Chapter 42

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I look at my father. Covered in his own blood, open scars, bullet wounds and blisters. He looks weak, just how I wanted him to be. My hands and whole body is also covered in his blood.

I look at my shaking bruised hands and I feel like laughing. My heart is beating faster, probably because of the workout I just had. And by workout, I mean torturing the shit out of my father.

I've never enjoyed torturing someone like I just enjoyed torturing my own father. His screams of pain, were music to my ears. He's a tough one, I have to give him that. It took a while for him to break, only because I snapped and cut off his dick after what he said. Just thinking about it pisses me off all over again.

"I should've just fucked that bitch of yours so she could give me an heir. A real one, not this useless peace of shit you turned out to be." That's what he said, and I saw red. The images of him forcing himself on Amanda kept playing over and over in my head, and I lost it.

Breaking every bone in his body and cutting off his dick. He couldn't die any quicker, but that's what I wanted. I wanted as much time I can get to torture him, make him feel the pain he made my mother feel all those years they were together.

After that, I poured boiling oil from his head. Watching as the oil left blisters as it travelled down his naked body. That seemed to do it because he took his final breath, but not after fucking with me and saying, "You may think you've won, but you haven't. You'll never live to enjoy your life with that bitch of yours."

After that, he went quiet. I felt nothing. I thought that maybe I'd feel joy after killing him. Knowing that he died by my hands, and that I finally avenged my mother, but I felt nothing. I was just numb.

I didn't even know how long I've been here, and I didn't care. I sat down, resting my back against the stone cold walls of the basement. Tilting my head back as I closed my eyes. Taking deep breaths to calm myself down. I could feel my hands still shaking.

For years I've been wanting revenge, to kill my father. I thought I'd feel better but I don't, I'm still the same and that makes me angry. Angry to know I turned out exactly how he wanted me to be. Heartless, selfish, brutal, and the devil himself.

Funny thing is, I know he'd be proud of me. Proud of me killing him and not even feeling an ounce of emotion. He wanted a monster out of me and he got one. Nothing but an empty shell, no emotions, just nothing.

I don't know how long I stayed here, but the knock on the door is what snapped me out of my thoughts. Standing up, I went over to open it, finding Mariano there. He's still here?

"Did I disturb you?" He asks. "No, I'm already done." "Okay. I just wanted to say I'm leaving now to go fetch Amanda's family, I'm sure she'll want to see them. I'll be back with them next week." "Right, and thank you. For everything." I say, not liking the words coming out of my mouth.

I'm not one to say thank you or be offered help, solely because I always do things myself. What Mariano did, I'll forever be grateful for it, but that doesn't mean we're friends or partners.

"Like I said before, I didn't do it for you. I did it for Amanda." He said that and left. I decided to take care of my father's body, before going to freshen up so I can see my doll. My Amanda.

I take a long deserved shower. Washing away the dried out blood and trying to relax my muscles. My body was tense and I needed to stretch a little.


I wake up sore between my legs but with a sheepish grin on my face. I still can't believe that happened, I finally slept with Alex. Fuck it was amazing and just thinking about it gets me all hot and bothered. I look to my left to see that Alex is not here. I'm a little disappointed, thought I'd wake up with him by my side.

Sighing, I get off bed and head for the bathroom, not before making the bed. Doing my business and deciding on taking a hot bath. I'll use Alex's bath foam, cause why not?

Filling the tub with water, making sure the temperature is just how I want it to be. Getting in and just letting the water do it work. My mind drifts off to what happened, not with just Alex but everything.

How did I go from a normal college kid to a stripper, to being kidnapped, falling for my kidnapper, being kidnapped again and rescued? Finally meeting my father for the first time. Killing someone. Shooting Alex and sleeping with him the very same day. I'm even surprised he was able to fuck me that hard with his wound still fresh.

Tears sting my eyes and I blink them away, I promised myself I wouldn't cry and I won't. The old, cry baby Amanda is gone. I'm a woman now, and I have to start acting like one.

When I was done with my bath, I wear Alex's sweater. I didn't even think he'd have one, come to think of it, I've never seen him in casual clothes before.

Leaving his room to go to the kitchen, baby girl is starving. I get there to see my father and Mariano. I go over to my dad and kiss his cheek. "Morning." I greet them, joining them and seating down across them in the kitchen island.

"Morning sweetheart. How did you sleep?" My father asks. "Great, thanks for asking. You?" I say and I can see Mariano holding in back a laugh. I know he knows what happened last night. I can see it in his eyes, but my dad doesn't need to know that.

"Yes you did Tesoro, yes you did." He says smirking at me. I roll my eyes at him and a maid brings me food, it's like she knew I was hungry. I dig in the minute she places the plate down.

"So Amanda." Mariano said, I hum with food still in my mouth, looking at him. "I'm flying to Italy tomorrow to fetch your family. I'm sure you'd love to see them, but I'll be back next week." He says and I swallow my food, quickly getting off my chair to go and give him a hug.

"Thank you Mariano." I say with my face buried in his chest and he hugs me back tighter. He always had the best hugs. I broke the hug when I heard someone clearing their throat and I knew it was Alex.

Quickly pulling off of Mariano's embrace, I turn around to see Alex all clean and already wearing a suit. He didn't look pleased and his eyes were on Mariano. "I thought you said you were leaving." He says to Mariano, not even looking at me.

"I am, but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to my Tesoro." He says with a smirk and Alex groans, coming closer and I quickly stand infront of him, hugging him too.

He seems to take a while to register what's happening before he hugs me back. He's a bit tense, but I guess it's cause he's not used to physical affection. "Leave." He says to I'm guessing Mariano and he just laughs heading for the door.

My father also leaves the room, leaving just me and Alex. He grabs both of cheeks, leaning closer and kissing me. I'll never get tired of kissing him.

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