Chapter 36

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I can't believe my eyes. Mariano and Alex here together. He came to save me. They came to save me. Tears fall down my eyes and I aim my gun at Alex. His eyes widen in shock. I'm still mad at him, and maybe shooting him will make me feel better. Maybe if I shoot him, he'll be able to feel the pain I'm feeling. All of this is his fault.

"Amanda. Doll, put the gun down." I close my eyes and pull the trigger. The sound echoing around the room. I open my eyes to see Alex clutching his wounded stomach in shock. I start shaking as I realise what I've done. The gun in my hand drops and that's when all guns are aimed at me. I lift my hands up in surrender but I noticed their eyes are not directed at me.

Before I can turn around, I'm held in a chokehold with a gun placed at the side of my head. "Tell your men to put their guns down son, or I won't shoot this pretty thing of yours." Alex's dad? If looks could kill, than Alex's dad would be dead already. The look in both Alex and Mariano's eyes can make anyone pee their pants. Their murderous glares making them hotter than they already are. Fuck. Really Amanda? Are you seriously being a simp, now?

"Ace. Let her go now!" Alex's says in his deep voice. He's in pain from where I shot him, and now, he has to deal with his father. "You heard what he said, let her go and we might just make your death quicker than its supposed to." Mariano adds. I've never seen him so serious and angry. The fact that he's this way all because of me ignites some butterflies in my stomach. Okay that's it, I've lost my mind.

"Drop it Ace, I won't ask you again." Another voice behind us says. I wanted to see who that is. Ace laughs. This man actually laughs. "Sam, Sam, Sam. I see you're still alive." He says. Who's Sam? "Drop it or I'll shoot." "If you pull the trigger, you'll be killing your own daughter. I'm sure you wouldn't want her to die before she can officially meet her father now would you?" My eyes widen and I try to get out of this man's hold so I can see him. My father.

Do I really look like him? I struggle against Ace's hold and that seems to help my father get a hold of the gun in his hand. I use this as my chance to escape from his hold and move away from him, turning around to see him. My father. He shoots Ace on his knees and he falls down, grunting in pain. My father uses this as an opportunity to kick him in the face, completely knocking him out.

I stay frozen in place, my eyes never leaving him. He trails his eyes off of Ace's unconscious body to me. Our eyes lock and holy hell I do look like him. I'm like a female version of him. Tears sting my eyes as I couldn't believe this. He quickly takes off his jacket and uses it to cover my body. I have long forgotten that I am wearing nothing but a lace thong, a lace bra that showed my nipples and a matching garter belt.

I put the jacket on and it reaches my thighs. I look up at him. He's tall and I cry. I let the tears fall and he finally engulfs me in a warm, and what I'm guessing a fatherly hug. I cry in his chest as I fist his shirt. Not wanting to let go, and wishing that this is not a dream but something really happening.

"Shhh, it's okay sweetheart. You're okay now. You're safe. Nkosazane ka baba(father's princess/daughter). You are safe." I continue crying. Not believing what's really happening. Is this real? Is he really here?
He picks me up and I just burry myself in his neck as he leads us out of the warehouse.

A car door opens and he gently puts me down and indicates for me to get in. I never imagined how it'd be like if I ever met my father. Because I never thought I would. Him being here, I just feel so happy. A part of my life that has been missing for 21 years is finally here. Yes, Candice and Ben's father was amazing towards me but still. I still wanted to know my real father, have a relationship with him.

"Wait, the other girls." I finally remember I wasn't alone here. "Don't worry Tesoro they're safe." Mariano replies and I heave a sigh of relief. I don't throw Alex a single glance but I can feel his burning gaze on me. I lay my head on my father's shoulder and he holds me tight. I close my eyes and allow sleep to take over as the car drove us back to I don't even care where.

Yeyyy. Amanda finally meets her dad. I'm honestly happy for her. Every girl deserves a father's love.

How did you feel about her shooting Alex? Do you think he deserved it? Cause I definitely think he did. I would've shot him too if I were her.

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