Chapter 43

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I was hanging out with Mateo today. He's getting better with each passing day. "So... Did you guys have that talk?" He asks me, I know what he's talking about. "Well, he did all the talking." I say, my mind going back to what happened two days back. How he confessed, and the fucking we did after that.

"Looks like he did more than talk." Mateo says snapping me out of my thoughts. He had a smirk on his face and I just know he caught me blushing. "Shut up." I say looking away in embarassment. He laughs at me and I just burry my face in my hands in embarassment.

"Mateo please stop." I couldn't take the embarassment. "Okay fine. I'll stop." He said out of breath. "What about your dad?" "Well, I know you beat him up." "I did, and I don't regret it nor will I apologize for it." "Mateo!" "What? It's true." He said that shrugging his shoulders. Unbelievable.

"I can't believe you. But anyways, we're okay. I would say we're good." "How did you feel when you met him?" "Happy, confused, excited. I know most kids would've lashed out or something, but I couldn't. I couldn't push away something that I've been yearning for, something I've been needing for twenty one years of my life." I say honestly.

"I understand. And I honestly didn't expect anything less from you." "What do you mean by that?" "You're a loving and caring person. You easily accept people, no matter how bad they are. So, that's why I'm not surprised you accepted your dad this quickly." Wow, he's right actually. Him and Alex are a good example of what he just said.

I became friends with Mateo even though I knew the kinda person he was, and I also fell for Alex too. "Mariano told me you shot the boss." He says that laughing. I join him. "Yeah I did. I still don't believe it." "Wish I had the balls to do that. But even if I did, I'm sure he'd kill me before I can even pull the damn trigger."

"Guess I'm lucky than." I said smiling. "You damn right you are." I just give him my most innocent smile. "What about Mariano?" He asks. "What about him?" "I know you guys had a thing." "Had Mateo. Had, a thing. It ended when I left the club." I said emphasis the word had.

"If things went different, would you still be with him?" Why is he asking me all of this? "I guess so? But if me ending up with Alex was supposed to happen, than I guess me and him would've ended things eventually. Why are you asking me this?"

"No reason at all. I just want you to be sure that you're with Alex cause you want to be, and not because you feel forced. Or maybe you're under Stockholm syndrome." "Umm, okay? You don't have to worry about me okay? I know what I'm doing." I said assuring him, or maybe I'm just trying to reassure myself.

"That's all I needed to hear." He says and we stay in comfortable silence after that. What if he's right though? Do I really love Alex or is it Stockholm syndrome? Nah, I do love him. I shake the thought and just enjoy my time with Mateo

Don't kill me, I know it's short. Like I said, the story is coming to an end, so the chapters won't be that long anymore.

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