Chapter 45

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Today Mariano is coming back with my family. I'm so excited to see them. I'm also excited for mom to see dad. Hopefully they'll still have that spark.

I missed Ben, Candice. I just missed them all so much. Me and Alex, we couldn't be better. We've been fucking everyday, and I never get tired of it. I can tell it's not easy for him, but he tries to be nicer, softer and a bit gentle when it comes to me.

He leaves his grumpiness out the door whenever he's with me. I didn't believe it, but he said he enjoys cuddles, and we've been cuddling ever since. When I sleep, he's there. When I wake up, he's there. If he isn't, he leaves me a note telling me why he's not there.

He's being so good to me and I fucking love it. My dad and I are good. It's like we've known each other for all of my life. We talk, we laugh, we share jokes. We're just really good. Mateo is also perfect, crazy though, as always. He's getting better with each day and that also makes me very happy.

I'm very happy. I didn't think I'll ever feel that way ever again in my life, but look at me now. Oh, and I'm also going back to school next month. So baby girl is going to get that degree. Hashtag, slay!

Alex didn't like the idea of me working, but I wasn't taking a no for an answer. Yes he has all the money in the world and doesn't seem to mind spending it on me, soooo. I don't mind too but still, I want to be able to make my own money. Work for it, be an independent woman, buy myself my own car. I can forget about buying myself a house because I know damn well that Alex won't allow me to leave.

I decide to freshen up and get ready for my family. I'll be cooking for them. I missed it.

I take a quick shower. When I'm done, I wear Alex's big black t-shirt, socks and my grey sweatpants. I put on my slides. He demanded I move into his room. Where's my phone? Oh right, I left it in the bathroom.

I go to the bathroom to take it and when I leave, I see someone. He's wearing nothing but black and his face is covered by the hood of this jacket. At first I thought it was Alex, but he's bigger than him and shorter. "Who, who are you?" He removes his hood and just smiles at me.


Today, Amanda's family is coming back with Mariano. I don't want that asshole in my house anymore but since he's bringing Amanda's family, I'll give him another chance. After this, he's never stepping foot in my house, ever again.

Sam and I, we tolerate each other. The only thing I'm happy about is that he makes Amanda happy. From all the decisions I've made in my life, sparing him his life was the best. Mateo is also getting better, which means he becomes more and more annoying with each passing day.

I was seating at the kitchen island with Sam when Mariano entered the house with Amanda's family. "Honey, I'm home." He screams the words and I have to remind myself not to kill him. Only because of Amanda.

I give him a look and he just laughs at me. He must see a clown when looks at me, and it fucking pisses me off. I decide not to pay him any mind. The kids looked to be in awe because of the house, but Amanda's mom had her eyes on Sam. This should be good.

Sam clears his throat and gets off the chair. "Sthandwa senhliziyo yami. (The love of my life)" He starts, I didn't understand what he said, but I'm guessing Amanda's mom did because a tear escapes her eye.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I never meant to hurt you, to break your heart. I did all of it to protect you. I've never stopped loving you and..." "Samuel?" Her voice breaks when she says his name.

"Mom. Who's he?" The teenage one says with a little attitude. She ignores her and she doesn't seem to like that cause she rolls her eyes looking away.

Samuel takes slow calculated steps towards her, trying to see if she'll back away or not. She doesn't back away but instead meets him halfway. I expect her to hug or kiss him but she slaps him. It takes me by suprise but than I guess that's where Amanda gets all that fire from. It kinda reminds me of her when she shot me.

"I guess I deserved that." Samuel says rubbing his cheek. Mariano is already laughing and I just chuckle. "You damn right you did. In fact, you deserve more than that!" She screams at him. "Ngiyaxolisa sthandwa sami.(I'm sorry my love)" He says, still don't understand him but she seems to understand him.

The words seem to make her emotional a bit because she starts crying. Samuel envelops her into a hug and she doesn't pull away. He kisses the top of her head and hugs her tighter. "I missed you. For 21 years I had hoped you'd come back, but you never did." She says still buried in his chest. "I know my love and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

BANG! BANG! BANG! The sound of multiple gunshots coming from upstairs has me and Mariano taking our guns out and making our way there. Some of my men are already hot on our tails.

My heart was beating out of my chest. The only thing on my mind now was Amanda. Was she okay? I pray she's not the one on the receiving end of that gun.

Mariano and I take the elevator to the fourth floor. I don't know where the gunshots were coming from but I have to get to Amanda first. Who has the nerve to get into my house and be trigger happy? How did they even do it?

When the elevator doors opens, I hurry my way to my room. Opening the door, my heart stops. The world seems to stop for a second as I take in the sight infront of me. "Amanda!" The words leave my mouth. I rush my way towards her lifeless body on the floor.

She's laying in a pool of her own blood, her body filled with bullet holes. I take her and hug her. "No Amanda. Baby please wake up!" I scream. This can't be happening. This can't happen. I place her body gently on my thighs, carefully supporting her head in my arms.

"Amanda baby please wake up! Don't do this to me please." My voice breaks and tears leave my eyes. I never thought, ever in my life that I'd ever cry again. After my mother passed, I've never shed a tear until now.

She's not breathing. She doesn't have a pulse. Just nothing. "Amanda." I slap her face lightly. She has to wake up, she can't die. She can't leave me. She can't do that. "Amanda please. Baby please wake up." She doesn't wake up.

Mariano kneels next to me. I look at him and he has tears too, just like me. He's looking at Amanda like he can't believe it. I can't believe it too.

"DaVinci!" I scream. "Yes boss." He's already here, good. "Get me the doctor. Tell him to get here as soon as yesterday. Get the hospital room ready. Now!" He just looks at me with pity in his eyes. "What the fuck are you waiting for?!" I scream. "Call the God damn doctor DaVinci! Now!"

Instead of leaving, he comes closer. "I'm sorry boss. She's gone, there's nothing..." "Don't fucking say that. Don't you dare fucking say that!" I yell at him but he just shakes his head and leaves.

I look at Amanda and she's still not waking up. Why isn't she waking up? "Amanda? Baby can you hear me? It's me. Talk to me baby, I'm right here. I'm, I'm right here." My voice cracks and I cry even more. I hug her bloodied body. "She's gone man." Mariano says, looking just as defeated.

"No. No. No! You're not dead! Amanda baby please wake up. Wake up!" Still nothing. She's gone. She's really gone. "Nooooo!" The scream leaves my mouth, so loud that it burns my throat. "I'm so sorry Amanda. This is all my fault." I rock us back and forth on the floor. "Amanda please."

"Alex. They left a note." Mariano says. I look at him and he was holding a piece of paper. "What does it say?" I ask, still rocking Amanda in my arms. "It says, "an eye for an eye." That's all." What have I done?

The End

I won't lie and say I didn't shed a tear writing this😞💔. I honestly hate myself for this, and I know you guys will probably hate me more for it💔.

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