Chapter 25

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Damon's pov

I drove back to the warehouse pissed off. I mean, I expected Bianca to react that way but still. If I mess this up, I'm dead. The boss, who I don't even know or I've ever seen has been keeping tabs on Bianca for a year. Bianca may act all innocent and like the mother of the year but she isn't. She's a liar, manipulator, a thief and a con artist. She tried to con her baby daddy Ethan by trying to trap him with a baby, but I guess Ethan is smarter than that.

Than last year, she was able to drug and sleep with the boss and also steal from him. Yes, the big boss. She stole his watch that was worth 500k, a family emblem that he got from his father and was somehow able to crack his safe and steal all the money inside and cocaine. How she did it, no one knows. No one, I mean, no one is dumb enough to mess with the big boss, but I guess she was, or she didn't know who he was.

She was able to leave the house without any hassle and that resulted in every guard to be killed by the boss the next day. He was angry, pissed, felt insulted and most importantly, he had his ego bruised. But I'm sure he won't admit that.

He fell into a trap of a woman and she was able to get in and out of his house like she lived there.
Bianca later sold off all those things and spent the money she stole too, but of course she wasn't smart enough to pay off all her loans before spending all that money in shopping sprees and vacations.

Boss wanted her dead but he also saw her potential, if she was able to outsmart him, than he was sure she can do that again. But this time, it wouldn't be her choice and she will end up dead afterwards. He knew that her son was her weakness, so he used that against her.

That's when Ethan came in. We needed her desperate, and left with no choice but to do this mission. We could do it ourselves but boss just wants the same thing that happened to him to happen to his enemies, and besides, who would suspect an innocent, beautiful looking woman?

The Carter's are the boss's enemies. They have what he needs, and those are black diamonds. They are very rare, and not easy to find. He's been wanting to do business with the Carter's so he can get into the diamond business but they didn't want to. Well atleast, he didn't want to. Alexander Carter, the don of the Carter Mafia. He is a ruthless fucker and everyone knew it. The boss also wanted her to steal documents from Alex's office. We don't know what's inside them, but he does because he's desperate for them.

I parked my car and made my way inside the warehouse to find Christophe and the gang waiting. "So? Is she in?" Christophe asked without even throwing me a small glance. "Hello to you Chris. Did you have a good night sleep?" I said mocking him.

I knew I was in deep shit but I honestly didn't care. "Don't bullshit me Damon, is she in or not?" "Not yet." He finally looked up and he didn't looked pleased. I put my hands in my pocket and looked at him. "The stupid ball is tomorrow and you're telling me you haven't been able to convince her? What am I supposed to say to the boss?"

"Stop making your problems my problems man. What you tell the boss is none of my business. All you need to know, is that she'll be there tomorrow." He looked even more pissed and that just made happy. I enjoy getting on people's nerves, it gets me off. "What makes you so sure?" "Trust me I know." "I don't fucking care what you know, or what you don't. I need a clear answer."

He stepped closer and I quickly removed my hands from my pockets. He tried to punch me, but I ducked and punched his stomach.
He groaned and came at me again but I dodged his attack again and punched him in the face breaking his nose. I honestly don't enjoy fighting people like Christophe. He likes acting like a big boss, but all he is, is a fucking sissy. He throws temper tantrums like a three year old everytime things don't go his way or we don't listen to him.

My phone rings as he tried to come at me again and I raised my finger indicating for him to stop. I showed him who was calling and he finally calmed down. Asshole. "Bianca" I answered the phone. He mouthed, "put it on speaker" and I did. "Hey Damon. I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that." Her voice was a little horse, maybe it's from all the screaming and crying she probably did after I left.

"Can I help you with anything?" I replied coldly. Just to make her feel guilty and even more desperate. Mind games people, mind games. "Look I'm sorry okay, I was just shocked and angry and I felt betrayed." "Betrayed? Have I ever lied to you?" "No Damon and I'm sorry." "What's your real reason for calling me?" I asked sounding pissed. She sighed and kept quiet for a while.

Christophe looked to be losing his cool and that made me almost laugh. He is such a fucking kid and it's annoying. "I'll do it." Jackpot. I smiled in victory looking at Christophe with the, "I told you so look". He just rolled his eyes and left. "You'll do what Bianca?" I already knew the answer but I wanted her to say it. "I'll do IT, I'll help you rob that house." "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm fucking sure, now am I still in or what?" "You were never out in the first place, I knew you'd come around" I heard her scoff in annoyance and my heart melted. I told you, I enjoy getting on people's nerves, and Bianca is no exception.

"Fine. When are we doing this?" That's a good girl. "Tomorrow, I'll tell you all about it when I pick you up." I dropped the call before she could reply.

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