Chapter 11

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I wake up in a white room. I look around to notice I'm in a hospital bed, when did I get here? What really happened? Last thing I remember is me leaving my room and the... The memory come back and tears leave my eyes. What that man did to me, did he succeeded with raping me?

I start checking myself for any strange feeling between my thighs but everything is good. The only pain I'm feeling is in my stomach where he pinned me down his big ass knee and heavy body. I stay lost in my thoughts until I hear the door opening. I look to my left to see Mateo. I'm a little disappointed because I was expecting to see the big boss, but I'm sure he has better things to do.

"Hey little one, how do you feel?" I just shrug my shoulders, why does he care how I am? "The boss told me to come check on you." I almost snap my neck with the force I use to turn my head in his direction. His face is plastered with an irritating smirk, asshole.

"And more good news for you little one, that asshat who touched you is dead, boss personally killed him just for you. Can you imagine that?" No, I mean I'm happy he's gone but I can't handle another person's death being on my hands. I know I didn't do anything but still. I sigh in defeat cause there was nothing else I could do.

"Thank you, for saving me." "Oh don't thank me, the boss did all the work." "Well can you thank him for me?" "Of course." Her comes closer to my bed and sits next to me. I flinch when he tries to touch me. "Hey sorry, I'm not trying to hurt you okay? I'm just trying to give you a hug." The fuck? A hug? Really? "Why you being so nice all of a sudden?"

A deep chuckle leaves his lips, "I'm just being a gentleman little one. No one deserves to go what you went through." "So you pity me?" "Yes and no, and also because my mama once told me, "warm hugs can help you feel better, they may not solve the problem but the feeling of comfort can make you feel a little better." Or atleast that's how I remember it." Ohhh, that's just sweet. I lean closer and he envelopes me in a surprisingly nice hug.

We stay in comfortable silence and I'm grateful for that. I start drifting off to sleep when I noticed he's already sleeping. He looks cute with his lips slightly parted and a soft snore leaving his lips. I smile and decide to sleep, I think this is a start to a good friendship.


I wake up a few hours later alone, I am again, a little disappointed but I can't expect Mateo to always be here. I get off the bed and decided to stretch out my body, I've been in this bed for I don't know how long. I find a door that leads into a bathroom. Toiletries are already here so I decide to do my business and take a well deserved hot shower.

The stinging hot water relaxes my tense muscles and makes me feel lighter.
After about 15 minutes I get out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my body and start looking for something to wear. There's only a gown here, so I guess I'll wear it. I dry my body and start to lotion it. When I'm done, I wear the gown and leave the bathroom to my "room" for the time being. My stomach makes wierd sounds indicating that I'm hungry. On cure, a nurse walks in with a plate of food, something to drink and some pills.

She explains that the pills are for the pain and I thank her. I eat my food whilst doing that little dance with my waist and head. You know the dance, the one you do when you're really enjoying your food. When I'm done, I gently place the tray on the table next to my bed. I'm bored and I want to get out of this place. The awkward silence I'm having with myself is driving me nuts.

I call for a nurse and a different one comes. "Umm hi, do you know when I can leave?" "Sorry ma'am I don't know, only the doctor can tell you that." "Cool, where can I find the doctor than?" "I'll go and call him for you."
After that she leaves and I wait impatiently for the doctor to come. After what felt like forever, an Indian middle aged woman walks in. "Hello Amanda, I'm sorry for the wait, was still busy with other patients." "It's okay doc, I just wanted to ask when I can leave."

"Well to me you're good to go, the only thing you'll need to do is take your medication and don't strain your body too much. I'd also advice that you see a therapist, for what happened is very traumatic and can lead to ptsd and depression." Oh God no, the last thing I need is some stranger who'll tell me that, "In order to heal, you must first forgive yourself and tell yourself that it wasn't your fault." Like bitch, I never said it was my fault and why do I have to forgive myself? Last time I checked, I didn't do anything wrong.

"It's okay doc, I think the pills will be just fine." She gives me a smile and hands me my discharge papers. I take them and fetch my medication at the pharmacy and leave the hospital. I stop on my tracks when I realise I don't know where to go. Should I go home or back to the mansion? I don't know the directions to the mansion, but me going home will just cause problems for my family so I just stay outside in the benches hoping someone will come and fetch me.

I wait for hours and still no one. Have they forgotten I exist? I sigh in annoyance and decided it's better if I go home. As I was about to signal for a taxi, a black SUV stops infront of me. The window rolls down and Mateo appears in the driver's side. I roll my eyes and enter the car. "Are you tryna get me killed pumpkin? I thought we were good." "I wasn't tryna get anyone killed, you're the one who left me here alone." He has that stupid smile on his face and I know something stupid is going to come out of his mouth.

"If you wanted me to stay you should have said so poochie." "Would you just stop will all the nicknames already?" "Why? I like calling you all those names, I still have more in store." I roll my eyes and he laughs at me.

"Anyways, who discharged you?" "I did." "You did?" "Yes, is there anything wrong?" He looks slightly irritated now. Did I do something wrong? "Was I wrong for discharging myself?" "Yes and the doctor wasn't supposed to let you go until boss said so." "So what I was supposed to do? Just sit there alone, bored and miserable until either one of you decided to show up?" "Yes, that's exactly what you were supposed to do." He says looking at me with a serious face. Unbelievable, and here I thought we were building a friendship here.

We drive in silence until we make it back to the mansion. To be honest, I should have went home when I had the chance, so I could see mom and my siblings. I wonder how they're holding up, if they're looking for me or not, how they took the news of my disappearance. I just hope they are okay.

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