Chapter 2

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Song to play: Mother's daughter by Miley Cyrus.

I was the best dancer of the club and the highest paid. Which may be one of the many reasons why Rachel hates me, I practically took everything from her. What was different about me was that I did not only strip, I also danced for them. You know, like Nicole Kirkland and Aliya Janelle sort of dancing. I also did private dances, and was sometimes booked to perform in those rich people's meetings.

I put on my mask as I got ready to go to stage. I was wearing a black catsuit with a cat mask, and black 7 inches leather heels. I came out of the  changing room and went back stage waiting for my name to be called.

"Now introduction our precious gem, our best dancer, as she gives us her last show. Give it up for lil temptress!" Yep, lil temptress. I hate the word too but it was given to me since I was short, young and my body was of a temptress. Had to thank my African genes for that. Sometimes I hated it though, because man would really stare at me until I was uncomfortable.

Mother's daughter by Miley Cyrus started playing and I did my last breathing exercises as I emerged from backstage.

The crowd cheering and the money being thrown at me was my motivation. Once I start dancing I forget all about my fears and just simply enjoy the moment. I cat walked my way to the pole to the beat of the song. Grabbing onto it, I started dancing. Grinding and spinning on the pole, all to the beat of the song.

Doing a spin on the pole before slowly landing in a split. I than started crawling slowly towards the end of the stage. I had my eyes on one man, and he knew it. He leaned closer as he put a few 100 bills on my bra and I blew him a kiss and moved away. I continued dancing on the floor, thanking all those YouTube dancing videos I used to watch. Finally standing up, I went back to the pole and did my final spin, ending my dance in a split.

As the song was coming to an end, I stood up and modelled my way out of stage, not forgetting to blow my crowd a kiss and threw my Cat mask at them. As soon as I closed the door to the changing room I let it all out. The tears I have been holding in finally came out. The difference this time was that, these were tears of joy. I was finally free, I didn't have to do this anymore. I laughed between sobs as I tried to calm myself down.

"Don't cry now my lil temptress." I screamed in joy as I saw my friend Bianca at the door. I ran over and gave her the biggest hug, she flinched a little but I brushed it off. She was the best and only friend I have. I haven't seen her in almost a week.

"And where have you been you bitch?" "Yeah I've been around. How are you?" I moved away and went on to change into my clothes. "I'm okay, just very happy that I'm done with this job, mom is getting better and I'll be able to go back to school." I said in excitement. "I'm happy for you baby." She smiled but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Something was off about her. "Are you sure you're okay?" "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Okay, something is definitely wrong, but if she didn't want to tell me than I won't pry. I didn't want anything that was going to ruin my mood, I was very happy today.

"If you say so." I said shrugging my shoulder as I put on my hoody. Than I remembered that I have to see Mariano. "Shit, do you mind waiting for me a little. Mariano wanted to see me before I leave." "What, you guys are gonna have breakup sex or something? Cause if so, than he might as well do the honours of taking you home." " We not going to have sex okay, he just wanted us to talk." She looked at me with a blank face, why was she acting weird? I frowned and looked away, taking my bag and trying as hard as I can not to overthink things.

Bianca wasn't her usual bubbly self and that worried me. But I guess we all have our bad days right? "I'm sorry sweetie, I'm just worried about Kevin that's all." She said as tears threatened to come out of her eyes. I rushed over her and gave her a reassuring hug. "It's okay Bee, everything is going to work out okay? Please stop worrying, I don't like it when you're sad." She couldn't hold them back anymore and started crying.

I did my best to calm her down and try not to cry too because than we'll both cry which will end up being a big mess. After a while she finally let go and gave me her beautiful smile. "I love you okay?" I smiled back at her, "I love you too. Now, how about we go and have a girls night? We can watch movies and stuff our faces with junk food." I said trying to cheer her up cause I know she loves food.

"As tempting as that is, I'll pass for today because you young lady, have a dick appointment. But tomorrow we definitely going to a club." I couldn't hold back the smile when she mentioned my "dick appointment" but froze when she mentioned us going to a club. "Don't worry, you'll be going there to have fun, not work. Now lighten up and go get that dick. He'll drive you home cause I honestly don't think I can wait for you." She said that laughing and I calmed down a bit.

"Okay fine, but I won't drink any alcohol. We both know you get wasted when you do, so we'll need for atleast one of us to be sober." "And that will be me, I won't drink but I want you to have fun. You haven't had any in a while." I was skeptical but ended up agreeing.

We gave each other final hugs and parted ways as I went to Mariano's office. It was on the third floor of the building. I've always loved coming here since it was very quiet and peaceful. I knocked on his door and entered when he said come in.

"Hey, you said you wanted to see me before I left. But you gonna have to give me a ride back home since mine ditched me because I was coming to you." He chuckled and motioned for me to sit on his lap. I straddled him as I felt his already hard dick pressing against my clothed pussy. I tried not to show him how affected I was by that.

"I'll miss our little moments Tesoro, you sure you want to quit?" Not this again, he has been going on and on about me not quitting so that we can still be together. I know he only says that because he knows most of his customers were not happy when they heard of my departure.

"I can't continue working here Mariano and you know that. Just because I won't be working here doesn't mean we still can't see each other." Gosh, now I sound like a broken record. I said this earlier and I'm still saying it again.

"You know we can't see each other out of work Tesoro, I work with dangerous people who may end up hurting you to get to me." "But you'll protect me right? And we'll be careful Mariano please don't do this." Now I sound like a desperate bitch, but I don't care cause I really love him. He may be older than me but I don't mind the age gap. I've always had daddy issues anyways, so... He looked frustrated and pushed me off his lap.

My heart broke cause this was the first time Mariano has ever rejected me. I let the tears fall without a care. "I'll take the Uber back. Goodbye Mariano." I left him in his office and he didn't even bother to run after me. I saw Rachel making her way towards his office with an evil smile on her face. I so badly wanted to smack that smile off of her face. "Good riddance to bad rubbish." She said she entered his office and locked the door.

I quickly left the club with tears clouding my vision. I called an Uber and waited for it. The tears never stopped falling and I stopped trying to wipe them away. The Uber finally came and drove me home. The night that was supposed to be my happiest turned out to be the worst with nothing but tears and heartbreak. I slept with my pillow wet from my endless tears.

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