Chapter 32

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The nerve. The fucking nerve of that girl. Her stealing from me was disrespectful enough. But for her to sell my Amanda to save her own life? That was my tipping point.

I trash my office as her words keep replaying in my head. How she easily came out with a plan to sell Amanda. My Amanda. She trusts her, loves her but this girl clearly doesn't feel the same way.

Loyalty is very important to me and she, she was never loyal to Amanda in the first place. She's crazy if she thinks she'll walk out freely after what she just said. But she's right about one thing, it's time for Amanda to come home. To me, where she really belongs.

"Boss?" Mateo enters my office. I was fuming, pacing up and down. I need to kill someone. Blood, I need to see blood. "Boss?" "Shut up!" I snap. Who does this Bianca think she is? Gambling away the life of my Amanda.

Amanda is mine to hurt, to break. No one, and I mean no one will ever hurt her except for me. Mateo seems to get the message that I'm not in the mood and leaves. I'm not a person who makes decisions based on emotions but when it comes to Amanda, I lose all of my morals.

I take my keys and drive to her house. I know she's back from the club she works at. She usually comes back early on Wednesdays. Like I said, I've been watching her every move for the past three years. Her working at the club did not sit well with me. I wanted to drag her out of it myself and lock her up in my house. My hands itched to do that for a year, but I held back.

It wasn't time to take her just yet, and because I couldn't bring myself to accept that what I felt towards her was nothing more than revenge and lust.

I finally arrive at her house and it was already dark. I unlock the door with the keys I have and quietly walk in. It's a routine now. I've been doing this for the past three years.

I make my way up to her room and walk in. She never closes her door. She is sleeping soundly, her lips slightly parted and drool coming out. Her beautiful curly hair is hidden in that headscarf she always wears when she sleeps. I crave to know how it'll feel against my fingers, but for now I'll settle with just looking.

I sit at the edge of her bed and just watch her sleep. She's a deep sleeper and has never heard me before, or even sensed my presence. Her beautiful dark skin looks so perfect. Her thick lips, her big round boobs. Her big round ass decorated in stretch marks, her wide hips and thick thighs. The small hairs on her stomach that lead to that... No.

I sigh in frustration and rub my face. I always have these thoughts when I see her.

I sit in her room for two hours before deciding to leave. I kiss her cheek. Another action I just can't control. "Soon my doll. We'll be together and no one will take you away from me." I whisper in her ear and she shifts in her sleep, turning and facing the other side. I smile and finally leave.


It's finally Saturday and to say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I was able to get Amanda to agree to coming to the club with me. I kept reminding myself that what I'm doing is not wrong. It's what any mother would do for their child. Right? Yeah, I know I'm right. It's better because her mom is all better, so she won't have to worry about her siblings that much.

Short chapter I know, but I didn't know what to write after that. And ladies, if he really loved you, he would stalk you and watch you sleep🙄💁🏾‍♀️.

I'm joking 😅, I would press charges if that happened to me in real life.

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