Chapter 38

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I'm angry, furious and pissed. Not at anyone but myself. When Amanda looked at me with hatred and hurt in her eyes before she shot me, something happened. I felt something, I wouldn't say my heart was broken because I don't have one.

She shot me and I didn't even have it in me to get mad. Hell I deserved it after what I put her through. She didn't even look at me after that. She was happy to see Mariano and her father but not me. Does she hate me?

I enter Mateo's room. He's still in bad shape but he's recovering. "Bossman, what made you all grumpy? I thought finally seeing your precious doll will make you happy again." I forgot he can be a nuisance sometimes. "Shut up before I send you to another coma." He just laughs and shakes his head. It's good to have him back. He's annoying but it's still good to have him back.

"So, how is she?" He asks after a while. "She's with her father at the moment. She was happy to see him, and that makes me feel glad I didn't kill him." Mateo is the only person I can trust and talk to. He knows everything about me, and as much as I hate it, he's the only one who can read me. He knows when I'm pissed or just not in the mood, and he will annoy the truth out of me until I tell him everything.

"Did she ask about me?" "Yes she did. She wanted to see you." "And?" I look away and ignore him. He cracks up laughing, holding his chest as his laugh turns into coughs and he groans in pain. Serves him right. "Never thought I'd see the day you get jealous." He says after coming down. I just look at him.

"I'm guessing she wasn't so happy to see you now was she? She didn't run into your arms like you expected." "Shut up." He smiles and I want to wipe that smile of his face. He's right though. I thought she would be happy to see me, which was a stupid thing for me to think. I mean, why would she?

"Can I see her?" I groan and he laughs again. "Come on boss, even in my deathbed, you still can't do this final wish for your dear old boy?" He makes that stupid face of his, and I take my phone, calling DaVinci and telling him to bring Amanda. She wanted to see him anyways.

After a while the door opens and she enters. She looks so innocent and her age in the outfit she's wearing. Her eyes are puffy, I'm guessing the talk with her dad either went good or bad. Her eyes widen when she sees Mateo and she squeals. Running to his bed and hugging him in joy.

Again, that annoying foreign feeling in my chest comes back, mixed with jealousy and envy. Mateo groans in pain and she quickly moves away. "Oh my God I'm so sorry. I'm just so happy you're alive." She says crying. "Ohh, I see my bunny bear missed me." I roll my eyes at his nickname for her. Hating how it made her blush as she sat next to him giggling.

"Of course I missed you. I was so worried, I thought you were dead and I." She breaks down and buries her face in her hands. Mateo rubs her back. "Hey it's okay, I'm okay, okay?" She nods and Mateo pulls her into a hug.

"For your information I missed you too lil sis." He says and realisation finally hits me. The whole reason Mateo ended up with me was because of his little sister. She had stage 4 of lung cancer and he was in desperate need of money. She died before he can save her and he was never the same after that. He blamed himself for not being a good enough big brother and how much he failed her sister. Their parents had long died and he was the only one left to take care of his little sister.

Amanda must have reminded him of her, that's why he has a soft spot for her. He became overprotective and territorial, even with me when it came to her. "Little sister?" She asks confused. I'm sure she thinks that's another secret she wasn't told. "Not biologically bunny bear, but I'm claiming you. From now on, you shall be my little sister." Her eyes water again and she hugs him. Again, I envy him.

I miss being close to her. Touching her and mostly, just watching her sleep. "Now, as your big brother, I have a request for you little one." "I knew this was coming." She rolls her eyes laughing. "Hey, don't roll your eyes at me missy. I am still your elder." "Forgive me dear brother." She says playfully and they both laugh.

"Now, like I was saying. Could you please give my poor old boss a chance to talk to you." His words catch me off guard and our eyes meet. She finally looks at me. A little frown on her face, until she looks away again. "Look, I know you mad at him and probably hate him, and I don't blame you." I groan and they both look at me before looking away again.

"As I was saying before being rudely interrupted." I swear, I'll send him back to a coma. "Just give him a chance to explain. I'm not saying you should just forgive and forget in an instant, but just listen. Hear his reasons. He loves you but he just had a wierd way of showing it." I tense at his words.

Love? Is that what this is? I haven't felt that feeling since my mother died. It can't be, I don't have a heart anymore to give to someone else. "Please Amanda. I won't force you to but just please listen to him. Also because he's really annoying when he's grumpy." That's it. "Don't piss me off Mateo, I won't mind sending you back into that coma." "I honestly think it'll be so much better than having to deal with your grumpy ass." I know he's joking but still. I charge towards him, Amanda gets off the bed and stands infront of me.

"Fine, we can talk. Only because you asked so nicely." She says looking at Mateo. He smiles and winks at her. I know I shouldn't be jealous but I still am. I take Amanda's hand and drag her out of the room. She's tense, I can feel it, but all of that will be gone soon.

I'm sure some of you thought my boy Mateo had a thing for Amanda 😗. Well he doesn't. This ain't no love triangle story. Still a romance story about Alex and Amanda🤗✨.

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