Chapter 30

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Arizona Salvatore must think I'm stupid. He decided to disrespect me by getting one of his man and woman to come and rob me. I was even more shocked when I found out that the woman is Amanda's friend. I was confused as to how she's involved with him, but my men were already ahead of me.

You see, I've been keeping tabs on Amanda and everyone close to her. Making sure that they're safe, even Bianca. So I was honestly surprised to see her in my office. I was in my room, looking through the CCTV cameras. The purpose was to focus on the ballroom but something told me to check my office.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Bianca breaking into my office. She's a smart and talented woman, I give her that. But I do not take kindly to being disrespected. I watched as she roamed around my room, searching for whatever it is that she's looking for until she found the button to my safe.

That peaked my interest and I leaned closer to the screen, watching her. She took my black diamonds and the folder that contained very important and confidential information that if it fell to the wrong hands, I'd be destroyed.

"Mateo. What has she been up to?" I said, not taking my eyes away from the screen. "She's been meeting and talking to a guy named Damon. He works for Arizona. They somehow managed to get her to agree to doing the heist by getting to her baby daddy." He explained. "And why am I only hearing this now?" "DaVinci didn't think it was important, until he saw them when they arrived with the other guests."

I didn't answer him, but I'll deal with DaVinci later for his carelessness. She took what she wanted and left the officer but not before checking if everything is as how it was before she came in. Smart woman. I'll let her think she won, I'll let them all think that, but they'll all be dead before the end of the night. Starting with Arizona.

He's a nuisance in my life. A wannabe big Mafia don. All he is, is a businessman. Just because he does a few illegal businesses, he thinks he's some big shot Mafia boss. He wanted to form an alliance with me before, to join the black diamond trade but I declined. And of course, he didn't take that lightly. He decided to throw a tamper tantrum and say we're enemies.

If he wanted an enemy out of me, he got one. I will end him, and his boys that think they're men. I waited for the ball to be over and for everyone to finally leave. "Tell everyone to gear up, we're leaving in 5." "Yes boss." Mateo replied leaving the room. I think it's about time I spilled some blood and taught some asshole a lesson. It's been a while since I killed someone and my hands were starting to itch.


Feeling Damon buried deep inside me from this position is pure magic. It feels so fucking good and I just get so lost in the pleasure. I continue bouncing up and down on him, enjoying how good it feels to have him inside me. I'm so high from the pleasure that I think I may be losing my mind when I hear gunshots coming from downstairs.

Damon and I both freeze as we look at each other. He removed me from him as he opened his drawer on the side of the bed to take his gun, putting his finger on his lips as an indication for me to keep quiet. My heart was beating out of my chest as I covered my naked body with the sheets. He put on his pants and before he could leave the room, the door was shot down and I screamed covering my ears and closing my eyes.

What is happening? Are we under attack? Is it the owner of the mansion? Do they know I stole from them? All those questions kept playing in my head that I screamed in shock when I felt someone pulling me by me hair.

I shot my eyes open to see Damon on his knees, his hands up in surrender with a gun pointed to his head. I froze as my panic got even worse. What have we done? I was dragged out of the bed in my naked state only to realise that it's a woman who has my hair in a strong grip, dragging my body like I weighed nothing.

She had a blank face and that just made her to be even more scary. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" One of the men who broke in says. His hazel brown eyes starring deep into my soul, an amused smirk on his face. His eyes travel down from my face, to my breasts, all the way down to the place between my legs.

He bites his lower lip and I cringe as I try to cover my body. Hugging my knees, with the still very painful grip on my hair. "Who are you?" Damon asks the guy. "I work for the person you stole from." He says and my eyes water as realisation finally hits me. I'm going to die, I'm already dead. I shouldn't have done this, my son. Oh God my poor son.

Another very tall muscular man comes forward, he has a deep scar on his face. From the left side of his temple, all the way to the right side of his bottom lip. He takes out his gun and empties all of his bullets on Damon's body. From his head to his chest. I scream in both shock and grief. I just witnessed a murder of a man I was starting to love. Killed in cold blood like his life meant nothing.

"No! Damon please! Please baby wake up." I try releasing myself from this woman's grip to try and go to him, but all she does is pull on my hair even tighter causing me to flinch in pain. Next thing I feel is a sting on my neck and it was lights out.

I'm going to miss Damon, I honestly liked him. But you know, somebody has to die 🤷🏾‍♀️.

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