Chapter 6

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Song to play: Been like this by Doja Cat

I have been stuck in this room for I don't know how long. I've honestly lost touch with reality, I can only know it's day when the sun shines and that it's night when it's dark. Food has been brought to my room, and I haven't been able to eat. I just watch it until they come back to take it back. I had no energy, I was dehydrated and I couldn't move a muscle.

I just laid in my bed starring at the ceiling, avoiding to sleep which was pointless cause I've started zoning out and seeing Bianca. I think I'm losing my mind and I don't care. The door opened and I didn't bother to move, I had no energy to do so anyways.

"You haven't been eating beautiful, and it has done nothing for you but make you look bad." Mateo said. I know I looked ugly right now, but I didn't have a care in the world. He sighed and sat next to me in my bed. "If you don't eat we'll hurt your recovering mom and I'm sure you wouldn't want your lil sister to fill in for you at the club since you're too weak to do anything." I snapped my head in his direction. Mom? Candice? How did they know about them. "P-Ple-please don't hu- hurt them." I choked out the words. My throat was dry since I haven't had any water for a while. "We won't unless you eat, get your strength back and start working at the club."

I tried sitting up which was a struggled, tears burned my eyes and Mateo looked at me with sorrow but quickly went back to his blank face. He helped me up and gave me my food. I started eating and only than did I realise how hungry I was. They did me a favour by also bringing an extra bowl of fruit salad because I needed all the food I can get. I finished my food and drank the orange juice I had. After that Mateo stood up and left the room.

I went to freshen up and took a long hot bath to relax my muscles. I silently cried as I realised how selfish I had been for how I've been acting. I should've know that if I didn't cooperation, they were gonna hurt someone I love. After I finished my bath I wore the robe that was in the bathroom and went back to the room. I waited patiently for anyone to come in and God answered my prayers cause Mateo came back in carrying a white lingerie set covered in black lace and a garter belt to match with it. He also had black heels too. I took the outfit from him and went to the bathroom to wear it.

I came out and he led me out of the room. No words were said and I was more than happy. The men at the mansion couldn't stop eyeing me and I felt uncomfortable. I hugged myself like that would make any difference. He led me to the same room I was in when I danced for the "supposed boss" of theirs. What is this place anyways and who is this boss?

He opened the door for me and told me the boss will be waiting for me. Apparently I have to dance for him again before I can start working at the club. He should just make me his personal dancer so that I won't have to work at the club. But I'm sure he has tons of girls who can do that, beautiful slim and white girls. I was nothing but a black girl, there wasn't anything special about me.

I waited again at the "stage" for any instructions. Been like this by Doja Cat started playing and I smiled. I salute whoever chooses this songs cause I love them and already have routines for them. I wasn't gonna dance on the pole for this one though.

"See you've been changing baby, in good ways and bad ways
Can't say what I say, it's far too late,
And i think you've made me baby, made me too nervous..."

I started dancing as the song played. Moving my waist, my hips and just simply being in my zone. I may be in a pretty fucked up situation, but I enjoyed dancing. It made me feel happy and kinda at peace. I danced till the song was over and finally stood up. Lights were turned on and I finally saw him. The world stopped for a second because I did not believe what was in front of me.

Jesus come back already cause God damnit this man is fine. Stop it Amanda, you can't be thinking like this. This guy literally has you here against your will, had your best friend killed, and threatened to hurt your family if you didn't cooperate. I looked at him and my self respect left the door.

He stood up and came closer to me, he was tall, maybe 6'2 I'm not sure. Slim fit, with his toned muscles visible in his probably custom made black suit that fit him like a glove. Short midnight black hair and God, those gorgeous blue eyes framed by his thick bushy eyebrows. His well defined jawline and his nicely shaved stubble. Lord save me right now. He looked to be in his late 30's and that just added to his handsomeness.

Look, I have a thing for older man, and he is a fine ass one. He towered over me with ease, I was a short girl anyways so I'm not surprised. His dominating aura had me looking down in submission. Fucking hell, what is he doing to me? I felt his index finger lift up my chin to make me look at him. He had on a blank face. No smile, no frown, just nothing. I studied his face as he did the same with mine, his inviting pink lips, his perfect blue eyes. He's just perfect and I couldn't stop the thoughts that were going on in my head.

I was already imaging those lips against mine, kissing my neck, earning light moans from me. Slowly making their way down to my... I closed my eyes and squeezed my thighs together as I tried to get rid of the fantasy I was already having. He noticed my action and chuckled lightly. He stepped away from me, making me miss his closeness already.

What the hell is wrong with me? Okay Amanda, concentrate, you hate the this man with all your mind, body and soul. I tried to put on my brave face and stood up straight. He looked amazed by my sudden change but he didn't seem bothered. He looked at me up and down one more time before leaving. Again? Without any hello maybe? I mean, come on people? Wasn't he taught any manners?

It was no use being frustrated by this, I was acting crazy to be honest. Not so long ago, I was at the verge of death but now I'm busy fantasizing about a man old enough to be my father maybe, and a man who kidnapped me. It's probably Stockholm syndrome, yes, that is what this is. I went back to my room after being given the permission to.

Okay guys I'm terrible when it comes to describing dance moves, I'm sure you noticed that too😅. But, you guys can use your imagination on this one, just play the song and create killer dance moves of your own😉.

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