Chapter 13

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Song to play: Under the influence by Chris Brown.

What Mateo did for me the other day was very sweet. He stayed with me for the rest of the week until my periods were over. Buying me junk food everyday. I don't know why he was suddenly so nice but I didn't mind. I might as well enjoy my stay here rather than being miserable until they decide to "dispose" of me.

As much as I enjoy Mateo's company, I still don't trust him. Like I said before, I don't think I can trust anyone after Bianca. Thinking about her again just makes me very sad.

I'm going back to work today and I'm more than happy. I quickly freshen up and wear a white lace lingerie with a matching gown and white heels. I'm dancing for the boss first before going to the club. I haven't seen him since that incident and I'm a little nervous. Memories of him touching me and being so close to me come back. I bite my lip and try to think of something else.

The lady who usually escorts me to the boss who's name I've learnt is Debrah finally comes for me. The walk to the boss's office is always a nerve wrecking one, my heart is beating out of my chest and my palms are starting to sweat.

We finally arrive and I wait for him to enter the room. He enters the room and he looks good as always. I wonder if he ever thought of coming to see me, I'm sure he didn't though. He probably has better things to do than worry about some random girl. Under the influence by Chris Brown starts playing.

I take a deep breath and start dancing.
I start doing Nicole Kirkland's choreography. I have to salute that girl cause that is the best choreography for the song. I make sure to keep the eye contact with him at all times. I continue dancing and finally crawl my way to him.

He doesn't take his eyes away from me and it only makes him more intimidating and makes me question my next move. I decide to be brave and just go ahead with it.

I grab on to his knees and I feel him tense but he quickly loosens up. I run my hands on his thighs all the way up to his waist. Slowly standing up and straddling him still keeping eye contact with him. He relaxes a bit and spreads his legs wider making me sit on top of his very noticeable bulge.

That makes me a little happy that I have as much affect on him as he has on me. I stare at his blue eyes that I don't even notice when the song ended. He tilts his head with a smirk and I clear my throat and quickly get off him. "I'm sorry, sir." I say feeling embarassed, creating enough distance between us.

He stands up from his sit as makes his way towards me. With each taunting step he takes I take a step back but he quickly grabs a hold of me and pulls me by my waist. I hide my face in his chest, God he smells good. His masculine scent is driving me crazy. I thank God I'm dark skinned or else I would have been red like a tomato right now with all the blushing and embarassment I am feeling.

He lifts my chin with his index finger forcing me to look at him. I try to look away but he forcefully grabs my throat pulling me even closer to him. I couldn't stop the moaning whimper that leaves my mouth as he does that. "Please." I beg because I can't handle it anymore. The ache between my legs is killing me, and it's worse knowing I have no one to help me out.

Like the gentleman he is, he let's go of me and leaves the office. I let go of the breath I didn't even know I was holding as I try to calm myself down. I'm escorted back to my room and I'm still turned on and in serious need of a release.


I walk into my office frustrated at myself. What is this girl doing to me? What is this attraction I feel towards her? She's always in my head, I can't even concentrate on my business anymore because of her. I leave the dance room with a painful bulge because of her.

I pace around my office as I battle with my thoughts on whether I should go to her room now and claim her as mine or not. I decide to watch her in the CCTV of her room like I always do and I regret it the minute my eyes land on the screen. The little vixen is naked on her bed with her legs spread wide open.

I watch as she slowly sucks her 2 fingers as she uses her other hand to play with her boobs. My bulge gets even more painful and unbearable. I should stop watching for my own sake but I can't take my eyes off the screen. She takes out her wet fingers and slowly leads them to the spot between her legs. I quickly enable the volume so I can hear her sweet moans.

She starts rubbing her clit and her sweet faint moans are music to my ears. Her closed eyes with her mouth slightly open as she looses herself in her own pleasure is a sight to see. She slowly inserts her two fingers and she lets out a small scream. "Fuck!" I groan out in frustration as my cock jerks in my pants.

She continues to play with herself as she arch her back, as she leads herself towards her release. She grabs her throat with her head titled back as she started rubbing her clit faster. I clench and unclench my fist as I crave to be the one to do that. She starts shaking and I know she's close.

She finally cums as she lets out a scream, squeezing her shaking legs together. I watch her until she finally comes down from her release and lick her fingers covered in her own cum and I groan in both lust and frustration. I quickly close my laptop and decide to go to the club. I need to get out of this place before I do something I probably won't regret.

Welp, I just wrote that. Hopefully you guys will like it. You can check out the choreography on YouTube.

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