Chapter 14

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"I promise you my forever Jungkook."

We all have someone with whom we plan our forever. Forever is less beautiful without that person. And for Taehyung, that person was Jungkook.

His fated one. His Omega.

Tears gather in the omega's eyes bluring the image of the alpha sitting beside him. Until a few days back, he was just a simple omega enjoying his life with his friends and family. But now he was accompanied by someone who is promising him their forever.

As an omega, Jungkook always dreamt of having a loving mate who would love him and take care of him.

Now looking at his alpha, Jungkook couldn't help but let happy tears roll down his cheeks not even bothering to wipe them.

A rough yet warm hand cups his cheek carefully wiping his tears. The touch was so delicate as if he would break if held more tight.

"I promise you my forever too alpha. I give my loyalty to you. I will respect you and be by your side through thick and thin. Forever.", Jungkook smiles, teary eyes looking at the alpha.



Jungkook comes closer to the alpha, shoulders almost touching as both the mates look up at the sky. Jungkook leans, pressing his head on the alpha's shoulder.

"I think it's late Jungkook we need to leave.", Taehyung says ready to get up from where he was sitting. They were sitting on the beach since last one hour and it was already dark.

A pout appears on the omega's lips, his sparkly doe eyes losing it's spark.

"Can't we wait for some more?", the omega asks, the pout on his lips deepening.

"Don't make this face. And no we can't stay any longer, its already too late."

"What face alpha?", the omega asks.


"No. Tell me or else I am not getting up from here.", the omega demands crossing his hands over his chest.

"The thing you do with your lips.", the alpha says already getting up from where he was sitting not wanting to reveal his secret obsession.

"This?", Jungkook asks puckering his lips outwards forming a pout.

"Yes", the alpha says not even looking at the omega because only the alpha knows how he is controlling himself.

"But why?", the innocent omega asks curiously.

'Because I want to hold you tight till there is no space for air left between us and slam my lips on yours, severing the juicy lips. I want to suck them until they turn red and I want to taste the flavour of your lip balm too.'
The alpha thinks before shaking his head to get rid of such thoughts.

"I will tell you some other time. Now let's go we are already late.", the alpha says before moving towards his parked car.

The omega whines before running behind his alpha to catch up with him.

The ride to the omega's house was quite with both the mates enjoying the calm and composed smell of their mingled scents.

When they reached Jungkook's house both the alpha and omega got down from the car. Jungkook walked towards where his alpha was standing.

"Thank you for the date alpha. I enjoyed it a lot. It was perfect.", the omega says smiling at his alpha.

"I am happy you enjoyed it. We won't be able to meet  before marriage so keep texting and calling me whenever you feel like.", the alpha says with a blank face trying his best to not show his sad face to his omega.

Taehyung didn't expect that it will be so difficult to say goodbye to his omega. He just wanted to keep his mate in his pocket and never let him go. No one knew that the alpha will be fond of his omega so soon.

Both the mates keep staring at each other not wanting to part ways. Jungkook contemplates before moving forward, closer to the alpha, bringing his hands around his neck and hugging him tight.

Both Jungkook and Taehyung hugged each other close, basking in each others scent not willing to let go.

The alpha tightened his arms around Jungkook until their chests collide. Taehyung so eagerly wanted to rub his nose between the juncture of Jungkook's neck and shoulder but controlled himself not wanting to make his omega uncomfortable.

Little did he know that the omega was going through the same turmoil himself.

They both parted before Jungkook finally turned around walking towards his house.

He looked back watching his alpha still staring at him. Jungkook whispered a small 'meet you soon' hoping his alpha would understand his lip sync.
Taehyung nodded indicating the same which brought a smile on his omega's face who waved at him cutely before getting inside his house.

Taehyung too got inside his car ready to go to his own house.


Marriage has always been a secondary subject for Taehung. At first he was dubious about it. Not wanting to make his omega's life difficult because of him.

But now that he has known Jungkook, not much to love him but he knew that day would come soon, he wishes to fulfil his omega's needs.

He wants to become a responsible person. He wants to improve himself for his omega.

"A good marriage isn't something you find, it's something you make and you have to keep on making it."

His dad's words keep running in his head since last night. Both his dad and him had some father-son talk yesterday. When Namjoon had called him yesterday to have some chat, Taehyung didn't know that it would become the best time he has spent with his dad.

Taehyung's cold behaviour always forced him to keep his relationship with his dad a little professional. Although Jin has always been very close to him, Taehyung and Namjoon's relationship was not that close.

He loved both his parents dearly but being a trueblood has its own cons and communication was one of it.

Only two days were left for his wedding. The whole Kim mansion was filled with people namely caterers, designers, decorators etc.

Taehyung had called Jungkook this morning asking him about the status of marriage preparation at their place. Jungkook explained each and every detail. From the food menu to the flower theme.

Although the marriage was going to happen at a church, both their mansions were decorated with flowers and fairy lights.

The omega was talking to Taehyung so excited that the alpha so wanted to marry his omega right that instant.

Even Jimin and Yoongi were more excited for their marriage than their own which was one month later.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook couldn't wait to get married.

Their marriage invitation cards were also distributed. Although both the mates wanted a cosy marriage, their parents denied wanting to have a grand celebration.

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They are getting married ♡♡♡
All of you are invited (´ε` )♡

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