his thoughts, mouth hung open, blush coating his cheeks.
He was sure the other person dancing with his mate was Jimin, his hyung's fated mate.

He did not see Jimin as he was busy staring at his omega, but he had heard that name being called.

He tapped on Yoongi's shoulder to bring him back to reality. Yoongi looked at him before turning his gaze back to the stage, eyes searching a certain omega who was nowhere to be seen. This is after a few minutes yoongi realised that he was staring at nothing but an empty stage.

"Hyung, you okay?", taehyung enquired, acting as cold as he can.

"Yes... no... I mean yes I am good.", yoongi stuttered, still in daze.

"Hyung I need to go somewhere. I will be back in few minutes.", with that taehyung left without even waiting for yoongi's reply.

Jungkook was engulfed in a hug as soon as he reached their dressing room.

"Jungkookie, I saw Yoongi. Oh my god, I can't believe. I performed in front of him and you know what the best thing was?? He was staring at me the whole time. I could feel his gaze on me the since the beginning till the end. ", jimin uttered with a dreamy face. One of their classmates called jimin and with that Jimin left the dressing room god knows where.

Jungkook still couldn't understand what was happening to him during their performance.

When he first felt a strong gaze on him, he searched for the person in the croud and finally when his eyes met with the maroon coloured pupils, the world literally stopped.

He couldn't feel his surroundings. It was as if he was being tied to that person with a invisible thread. Although the knot was nothing but peaceful. He felt completed. His wolf dancing inside his mind.

He somehow tried focussing on his performance and as soon as the performance got over, he ran to the backstage not knowing what else to do.

He was sure that the person staring at him was a true blood alpha, handsome, with mesmerising eyes. He never once felt uncomfortable by the gaze rather he felt shy.

He always used to feel uncomfortable when someone would stare at him even for a few seconds. He couldn't process why he didn't feel any threat from the alpha's gaze.

He pushed the thoughts at the back of his mind and continued helping other students to get ready for their respective performances.


As soon as Taehyung realised the omega has left the stage, he followed the particular scent of sandalwood mixed with honey. He stopped afar from where he knew his omega was, and watched him helping people.

Taehyung has always been a courageous person but he was nervous to go in front of his mate.

No one from his pack would have believed them if someone told them about how their head alpha was feeling nervous on facing his own mate.

Taehyung's eyes followed the omega who was now leaving the dressing room descending down the stairs towards the garden area.

Taehyung contemplated before following the omega. He stood behind the tree at a safe distance from where he knew the omega couldn't pick his scent.

For every other alpha and omega be it pure blood, their wolfs would recognise their mate only when they are at a distance of  eleven metres or less.

But Taehyung being a true blood, he had the ability of recognising scents from a very large distance.

That is the only reason why, Jungkook couldn't catch his scent when he was performing and even now.

He was watching the omega who was busy star gazing with his back facing Taehyung.

Taehyung took a deep breath before letting his legs carry him closer to where the omega is standing.

As he was getting closer to the omega, his heart beat began escalating as if his heart would jump out of his body at any given time.

Jungkook smelt a strong scent of vanilla mixed with an undertone of honey making his mind go hazy.

He whipped his body turning backwards only to see the same alpha who was staring at him earlier and his breath hitched. His senses clouded by the strong yet sweet scent.

His heart began thumping inside his body, mind foggy, fireflies flying, rustling of leaves, moonlight shining, stars twinkling bright.

It was as if the whole universe has gathered around them to witness his wolf howling and pronouncing only one word of four letters....

Mate.... Mate.... Mate...

Tears gathered in his eyes when he realised everything that was happening. He had finally found his fated mate, the one who will complete his soul, power his senses and own his heart.

He couldn't stop staring at his mate. If someone asks Jungkook to describe his mate in one word, Jungkook would reply saying his mate is....


It was the first word that came in his mind while he is still busy staring at his mate. The plus point was that his stare was being returned. He was not the only one staring, someone was staring back at him too and that someone was his mate. His Alpha.

Unknowingly, Taehyung's feet carried him towards his omega with his hands cupping the omega's crimson cheeks, thumb erasing the few drops of tears that left the omega's royal blue eyes.

Seeing the omega's royal blue pupils, the alpha's eyes tured maroon with a golden border representing both their ranks.

Only a pure blood omega would be the fated mate of a true blood alpha.

Looking at each others eyes this close, they both were sure that they indeed are fated mates and that no one, not even moon goddess could take them away from one another.

Hello Avocados,
I hope you liked this chapter.

They are for the first time standing so close to one another...... I am getting goosebumps 😍

Please check out my new book if you haven't yet.

Love you( ̄3 ̄)

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