Chapter 16

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Today was gonna be a long and very irritating dreadful day. It was one of those days where Mafia balls were hosted. The Prior family was hosting it today. They are one of our business partners and my father happens to be friends with them.

I got a call from my father, "Alexander." "Ace." "I'm still your father boy, and you will respect me. I don't care how old you are, but you will not address me by my first name." I rolled my eyes at him. My father and I, or should I say, Ace, we don't really get along. "What do you want?" He sighed in defeat and annoyance. "You know about today's ball right?" "Yes, how can I not know when you won't stop reminding me about it."

This call was exhausting me already. I had plenty of work to do, like finding the spy and dealing with the Colombianas. "Yes, and I hope you will be there. And you'll be there with a woman." "And why do I need to be there, and with a woman?" "Cause you're 37 years old for crying out loud. Most Dons have about 3 or 4 kids by then. You need an heir, and I don't want people thinking I gave birth to a gay man."

I personally do not want kids. I wouldn't want to burden kids with the life of being in a Mafia. I never wanted this life, so I wouldn't be selfish enough to do that to my own kids. And also because it's just to piss my father off, I want to end the empire he has worked so hard to build. I'm his only child, so if both of us die, it'll be the end of the Carter empire, and he knows that.

"I'll be there." I dropped the call and called Mateo. "Yes boss?" "Get Amanda a dress, I'm taking her with me to the ball." "Umm I don't think that's a good idea boss?" I looked at him in a blank face. "And why is that?" "The Colombianas will be there and you taking Amanda with you, will just make them think she's your weakness and put her life in danger." "No one will touch her. If anyone is to lay, even a finger on her, I will personally kill them myself. Now go and get her the dress before I shoot you again." He looked a little hesitant but finally agreed and left. Whatever feelings he has for Amanda are starting to get on my nerves. She is mine, she's always been mine.


I haven't gotten any instructions for the past week and I wonder why. The boss left me horny again and haven't wanted a dance since than. I haven't seen Mateo too and I really miss him. Speaking of the devil, he entered my room carrying a dress and heels.

"Hey bunny bear. Missed me?" I jumped and gave him a hug. He groaned in pain and I quickly let go. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm okay." "No you're not, what's wrong?" He smiled at me holding my cheeks, "It's nothing for you to worry about, I'll be okay." I pouted and he kissed my forehead and finally let me go.

"Anyways, guess who's going to a ball?" "You?" "Yes, but you are too." "Why?" "Because boss said so." "I didn't take him as that kinda guy." "It's not that kinda ball sweetheart." "Than what kind is it?" I asked already confused. "You'll find out soon enough." Mhh, he won't tell me anything will he?

"So, am I like your date or something?" "Yeah I wish, but no. Boss man is." My eyes widened in shock. You telling me, I'll be his date to a ball? "You don't look sad that you won't be my date." He said pouting, it was cute and I just laughed at him. He ended up joining me. "Of course I'm sad, would've been fun to leave the house and actually hangout with someone I enjoy spending time with."

He gave me that smirk of his and I just rolled my eyes. "So you enjoy spending time with me huh?" "Of course I do." I said shrugging my shoulders. He look taken aback by me admitting to what I just said. I went over to him and gave him a bear hug and he returned it.

He finally left me to freshen up and get ready after telling me, a hairdresser and make-up artist will be here shortly to pamper me. I finished taking a shower and wore a lace thong with no bra. The dress was a black, long sequin bodice cami dress with a thigh high slit and I loved it. I paired it with the black YSL heels they brought from me and I was done.

The hairdresser and make-up artist finally arrived and they started doing their work. I'm not a big make up fan, so I asked for a natural look. After 2 hours they were finally done and I was already tired. I looked pretty good if I say so myself. They cleaned up their stuff and left. Mateo came to my room and we were both stunned to see each other.

He looked amazing in his probably custom made burgundy red suit and black shoes. His fade and beard were freshly cut and he also smelled good. "Wow", we both said at the same time. "Jinx", we said at the same time again laughing. "You look beautiful." I couldn't help but blush at the compliment. "You look amazing too." "I know." "Cocky aren't we?" I said rolling my eyes. He laughed and opened his arms for a hug and I accepted it. He kissed my forehead and led me downstairs.

I was nervous to see how the boss looked like and how he was going to react to my look. "Hey Mateo?" "Yes bunny?" "What's the bosses name, and what does he do exactly?" "Well little one, I think I'd be best if you ask him yourself." "I'm scared." "Why?" "Cause he is a scary giant that's why. I can't even form a good sentence when he's around." Only because all I think about is all the ways he can fuck me until I forget who I am, but Mateo doesnt need to know that. 

We finally made it downstairs and God damnit he looked good. I mean, his outfit was simple but he still looked good. He was wearing a black 3 piece suit with a black shirt along with a black tie. He had on silver cufflinks and Black shiny formal shoes. The suit just made him more intimidating. His midnight Black hair was slicked back, which just made him look even hotter.

He looked at me and looked at Mateo. He didn't seem pleased with me clinging on to his arm, and looks like Mateo noticed too because he decided to let go and move away. Okay? "I'll leave you two to it." After that he left and I was left with the boss.

We stayed in uncomfortable silence until he cleared his throat. "Follow me." I did as told without asking any questions. He led me to the elevator and we made out way to the 3rd floor. He led me to one of the 3 doors in this floor. I've never been to any other room except for the dance room.

This one looked like an office, a real one. I was so lost in the dark interior that I jumped in shock when he held my waist from behind. I relaxed when he rested his head on my shoulder and started kissing my neck. No, I do not need this now. "Please stop." I said barely in a whisper. He stopped but remained in his position.

I decided to finally ask him his name. "Umm, what's your name?" He chuckled and moved away from me. I turned to look at him and his back was facing me. He held a black square shaped velvet box. He turned around and came towards me. "You look beautiful, but something's missing." "And what is missing exactly?" I asked confused and a little hurt. Did he not like my makeup? Is the dress not good enough? He opened the box and my eyes widened in shock. Inside was a black diamond necklace with matching earrings. "Turn around." I did as told in excitement as I couldn't wait for him to put the necklace on. It looked amazing and I couldn't believe I was going to be wearing it.

He started by putting on my earrings and than the necklace. The whole time I was smiling like an idiot. "You haven't answered my question." I said as I remembered that I asked him his name. "Alexander Carter." I tensed when he said that and a lot of things started to make sense. "What's wrong?" He must have noticed how I was now uneasy. "Umm, it's nothing. Nothing at all, you have a nice name?" I said unsure of what to say exactly. He just chuckled and told me it's time to go.

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