Chapter 4

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I woke up with a terrible headache. I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't see anything. I frowned in confusion and tried to remove whatever it was that was blocking my vision only for me to notice that I was tied to a chair, both my arms and legs. I started panicking and tried to free myself which of course was useless, cause the more I tried the more I hurt myself.

After I had given up, I tried to remember what happened. Faint memories of what happened last night finally started playing out in my head. It was probably the bartender that drugged me, or that guy that I was dancing for. Tears burned my eyes and I just let them fall. The only thing that was going through my was head was, "are my siblings okay?", "Is mom okay?", "Is Bianca okay?" "How am I going to get out of this mess?" Never in my life have I ever thought that I'd find myself in this situation.

After a while, I heard the door opening and multiple footsteps making their way inside the room. The blindfolds were harshly removed from my face and I closed my eyes as the light burned them causing my headache to be worse. I blinked a few times, trying to get used to the sudden light. When I was okay, I finally looked around to see I was in a basement like room that consisted of nothing but a door and a table with all sorts of torture tools.

I started becoming more scared until I heard a slight groan next to me, only to find out it was Bianca. She too was tied to a chair like me. "Bianca? Oh my God are you okay?" Dumb question, I know. I just didn't know what to say. "Hey beautiful, I see you're finally awake." I looked up to see the guy from the club.

Anger cannot even explain how I was feeling right now. I wanted to punch his pretty face and make him pay for what he did and what he's still going to do. "Fuck you!" "Maybe later." Was his cocky reply. I fucking hate men! I Internally screamed. "What do you want from us?" I tried putting on my bravest face, when in actually fact, I was shit scared.

I know about these sort of things, human trafficking is real and I was about to become a victim of it. An addition to the statistics of women disappearing and never being found again. Forced to work as sex slaves and given drugs. I was crying right now as I thought of all the bad things that awaited me. I think death will be so much better right now.

"Please let us go, we won't tell anyone please." I begged only for the men in the room to laugh at me. Fucking sadists, they enjoyed what they were doing. The pain they were causing us was nothing but a game to them. "You want to leave so soon? But you just got here sweetheart." He said in a mocking tone. If looks could kill, I would have murdered him already, all of them to be precise. Bianca finally woke up and panic was all that was written on her face. When she looked at me, she just cried.

"I see you have awakened. Now let's get back to business." He said looking at both me and Bianca. "Like you promised, you delivered the asset to us. I'm sure boss will be more than happy." He said that looking at Bianca and I was confused. It's like she could sense my burning gave on her cause she just hung her head low in shame and regret?

"What are you talking about? What asset? What boss?" I asked not removing my gaze from Bianca cause it looked like she knew something I didn't. "Well I'll answer those questions for you beautiful. You see your friend here stole diamonds worth $50 million from the boss. And I know that's practically change to him, but he still didn't appreciate the disrespect. So, since missy here had already spent the money, she had no way to pay him back. The only option left was to kill her but, she came with an even better way for us to spare her life." She looked at me with regret and silently said sorry.

My heart broke into a million pieces as I realised what was going on. I was the asset and she used me to save her own life. I couldn't stop the tears from falling as I felt betrayed by someone I loved and trusted so much. "Don't cry yet sweetheart, the story is not yet over. So, as I was saying. She proposed that we take you to work for our club until you pay back the money she owes since you're so talented, a rare gem, a special little one. She said you can make us more money than what she owes us, which had us interested in finding out about you. We did some research on you and we found out you were as amazing as she said and now you're here." I couldn't believe my ears, and the fact that he said all that like it was nothing was what pissed me off even more.

"Aren't you gonna say anything to me Bianca?" "I'm sorry I..." "Don't fucking say you sorry! You just sold me off for whatever fucked up reason you had! How could you do this to me?! I trusted you and this is how you do me?" Snort and tears were doing as they pleased on my face as I screamed in anger and hurt.

"I had no choice! I needed to get my son back okay? I didn't know that things would turn out this way." "That's bullshit and you know it. What about my siblings huh? My mom? Did you think about the responsibility I had before you made the decision to sign my life away to save yours?!" I cried even more when I mentioned my mom and my siblings. Who's gonna take care of them now? I wouldn't want Candice to live the life I lived. I wanted her to have a normal life. "I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry Amanda." "Stop saying you're sorry. It won't change a thing."

I was defeated, hurt, broken, numb and angry. I trusted her, I trusted her with everything in me. "I see you ladies are done, now let's rap this up shall we?" A lady I didn't even notice came forward and pulled out her gun pointing it at Bianca. I froze and started panicking again. I may be angry at her, but I still wouldn't wish death upon her. Especially when she still has a son that needs her.

"Wait, this wasn't part of the deal. You promised to let me go if I brought her and I did." The fuck? And before I can say something, the lady emptied her gun on Bianca's body. I was frozen on the spot as I watched in horror. Her lifeless body all bloodied and filled with holes was all my eyes could look at. I screamed in grief, pain and trauma of what I had just experience. I tried freeing myself from this chair so I could go to her but I couldn't.

I looked at lady who killed her with no remorse and her expression was blank like it was something she was used to. She looked at me once and than left the room. The other big men came and took Bianca's body, they put it in a bathtub that I didn't even notice was there in the first place. It had some liquid in it that started dissolving her body the minute they put it in. My eyes widened in shock as I noticed it was probably acid. The metallic smell of blood and her body burning in that acid made me nauseous and I threw up on the floor. They then untied me and took me out of the room.

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