Chapter 31

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I wake up with a painful headache. Everything was dark, no, something was covering my eyes. I try to remove what's blocking my vision only to realise my hands and feets were tied. What's going? Where am I? I try to remember what happened and finally, bits and pieces of what happened start to comeback in flashbacks.

From the ball, to the warehouse, to Damon's house. No, Damon. I choke out a sob as I remember what happened to him. How he was killed in cold blood infront of me. Why did they spare me? What are they planning to do with me?

I hear a sound of a door opening and footsteps. Seconds later, the blindfold is ripped away from my eyes. The bright light in the room burns my eyes. I close them and blink a few times until I'm used to the light again.

That woman who had my hair on a tight grip is right infront of me. She has this psychotic smile on her face and I just know I'm in deep shit. How will I get out of this mess?

"You know the boss is a real gentleman. He doesn't lay his hands on a woman, but that doesn't mean he takes kindly to their disrespect." She says, all I do is keep quiet. I don't even know what to say, there's nothing for me to say. "So, he lets me take care of it. And trust me sweetheart, there's nothing I enjoy more than breaking a woman." I flinch at her words.

She leans in closer and whispers on my ear. "And I'm going to enjoy breaking you. When I'm done with you, you'll be begging me to kill you." A cold shiver runs down my spine and I just break down and cry. "Oh, don't cry yet. I haven't even touched you yet." She says tilting her head to the side pouting. I just continue crying.

It starts with a slap. Than a few punches on my stomach. A few kicks on my ribs, and stomach. "P-please." I plead her to have mercy on me. The pain, it's too much. Unbearable. Blood is already coming out of my mouth from the hard kicks. I'm pretty sure I broke a few ribs.

She continues punching my stomach and only stops when the door opens. The man with the hazel eyes enters the room. I look at him with pleading eyes. Maybe he'll feel sorry for me. "Please." I cough out more blood after saying just one word.

"Damn Natasha, we said rough her up a bit, not mess her up like that." She groans, stepping away from me and wiping off the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand. "Are you okay?" The man asks. "You're getting soft Mateo." Natasha says looking even more pissed. Mateo rolls his eyes at her looks at me again.

"I'm not going soft, I just have a soft spot for woman. I don't enjoy seeing them bruised and hurt. I know that shit gets you off, but not me." "Yeah whatever." She folds her arms and looks at me like she wants to murder me.

"Please let me go, I promise I won't tell anyone and I'll try to get your diamonds back." "We can't just let you go that easily now darling can we? You should have thought about the consequences before stealing from the Mafia." Mateo says

I cry silently not knowing what to do now. I can see my end, there's no way I'm getting out of this. I got myself into this mess and there's no one who can save me from this. I know I was stupid for stealing those diamonds but I didn't have a choice. I'm running out of ideas now, but wait?

"I think I have a way to pay you back the money I owe you." I say cheerfully. That seems to catch Mateo and Natasha's attention. "I hope you're not thinking of fucking your way out of this one. Because I can assure you sweetheart, it won't work." "I wasn't planning to, but I have a way that will make you more money." I say confidently "I'm listen." Mateo says, taking a chair and seating infront of me.

I smile with hope, maybe I can get out of this. "I know someone. She, she's a special one and can make you a lot of money." He tilts his head for me to continue. "She's a stripper, not just a stripper, but a dancer too." That seems to get his attention cause he leans closer to me.

"Tell me more about her." "Her name is Amanda. She works at club Guilty Pleasures and she's their best dancer." Mateo's eyes widen. "And?" He urges me to continue. "She gets booked by really wealthy business men, and I know that if you were to..." I gulp and take a deep breath. Not believing I'm about to say this.

"If we were to what?" Mateo asks more interested. "If you were to have her work at your club. I'm sure you have one, than that will bring attention to her. More men will come and pay a lot of money just to see her." God please forgive me, but this is for my son.

"When you're satisfied with the audience, you can au.." Fuck I can't say this. "Fucking talk or I swear I'll have your son's head for dinner." Natasha threatens and my blood runs cold. "You can auction her okay!" The words finally leave my mouth. "I know how Mafia's operate and, and if. If you can auction her, I know you can sell her for a lot of money."

The room is quiet and I'm starting to think they won't take my deal. "Follow me." Mateo says to Natasha and they both leave the room. Tears start running down my face again. Damon. My sweet, sweet son. "I'm really sorry Amanda." I say to no one and continue crying.

I cry until the tears run out and my nose is blocked. The headache I have will kill me if I don't get any painkillers soon. The door finally opens and Mateo walks in. "When can you get her to our club?" I shoot my head up looking at him. Are they? Are they considering my deal?

"What day is it today?" "It's Wednesday, why?" Fuck, I've been here for this long? "Than Saturday, I can get her to you on Saturday." "You're sure?" "Yes, but wait? Will you let me go after I deliver her to you?" "Of course, there won't be a reason for us to keep you anymore." He replies shrugging his shoulders.

He leaves the room again and I smile. In a very long time I feel like I've won.

Minutes later, a different woman comes in and unties me. She puts the blindfolds back on and lifts me up. She leads me out of the room to I don't know where. The walk was a very long and painful one because of the bruises. We finally enter a room and I'm sat down on a comfortable surface. A bed maybe?

The blindfold is removed and I check my surroundings. It looks like a hospital room. A normal room actually, but with hospital supplies. "The doctor will be with you shortly for your bruises." The lady says and leaves the room.

I don't wait for long until the doctor comes in. He does his job and a maid brings me food during my check up.

I'm told to eat and the doctor gives me pills to take when I finish eating and tells me to sleep afterwards. I do as I'm told and the minute my head hits the pillow, its lights out.

The friends y'all keep✋. But..., hope you guys have good friends who won't ever put your life in danger because of their selfish reasons. And don't worry, we'll be back to the present soon, and you'll find out more about Amanda's kidnapping. For the second time.

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