Chapter 9

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Trigger warning: Sexual harrassment

I quickly put on a maroon lingerie with maroon heels, apply the hot red lipstick they bought for me and I was out. It's my first time leaving the room without permission but I have a mission here people and I don't care. This is a huge ass house and I don't even know where his office or room is. "Where are you going sweetheart?" I turn around to see one of the huge bodyguards that work here. This man has always given me the creeps, the way he looks at me just doesn't sit right with me.

I know I should be used to all this right now, I mean I worked half naked infront of men for a year, but you can never get used to the looks and the nasty comments.
We didn't get harassed at the club though because Mariano made sure that we were respected and safe. "I asked where you're going, are you deaf or something?" He asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I decide to ignore him and continue looking for the big boss's office.

I felt a sudden hard push and I fall to the floor. Looking up to see it's still that bodyguard and he does not have have a friendly face at the moment. I try getting up but he kicks me in my stomach and I scream in pain as I clutch my stomach. That just seems to irritate him more because he comes and kicks my mouth and blood starts coming out. The tears burn my eyes and I can feel my lips start to swell.

He opens the closest door to us and drags me in. I try loosening myself from his grip to no avail. He only grabs a fistful of my hair in his big hand and slams my head hard on the floor twice. I start seeing stars, with my vision getting blurry and I hear that annoying buzzing sound ringing in my ear. The pain, I can't handle it, call me weak but this is the first time I've ever been manhandled.

I hear him lock the door and make his way towards me. He picks me up and tosses me on the bed like I weigh nothing. I start panicking when I hear the sound of his zipper, I immediately knew where this is going and I can't allow it to happen. I use the little strength I have left to try and get up but he grabs my ankle and pulls me towards the edge of the bed.

He turns me around, making me lay on my back looking up at him. His penis is already out of his boxers and fully erect. I scream for help, hoping someone will hear me and help me. He comes on top of me, straddling me. The powerless punches and slaps I land on him don't seem to do anything but irritate him more. He pins my hands above my head and starts kissing my neck. I cry even more, trying to get out of his grasp. "Shut up and let me finish or I'll make sure your little sister is next." That statement had me frozen and shut me up because I can't allow that to happen to her.

I wouldn't want her or anyone to go through what I'm going through knowing I could've stopped it by letting it happen to me. I'm not that selfish.
He groans in satisfaction and starts grinding on me. I silently cry as I pray for him to finish quickly and let me go. He bites my nipples hard through my lace bra and I try by all means not to scream. "Your tears make me so happy baby, cry for daddy more sweetheart." God this man is sick, how can he find pleasure in what he's doing? He removes my underwear and smiles at my nakedness . I've never felt so violated in my entire life. "Beautiful, I can't wait to feel you around..."

Three shots are fired at the door and broken down, revealing non other than the boss himself. I don't know if I should be happy or not. The guard looks like he just saw a ghost and quickly gets off me, he pulls up his pants and before he can explain himself, he's shot twice on his knees. I scream again closing my eyes and ears as the memories of what happened with Bianca come back.

"Mateo get here right now!" I keep rocking myself back and forth with my eyes shut and my head buried between my legs. Tears and snort doing as they please in my face, wetting my thighs in the process. I feel someone touch me and I jerk up and scream again. "Please don't hurt me, please." I feel a sting in my neck and I black out.


I leave her room in a hurry before things get out of hand. This girl, this little girl is pissing me off. She's been in my head since the first day I saw her. I can't get her out of my head and I don't like it. I still don't know what this feeling is but I'm pretty sure it's just lust and thirst for revenge. She's 16 years younger than me, but still has this annoying hold on me.

Fucking hell I can't be thinking about her like this. Her body, her smile, how cute she looks when she's sleeping with her lips slightly parted, or with drool coming out. I know it's probably wierd, but I love watching her sleep. She's a deep sleeper, so she's never heard me enter her room at night and watch her sleep for hours.

Hearing her moan did things to me, I wanted to bend her over and fuck her senseless. I sigh in frustration as I enter my office. I look at the CCTV footage of her room and see her getting ready. I frown cause I don't remember giving any orders of her working today, than I remember that I told her to dance for me. That lingerie looks amazing on her thick body. My dick stirred in my pants and I hate it.

She leaves the room and that's when I decide to follow her trail. What is this little vixen up to? She doesn't even know where my office is.

I see one of my men Marcus follow her, what is he up to? He seems to have said something to her because she turns around to look at him, after a while she leaves and that's when I snap. That motherfucker just touched her, he's gonna pay for that. The anger I was feeling right now had me burning, fuming.

I quickly leave my office to take care of the situation downstairs. I press the elevator button which takes it own goddamn time to open making me even more mad. I need to shoot someone and now.  I finally arrived downstairs , I hear her cries and I pick up my pace making my way to the room they are in. It's quiet now and that has me... worried? I shake the feeling off, I'm probably imagining things. I shoot the door 3 times and break it down . Making my way in, the scene infront of me makes me see red and I shoot Marcus on his knees.

I call Mateo to come and take him to the basement. Amanda seems shaken as she rocks herself back and forth crying. Mateo comes back and tries to touch her but she flinches. "Please don't hurt me, please." She pleads with her eyes still closed. Mateo takes out a syringe with a sedative and injects her on her neck, and she passes out.

"Take her to my room." I say that leaving, going to the basement, someone is dying tonight and I can't wait to have their blood all over me.

I loosen up my tie and remove my suit jacket. To say I'm angry is an understatement, I'm going to torture this fucker and I'll make sure to take out all my frustration on him. I haven't killed anyone in almost a month, my hands were starting to itch and I needed my fix.
Marcus is already tired up with a few scars on his naked body already. I smile as I smell the metallic taste of blood, this is going to be fun.

Hey my lovies. What did y'all think of Alex's pov? Haven't mastered writing in male pov yet, but I promise to get better.

And if any of you are a victim of SA, my deepest apologies and I hope you'll get through it 😊❤️.

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