Chapter 29

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I honestly did not think she could pull it off but she did. She fucking did. I left her in the car as I made my away inside the warehouse. Christophe and the boys were already waiting for me. There was someone else here, and by the way he was dressed and guarded, I just knew he was the boss.

I expected more to be honest. I expected to get scared when I see him but I didn't, guess that's why it was easy for Bianca to double cross him. He doesn't look like what he makes himself out to be. He's just an old man in an expensive suit with a cigar on his mouth and bodyguards.

"So? Did you get it?" Christophe's inpatient annoying self asked before I could even sit down. I placed the handbag infront of the boss and he smiled. Opening it, he took out the diamonds and the folder. The look in his eyes was like that of a toddler given candy. Another thing, he's easy to read. He fails to hide his emotions. Makes me wonder why they fear him so much. But I guess having money and power will do that.

"You did well my boy, you did well. Now, where's that cunt?" I would be lying if I said I didn't like how he just called me a boy, and how he just addressed Bianca as a cunt. But because I want to get out of here alive, I'll let it slide.

"She's in the car. But before you can kill her, how about you just let me have her for one last night." I said leaning back and giving him a smug smile. He chuckled and just waved me off. "Fine, fine. As long as she'll be dead by tomorrow noon." I bowed my head and left. He's crazy if he thinks he'll lay even a finger on her. He'll have to kill me first.

At first, Bianca was just my mission, but I like her now. And I won't let some grown ass wannabe Mafia take what's mine. She belonged to me the minute I met her. And no one, I mean no one touches what's mine. I'll have to take her away to a safe house with her son. I'll protect her from him, from everyone.

I made my way back to the car. "The boss is very pleased and he will send you your money in the morning." I lied, but she doesn't have to know that. She thanked me and I kissed her cheek as the driver started driving us to my house.

We made it to my house and she was in awe. She'll have plenty time to admire it tomorrow cause now, I needed to have her and I will. I turned her around kissing her lips. So soft, so perfect, so gifted. My dick stirred in my pants when I remember how good and hot her mouth felt around my dick.

Picking her up bridal style, I made my way upstairs to my room without breaking the kiss.Gently laying her on top of the bed, I pulled of the kiss to look at her. Pure perfection. Her eyes were now small and red from arousal. I decided not to waste any time and quickly took off her heels and dress. Leaving her bare and exposed to me. Her beautiful naked body was a masterpiece.

I kissed her again running my hands on every curve of her body. Hooking her legs around my waist as I grabbed her ass bringing her closer. Rubbing my hard on against her wet cunt. "Damon." She moans into the kiss. I can't take this anymore.

I break the kiss, seating on my heels as I look at her swollen lips, her beautiful neck, her perfect round breast, her stomach that had some stretch marks down to her beautiful wet pink pussy. Her clit swollen and begging for attention.

I got off the bed, taking off all my clothes. She started rubbing her clit and my dick got even more hard. Fuck she's killing me. Inserting her finger inside her pussy, taking it out licking off her juices as she kept eye contact. Jesus fuck.

I got back on the bed, grabbing her legs as I placed them on my shoulders, I dived into her sweet pussy and I groaned at how good she tasted. She was so wet and her moans drove me crazy. She fisted my hair in a tight grip as I ate her out.

"Da- Damon I'm so close." And she came all over my face and mouth. I drank all of her juices as her legs shook around my head and her grip on my hair got tighter. Finally satisfied I finally removed her legs from shoulder. Hovering over her with her juices on my lips. She looked so beautiful in this state, high from the pleasure I was giving her.

Kissing her and making her taste herself, I aligned my dick with her entrance and thrusted in. "Fuck." "Damon." We both said at the same time. Her walls wrapped around my dick felt like heaven, a drug. So perfect and euphoric. I started with slow strokes. I wanted to savour and enjoy this. The night is still young and I planned on fucking her till she passed out.

"Damon faster please. Fuck." She said and I gave her what she wanted. I picked up my pace and she screamed my name. Scratching my back as her eyes rolled back. "Fuck baby you feel so good." I praised her. She just moaned in replied, too lost in the pleasure to form any coherent sentence.

Sitting on heels, I placed her legs on my shoulder, grabbing her waist as I continued thrusting inside. This position making me go deeper inside her whilst giving me a good view of where our bodies connected. I looked at her pussy and my dick as it went in and out of her in hard and fast thrusts.

The view brought me closer to my release and I started rubbing her clit. Wanting her to cum all over my cock before I fill her up with my cum. "Cum for me sweetheart, show me how good I make you feel." And that was it, her pussy walls gripped my dick even harder, making it hard to thrust inside and her to be even tighter.

"Fuck baby, just like that." She came screaming my name. I looked at how her juices coated my dick and my lower stomach as she started squirting and that was enough to send me off the edge. I came deep inside and a growl left my throat. "Fuck". I said catching my breath, going down and kissing her lips.

Still hard inside her, I turned us around with her on top and straddling me. "Fuck Damon you're in too deep." She said with her head thrown back and her hands on my stomach. "But you can take it right? You want to make me proud don't you sweetheart?" "Yes. I wanna make you so proud." She said nodding her head. "Good girl. Now ride me, show me how much you love my cock inside you."

She moaned as she started circling her waist. She did whilst also bouncing up and down and I grabbed her waist even harder, sure to leave bruises. She than hovered over me and kissed me before she started bouncing up and down on my dick. Her sweet moans were music to my ears as she rode my dick like she was made for it.

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