Chapter 21

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... continuation of chapter 20

Amanda's pov

Today was my 18th birthday, yes people, I'm finally of legal age. Honestly can't wait to finish high school too and go to college. My mom let me have the afternoon with my friend, and I'll spend time with them when I get home. It's my first time being allowed to go out with my friend Prudence and I couldn't be happier.

I came back home to change into something nice, a nice mid thigh body hugging dress and heels. Prudence told me she's taking me to a club, but my mom doesn't need to know that. I'm a little anxious and nervous but I'm excited.

Prudence sent me a text telling me she's outside. I quickly went downstairs and bid my siblings goodbye. This is it, I'm finally going to experience how it's like to be a normal teenager. My mom is a strict woman, with a lot of rules and a curfew. One of the rules being, "no going out late and no parties." It frustrated me, but I kinda understood where she was coming from. It's not easy rasing a girl, because you know, of all the pedophiles and rapists out there. So, I became a good child and did as told.

So her allowing me to go out and have fun, was something huge to me.
"Hey bitch, you ready to finally live life?" Prudence says the minute I step inside the car. "Ha ha, very funny. But yes, I'm excited." I reply cheerfully. "That's my girl, now, let's get this show on the road." We played music on full blast as we drove to a club.

I know it's a little early to be going to a club, but I needed to be home by 7, so, this will do for now. We entered the club, and it was already packed. It shocked me to be honest, like, don't people have jobs and other things to do? How can you be dead drunk at a club at 4 in the afternoon? Or maybe I'm just the inexperienced one.

I just got rid of any negative thoughts just have fun. After all, I deserve it. I ordered one drink, didn't want to over do it. The vibe was going great and we started dancing. The music was loud and I was having the time of my life. I was busy dancing, enjoying the music until I felt eyes on me. Like someone is watching me, I looked around and didn't notice anyone suspicious, so I just concluded to it being nerves and paranoia.

I went to the bar to get some water, I was tired now of all the dancing. I mean, I'm not used to it, well, atleast club dancing. The bartender was a beautiful girl, maybe in her early twenties if not around my age. "Hey sweetheart, what can I get for you?" "Some water please." "First time at a club?" "Is it that obvious?" I asked chuckling as I drank my water. She just laughed as she got her answer.

"Well you haven't lived than sweetheart. Strict parents?" "Yeah, my mom's really strict. She doesn't even know I'm here." She nodded like she understands what I mean. "Name's Bianca by the way." "Amanda, Amanda Browns." "Well nice to meet you Amanda." "Yeah, it's nice to meet you too." We siad shaking hands.

We continued talking and even exchanged numbers. Prudence ditched me for a dick and Bianca offered to drive me home. It was already 6h30 pm, and I needed to be home before 7. Conversation was flowing between Bianca and I, like we've long know each other. I just know this is a start to a good friendship. She dropped me off and promised to call me.
I spent the rest of my night with my mom and my siblings, enjoying my birthday.

Alexander's pov

"Boss, she's at club Euphoric with her friend." I took my car keys and decided to go there myself. I needed to deal with her myself, I don't care that she has nothing to do with her father's sins but I want to annihilate all of his family. Anything that has his blood running through it's vein, I want it dead. And I'll start with his precious daughter, than his lover, before going to his family in Africa.

I entered the club and I scrunched my nose in disgust. This was nothing but a club for horny teenagers who think they've made it in life for rebelling against their parents and coming to a club. I tisked in annoyance as I wanted to get out of here already. I went to the second floor so I can have a better look at the dance floor, see if I can find her in the crowd.

I already saw what she looks like from the picture Mateo showed me. I looked around and finally spotted her, and time stopped for a moment. She looked even better in person, her beautiful brown skin that was now glowing from the sweat, her curvy body. That dress that fitted her perfectly, the way her body moved to the beat of the music. She was perfect, just perfect.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, angry at myself for letting her distract me. I'm here to squash her like an ant, cause that's how she is compared to me. Nothing but a small annoying ant that I need to kill. She stopped dancing and went to sit down at the bar, started conversing with the bartender. She looked to be at peace with her, maybe a friend of hers? I got one of my men to distract her friend so it'll be easier for me to take her. I know I could just walk up to her and take her, no one would stop me but I wasn't in the mood to cause a scene.

I continued to watch her and I got more interested in her. The thought of killing her was already at the back of my head, but I still wanted to hurt her. I wanted to hurt her, but I also didn't want to. Instead, all I wanted to do was drag her out of this club, punish her for wearing such a revealing outfit for all these horny teenagers to see and fuck her until she was immobile.

I shook my head in disbelief. I don't know what this feeling I was feeling towards her was all of a sudden, but I knew it was dangerous. She's too young for me but I didn't care, atleast she's already of legal age. I wanted her body, mind and soul, I wanted to break her until she was just perfect for me. That should be revenge enough, one that will also benefit me.

I continued to watch her for the weeks and I loved the way she carried herself. So humble, so respectful, has good grades. All in all, she was a good girl. She seemed to get along with everyone but she still kept her circle of friends small, her only friend now was the bartender. The other one ditched her a week ago, after she refused to do some stupid high school dare, and she embarassed her infront of the school. She didn't take it well because she cried herself to sleep that night. It angered me to see her cry, no one was allowed to bring her pain, except for me.

Ahh yes my lovies, Alexander knew about Amanda a long time ago. You'll find out in the next chapters how she ended up working for him, the real reason behind it.

Also, I'm not promoting pedophilia whatsoever. Some girls have daddy issues and that's okay.

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