Chapter 18

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Song to play: Joro by Wizkid

It's been almost a month after that whole ball drama. Haven't seen the boss and the whole house is tense. Even Mateo is not his usual bubbly self. He rarely checks up on me, and when he does, he is usually tired or pissed off.

I don't know what's going and I don't wanna know. I have to admit, I'm a little scared, after finding out that Alexander is a Mafia don, I don't feel safe here. I'm always scared 24/7, and it's even worse because of what's happening around.

Who knows when one of his enemies may decide to bomb the entire house, I'm too young to die people. Too young, I haven't even graduated, or owned my own house yet. I still have a lot to do, and a lot I wanna achieve. I know it's kinda pointless to dream about all of these things since I'm a prisoner here but a little hope won't kill me right?

Mateo entered my room looking as tired as always, I was starting to get worried about him. "Hey." "Hey bunny bear."Mateo I'm worried about you, what's going on?" I was genuinely worried, Mateo is very special to me. He's like a big brother I never had and never knew I needed. Seeing him like this makes me sad.

He came and threw himself on my bed next to me. "I'm okay, I just need some sleep that's all." "Well sleep than, you do look like you need it." He took off his shoes and his jacket and got comfortable in my bed, he zoned off immediately.

He looks cute when he's sleeping with his lips slightly parted. He cuddled up with one of the pillows and I just craved to have a camera so I can take a picture. An idea popped up in my head and I quietly took his jacket looking for his phone. I found it and opened the camera, jackpot, he doesn't have a password. I opened the camera and took countless pictures of him sleeping.

My fingers ached to see what else he has in here, but I decided against it. His phone, his privacy. It's worse enough I took it without permission, hope the pictures will make him not get mad at me. I heard a knock at the door and quickly went to answer it before Mateo woke up.

"Umm hi?" "Boss requests your presence." "Oh, okay. I'll be there in a sec." She nodded and left. I had already freshened up so I just changed, wore a silky headscarf around my waist and a gown on top. Nothing else, just the headscarf. I made my way to the 3rd floor since I know my way around now.

I entered the dance room and damn he looked like shit. I thought Mateo did but he's worse. He had bags under his eyes, and looked stressed. I requested to choose a song this time and he allowed it. I don't think he had any energy to fight me or something. I opened Spotify and searched for Joro by Wizkid. I love Nigerian music people, I guess it's part of my African genes, I don't know.

I turned around with my back facing him and took off the gown. I crouched down with my legs spread and started waist dancing. Moving my ass up and down to the beat of the song, slowly circling my waist. Turning around, I crawled my way towards him, he couldn't keep his eyes off my boobs. White men and boobs sometimes, but I don't blame him, I have beautiful tits if I can say so myself.

I slowly straddled him and started twerking whilst giving him neck kissing. I was playing with fire here but I didn't mind. Slowly grinding my waist against his very hard boner, he closed his eyes as he groaned. He held my waist forcing me to stop and I looked at him with my most innocent smile. He gave me a small tired smile, shame, wonder what it is that is stressing him so much.

He gripped my hair and dipped his head at the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent. I just wrapped my hand around his neck as the other played with his hair. He seemed to relax a little and I was happy I was able to help him a little.

He then hugged my waist pulling me closer and we stayed like that in silence. No words said, just our breathing making the sounds. We stayed for I don't know how long until I heard him snoring. Is he sleeping? Awww, that's just cute, he's actually sleeping. I mean I know he sleeps, he's a human, but still.

I was starting to get uncomfortable in this position but I didn't wanna wake him up, him and Mateo need the rest. They look like they haven't slept in days. I heard a knock and it woke him up instantly. His sleepy face needed a camera too, sorry you guys but I love taking pictures of men when they are sleeping or just woke up.

His eyes were red and he looked high because of how small they were. I got off him and wore my gown, he left the room and I followed behind him going to my room. I found Mateo already awake starring at his phone. Shit, I forgot to put it back in his jacket.

"Hey." I said giving him my best smile. He just gave me a look, the, "you better explain what you were doing with my phone" look. "Okay before you get mad I'm sorry. It's just that you looked so cute when you were sleeping and I just had to take pictures. And since I don't have my phone anymore, I decided to use yours. I know I shouldn't have and I'm sorry." I said looking down and fiddling with my fingers.

I heard him chuckle and looked up to see him looking at his phone, probably the pictures. He came towards me and I remained in my spot. "The pictures are cute but next time don't touch my phone without my permission okay?" "I promise it will never happen again." I couldn't look him in the eyes. I could tell he wasn't pleased but he was trying to hide it. "Good." He kissed my forehead and left my room. I finally let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I than freshened up and I wore my pyjamas going to bed. Today was a very strange day.

Short chapter, I know. It's nothing but a cute and sweet chapter. What do you guys think is happening?

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