Chapter 12

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It's been a week since I've came back from the hospital and I haven't seen the boss man. Me and Mateo are getting really close and it's nice to have someone to talk to. Besides him being a total asshole, he's actually a nice and funny guy.

I haven't went to the club since I have to "rest and not strain my body". To be honest I'm feeling fine now and I'm also tired of being stuck in this room 24/7.
I wake up with pain in my lower abdomen only to realise I have started my period. Fucking hell this can't be happening. I have the worst period pains in history.

I don't have any pads here because I never asked for them. I was too caught up in all the drama that I forgot I am a woman and I bleed every month.

I don't know what to do and the sheets are already stained, God this is embarassing. I open my door to find two bodyguards guarding it. Really? They've had bodyguards guarding my door this whole time. They both look at me and I give them a quick smile. "Umm hi, can you please call Mateo for me? Please, tell him it's an emergency." They both look at me like I'm crazy.

I want to murder them right now, I'm bleeding and I'm in pain here people. As if he heard me, he appears with his usual cheerful smile that is only directed to me. I enter my room and leave it open waiting for him to enter. "Hey bunny bear, missed me already?" "No I didn't." I say rolling my eyes, honestly wasn't in the mood for anything. These periods are killing me.

"Okay cool than, I guess I'll just leave you to it than." He turns to leave and I stop him. "Can you please close the door?" He closes it with no questions asked. "Is everything okay?" "Ummm no, you see, uhhh..." Okay guys you know it's not easy to just tell a man you're on your period. "Come on, you know you can tell me right?" "I'm on my period." I say as fast as I can.

He keeps quiet and just looks at me. "I need pads Mateo and some painkillers cause period cramps are killing me." "Why didn't you just say so? We're not animals Amanda, we know you guys bleed so we already bought you your pads. They're on the bottom shelf on the right in your bathroom cabinet. The pills too." "Really?" "Yes really, now go and freshen up, I'll sort your sheets out." Dang it, the embarassment I'm feeling could kill me.

I quickly rush to the bathroom and do my business. I decide to take a bath instead of a shower. Once I'm done, I look for the pads and they are actually there. Nicely stacked up with panty liners, tampons and comfortable leak free underwears. I'm honestly grateful really.

I wonder if they do this for every female worker here. I quickly get dressed and take the painkillers with me to my room. The bed is already made and my breakfast is ready, I quickly eat and drink my pills.


I leave the mansion to go and buy Amanda something to make her feel better. I know the boss won't be very happy with this but at this point I don't care. I don't know why I'm suddenly drawn to her but I like the feeling. I buy her all the junk food you can think of, including dark chocolate cause I heard it helps with period cramps.

I also go to a toy store and buy her a stuffed bunny because she's my bunny bear. I laugh at myself because I am doing something I never thought I'd do again, especially for a stranger I helped to kidnap.

I drive back to the mansion and the minute I arrive, the boss summons me. I take the stuff with me cause I won't have the energy to go back to the car again to get them. I knock and enter his office, he's drowned in his work like always.

"Boss, you called for me." He finally looks up and looks at the stuff I'm carrying. He raises his eyebrow in confusion. "These are for Amanda." I say and immediately regret it. The look he gives me is indication enough that I crossed the line. He stands up from his seat and makes his way to me. He stands infront of me, anger visible in his eyes. "What did you say?" "The stuff are for Amanda boss." "Why did you buy her these things?"

I keep quiet cause I don't know whether I should tell him her situation right now. I mean, not all men are as cool about this as I am. He grabs my throat roughly snapping me out of my thoughts. The grip gets tighter and tighter with each, shortening my breath.

I drop the stuff and hold his arm. "Sh.. she's.. she's on h.. her... per... periods" I gasp for air when he finally decides to let me go. I cough and I pick up the stuff and he looks at me like he's waiting for more information or for me to explain myself further. I sigh in frustration,

"She's on her periods and I decided to buy her these things to make her feel better. It's nothing deep boss, I promise." He still doesn't seem pleased with my answer. "Get out of my office." I do as I'm told but before I close the door he speaks, "Don't forget your place Mateo cause I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your skull." "Got it boss." I quickly make my way to Amanda's room. The boss and I have a different relationship from his other men, but that's a story for another day, right I'm just excited to see Amanda's reaction when I give her her gift.

I find her in bed silently crying as she holds her stomach with her body coiled in a foetus position. I just feel sorry for her even more. My poor bunny bear.


The cramps are killing me and the tears won't stop coming out. I silently cry as I try to ignore the pain. I've already drank 3 painkillers and don't intend on taking more. I hear the door open and I know it's Mateo. "Hey bunny bear, I brought you something." I slowly look at him to see his hands full with whatever it is that he bought and a big stuffed Bunny. I don't know what to say so I just thank him with tears still coming out.

He comes towards the bed and gives me dark chocolate. "I heard it helps with the cramps." Ain't he a sweetheart? I'm shocked he knows about all of this really. "Thank you Mateo." He wipes away my tears and uses the tissue to help me blow out my nose. He does it all with a smile on his face and my heart melts. I open my covers and indicate for him to join me, he seems hesitant a little but finally gives in.

We eat all the junk food together whilst I cuddle with my bunny. Spending time with him is amazing. He leaves after a while, It made me sad a little but I understand he can't stay with me forever. I decide to sleep too cause I don't have anything better to do. What I realised though, is that I'm treated like a princess rather than a prisoner in this place, and I wonder why.

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