Chapter 22

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...4½ months ago

"Who are you?" Ethan asked the men in suits at his office. "A man who's interested in making a deal with you." Christophe answered. "I don't need any more business associates. Plus, I don't trust you and you don't look like business men. Just because you're wearing a suit and with bodyguards doesn't make you a businessman. Even if you were, I don't think I would want to do business with your kind." Christophe chuckled. He knew the kind of man Ethan was, an egotistical racist jackass.

He was a very successful businessman, a womanizer and a selfish man. "You wound me Mr Hardy." He said to Ethan in a mocking tone with his hand in his chest dramatically. "But you're right, I'm not a businessman but I'm here to talk business with you." Christophe replies. "I thought I've already told you, I'm not interested in doing any business with you. I'm sure whatever it is you want, it's something illegal."

Christophe was starting to lose his patience now, but he knew he had to stay calm. "Do you know of a miss Bianca?" "Yes. Why do you ask?" "Is she the mother of your son? Mother of your legacy?" "Yes and yes, but she's nothing but a fuck buddy gone wrong. That bitch wasn't supposed to get pregnant, but she's lucky I needed a child anyways." "Right." Christophe says dragging the word, looking at Ethan straight in the eyes. "Who are you, and what business do you have with Bianca that has anything to do with me?"

"It's about your son." Ethan started to worry. As much as he didn't care about Bianca but he still loved his son. "What about him?" "We want you to ask for full custody of him unless his mother can get a job or afford to pay off all her loans plus rent." "And why would I do that?" "Cause I'm sure you wouldn't want people to know that you molest your workers and have child pornography on your phone and laptop."

Ethan froze on the spot and almost peed his pants. How did they find out about all this? He than thought about Bianca's situation and started laughing. They all looked at him confused. "She sent you here didn't she? She just wants my money, probably why she slept with me in the first place. Thought she was gonna get a dime from me, too bad she didn't." "She didn't send us here." "Than why are you here?" "That's for us to know, and for you to never find out Mr Hardy. Now, unless you don't want to lose everything you have plus your reputation, you better do what we asked you to do. You have 3 months to make sure this happens, and that's more than enough time." Christophe said that and left. Ethan screamed in frustration and trashed his entire office.

He couldn't risk his business, his money, everything that he has. He worked way too hard to be where he is now, and he definitely wasn't gonna let it go so easily. He took out his phone and called Bianca.

"Ethan." "I want full custody of my son unless you can pay off all your loans and prove that you can take care of him the right way." "Ethan are you serious? You can't do this to me please. He's all I have." Bianca pleaded.

"I don't fucking care Bianca. Now you have three months or else I'm taking my son. And don't think you'll ever see him again after that." "Ethan ple..." He dropped the call and sighed in frustration, he doesn't know what's going on but he couldn't risk anything.

... Bianca's pov...

I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe Ethan. That fucking asshole, how can he do this to me? He knows how much I love my son and that I'll not be able to pay off all my loans in less than 3 months and get a job. I lost my job at club Euphoric last month, and I haven't been able to find a job since. God what am I gonna do?

"Mommy are you okay?" I didn't even realise I was crying. "Of course sweetheart, mommy's okay." "Than why are you crying." I wiped my tears and brought him closer for a hug. I love my son so much. "Mommy was just thinking about something sad that's all, but I'm okay. Are you okay?" "Yes I am, as long as you are." See why I love him? "I love you okay?" "I love you too mommy." I kissed his forehead and continued hugging him.

I can't lose him and I won't, I'll just have to come up with a plan. I'm a mom, I can make it work. I'll figure something out. That's what mom's do right? We figure things out, no matter what.

......1 month later

I've been going up and down looking for a job but nothing. Went back to club Euphoric to ask for my job back but to no luck. I've ran out of ideas and I'm devastated, I don't even know what to do.

Ethan hasn't stopped annoying me and I even blocked his number. I don't need him to harrass me, reminding me how terrible of a mother I really am. I decided to grab a drink at the bar downtown.

"Hey." A man said, siting down next to me. "Hi." I replied awkwardly. "Names Damon." "Nice to meet you Damon, I'm Bianca." "Beautiful name for a beautiful lady." I rolled my eyes, I honestly don't need this right. "Oh God, please spare me the compliments. I know I look terrible." He gave me a small smile.

"You may look like shit now, but I'm sure it's only because you're going through something. Underneath all this stress is a beautiful, strong woman." "Well, I don't believe I'm that strong." "I'm sure you are, you just need to realise it, or atleast get someone who'll help you realise it." I had nothing to say, so I stayed quiet.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's bothering you?" "What makes you think there's anything bothering me? Even if there was, why would I tell you?" I asked him with a bit of an attitude. "Cause I'm just a stranger who's willing to lend you an ear. I don't know you, so I won't have any right to judge cause I won't know where you're coming from." Huh? I guess he's right, and I could use someone to talk to.

So I started narrating everything to him, not leaving a single detail. I cried and he was sweet enough to comfort me and even wipe my tears.
"Don't you have family members who can help you?" "Nope. I have no one except for my son." "No friends?" "I do have a friend, Amanda is her name. I actually envy her you know?" "Why is that?"

"Her mother fell sick almost a year ago. She was devastated but she stayed strong. She dropped out of college and got a job at a club. Since then, she's been able to take care of her siblings, pay bills, even pay for her mother's hospital bill. She has it all figured out and I just wish I had the same luck."

He seemed to think for a minute. "Why don't you ask her for help than? I'm sure she would understand and help you." "I wouldn't wanna bother her. She has hands full." "But she could help." "How?" "Can't she talk to her boss for you or something?" "Well she could but I still don't want to."
"Why?" "Cause I don't want to, can you just leave it at that?" I snapped at him. I didn't mean to though.

"I'm sorry, I'm just stressed that's all." "It's okay I understand. Tell you what, why don't we just exchange numbers. Whenever you need someone to talk to, I'll be a phone call away. And, maybe if I can find a job for you, I'll be able to call you and tell you." "You'd do that for me?" "Yes, not only for you, but for your son too." I couldn't believe it, maybe I'll finally be able to keep my son after all.
Damon and I talked for some time until I had to go home.

Sorry with the multiple time skips. But I'm just trying to fill you guys in on what actually happened before Amanda was kidnapped, and how it happened.

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