Chapter 33

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Present day...

I wake up gasping for air as cold water is poured all over my body. When I'm finally calm, I look around and don't recognise the room I'm in. What the heck? Where am I? This is not my room.

"Wake up bitch." I direct my gaze to table in the far corner of the room. I can't see who's seating behind it because of the little light in the room. A chair moves and who ever that is walks towards me.

My heart skips a beat when I come face to face with Natasha herself. Memories of what happened finally come back. Mateo? Alex? Oh God I hope they're okay. I want to cry but I will not give this bitch that satisfaction. Never again.

"What do you want from me?" I ask, not taking my eyes away from her piercing dark ones. "I want to hurt you and take everything from you like you did to me. Not only me, but my sister too." The hell? What did I take from her and who the hell is her sister?

"Your sister? I don't even know you." I mean it's true, I don't even know her on a personal level. She takes out her phone and calls someone. "Ray, get in here." She drops the call afterwards and I just sit here all tied up waiting. I want to see this Ray, and maybe I'll understand the agenda she has against me.

Few minutes later the door opens and oh Jesus I'm dead. Jesus Christ I'm so dead. The Ray is actually Rachel. Now I can see the resemblance between the two. The only difference is that Rachel has brown hair, heart shaped face and green blue eyes, whilst Natasha has black hair and dark almost black eyes.

"Rachel?" "Sup little temptress. I'm guessing being a man stealer is your thing." She says walking towards me. Now it makes sense. I took Mariano from Rachel, and now, I'm guessing Alex from Natasha. "But I didn't take Alex from you." I say that looking at Natasha.

"Of course you did. He was supposed to love me, marry me and make me the queen to his throne. But no, you just happened to pop out of nowhere like an annoying pimple." "I'm confused, I honestly am." I say to her. The thought of Alex being with someone else doesn't sit right with me. Am I jealous?

"For three years, for three fucking years he's been obsessed with you." Wait what? Three years? "Three years?" I ask confused. Why do I feel like me ending up at Alex's house is more than Bianca's fault.

"Oh, so you don't know? I'll tell you sweetheart. I'll tell you everything." I keep quiet and wait for her to tell me what's really going on. "You know your dad helped to kill Alex's mom." My eyes widen in both shock and disbelief. My father? I've never met him before and him being also involved with Alex just confuses me even more.

"My father?" My voice breaks. "Shame, I forgot you never met him." She says in a mocking tone. "Well, as I was saying. Your dad helped kill Alex's mom when he was still a teenager. Of course he would want revenge for his mom. Three years back, he finally gets his hands on him and almost kills him." My heart skips a beat when I hear that Alex almost killed my father.

Why didn't he kill him though? "I'm sure you're asking yourself now, "why didn't he just kill him?" Well I'll tell you why. It's because of you." She hisses the last part looking at me with nothing but hatred. "It was supposed to be just revenge. He was supposed to kill you and than your mom." I froze. Alex wanted to kill me? I don't believe that.

"Oh sweetie, feeling sad that Alex is not the man you think he is?" "She's a bit slow, forgive her. I mean, she only found out Mariano is a don after she left the club." Rachel, who I've forgotten is in the room with us says. Am I that naive and totally oblivious to my surroundings?

"He was supposed to hate you, but he didn't. The day of your 18th birthday when you went to that club and met that dead friend of yours. What's her name again?" Bianca. She's talking about Bianca. "Bianca." She says before I can even reply. "I almost forgot her name. I mean, I never forget names of my victims. That's why I have their names tattooed on my skin." She says that lifting her shirt to show me her stomach.

It's filled with dark ink, I'm guessing the names of her victims. "He was supposed to end you. Take your useless body to your father but instead. Instead he decided to protect you. Had people and even himself watching you 24/7. I was one of those people. I watched him watch you. Get obsessed with you. I wanted that. I needed that obsession to be directed towards me. I deserved it!" She screams the last part and I flinch.

"I'm sorry." That's all I say. "Shut up! Shut up." She shakes her head and starts pacing around the room. "He would walk into your room and watch you sleep." The fuck? Okay now this is just wierd and creepy. "He was so lost in you that he never even noticed me when I followed him. Every night he'd go over to your house. Sit at the edge of your bed and watch you sleep for hours. Kiss your cheek goodbye and smile. He fucking smiled, not to me, not to any of his men, but to you."

All this new information is giving me a headache. So Alex has been stalking me for years, watching me sleep. Watching my every move and I was totally oblivious to all of that. I started to like him even after he kidnapped me, had my best friend killed and after I found out he's a Mafia don. What is wrong with me?

"I was promised to marry him four years ago by his father." I snap out of my head and look towards Natasha. She's crying now. She can cry? Yeesh. "I love him you know? So much that I was willing to do anything for him. When his father proposed the idea to him, he ignored it. That broke my heart but I still had hope. Hope that maybe he'll finally see me, notice me and maybe, love me at some point. But no, he never did. Never even looked at me."

She wipes her tears and continues. "I asked myself what was wrong with me. Am I not beautiful enough for him? Am I not worthy to be by his side? And most importantly, what did he see in you that I don't have?" "Natasha I'm sorry." "Don't! Don't fucking call me by my name." "I'm sorry." "Just shut up! Apologizing won't help you." Rachel says.

"But now that I have you, he'll finally see me. His dad and I made a deal, came up with a plan really. I kidnap you, threaten to sell you. But, I will not do that if he promises to marry me. Of course you won't survive but he doesn't need to know that" Oh great, I'm being sold off again. At this point, I don't see myself surviving it. "His father wants an heir from him, and I'll give him that. When we're married, he will be happy and he will love me. Yes, he will." She says the last part to herself, nodding her head. God, what mess have you gotten me into this time?

*sigh 😪
Long ass chapter this was. Bombs being dropped left, right and centre. At this point I don't know whether I should feel sorry for Natasha or not. With Alex, I also don't know.

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