Chapter 24

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Jungkook snuggles closer to the warm chest, nuzzling his nose in the crook of his alpha's neck. The omega's lips curl upwards when the pair of hands around his waist tightens pulling him closer.

Jungkook blushes remembering the previous night's incidence. After everyone was done with the dinner they all decided to play the pillow passing game.

Yoongi was out in the very first round while Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were the last three remaining. Everyone else's eyes were on them.

Unfortunately, even Jimin got out in the second last round leaving the two mates for the finale.

As the music started, both the mates began passing the pillow to one another. Jungkook being competitive, he so wanted to win the game that he made use of his alpha's weakness against him.

He curled his lips in a beautiful pout sending a kiss in his alpha's direction. Taehyung freezed for a few seconds not able to digest what his omega did and for Jungkook's luck, the music stopped too.

At the end, Jungkook won while Taehyung had to go through a punishment which included him performing a dance performance.

"I will dance only if my omega joins me on the dance floor too." Taehyung had said to which everyone agreed.

The mates ended up dancing on a romantic song, holding each other close, their chest almost touching.

Suddenly, Taehyung hugged Jungkook whispering something in his ears that made the omega's face turn red.

"I promise I'll win our sweet little game in our bedroom petal."

As soon as Jungkook and Taehyung entered their bedroom, the omega ran inside the bathroom while Taehyung just blinked watching the omega's retrieving figure.

After what felt like hours, Jungkook peeked his head out of the bathroom door, his round doe eyes scanning the bedroom to see if Taehyung is there or not. On not finding any trace of his alpha, Jungkook tiptoed out of the bathroom but was immediately picked up in the air by none other than his alpha.

Taehyung twirled him around before placing his omega on the bed hovering over him.

"So let's finish our game pup."
Jungkook's eyes widened at that but soon started laughing when Taehyung started tickling him.

The laughs of the omega were resonating in the room.

"Alpha... Stoppp... ", Jungkook requested in between his laugh which went unheard by Taehyung.

"Hahaha... Alpha"

Taehyung stoped tickling when he saw how Jungkook was struggling to breathe.

"You okay?", Taehyung asked caressing the omega's cheeks pulling him closer to his chest.

"Yes", Jungkook said placing his head over the alpha's chest snuggling closer to his body.

"Are you excited for our honeymoon?", Taehyung asked rubbing circles on the omega's clothed waist.

"More than excited.", Jungkook answered.

"Really? You know why people go to honeymoon right?", Taehyung teased Jungkook his hands now coming closer to Jungkook's hips.

"Alpha...stop teasing me. Let me sleep.", Jungkook whines before shutting his eyes close pretending to sleep so that his alpha won't tease him anymore.

Taehyung chuckles before placing a kiss on Jungkook's forehead. He tucks his chin over Jungkook's hair, sniffing the scent of his vanilla shampoo.

Now wide awake, Jungkook stares at the most handsome face he has ever seen. It has become his favorite thing in the morning to watch his alpha sleeping. 

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