Chapter 28

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The safe finally opened and I released a sigh of relief when it did. I pulled the door open and I gasped. My jaw was literally on the floor. Stacks of cash, gold  bars, diamonds. The safe was bigger on the inside than it looked on the outside. I started taking the black diamonds, stuffing them in my bag. I don't know how many I took but I'm sure they'll be enough. I moved the money out of the way and there it was, a folder.

Maybe these are the documents they're looking for. I took it and put it in my bag too. Finally satisfied with everything I closed the safe and returned the TV where it was. Checking to make sure everything was in place. Once satisfied, I made my way out of the office.

Making my way downstairs and back to the ballroom, I started typing away on my phone smiling so the guards won't notice anything. My heart was beating out of my chest as I passed the guards, hoping and praying they don't stop me or ask to search me.

I finally make it to the ballroom and I rush my way to the table where Damon was. "You've been gone for a while." An old man on the table says looking at me suspiciously. I put on my best smile, trying not to show how scared I actually was. "It's the kids, boys to be specific. You know troublesome they can be, so I had to do a lot of parenting on that call whilst making sure their nanny is still in one piece." I said laughing, hoping he'll buy the story.

"You can say that again. I swear to God, having boys is the worst thing a woman can go through." A lady sitting across me says. Thanking her for actually saving me. "Right? But of course they're important since they have to "carry on the legacy"." I said rolling my eyes. Damon chuckled beside me as he came closer kissing my cheek. "But you still married a man didn't you baby?" "Of course I did, and I don't regret it one bit." I said kissing his cheek back.

"Good job sweetheart, trust me, you'll be greatly rewarded when we get home." He whispered in my ear and I clenched my thighs together. "Ohh, you two seem to be so in love." The lady across me said. I just gave her a small smile, agreeing to what she said. We continued conversing with everyone on the table until the ball was over.

When it was finally time to leave I was more than happy. The walk out of the ballroom, out of the house to the car couldn't be short enough. Having to leave whilst chatting was exhausting and it made me more anxious and uneasy. I think only because I just stole in this goddamn mansion and I didn't know whether they would search us or not.

We finally made it to our limo and I let go of a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I'm glad I got everything I needed but it felt too easy. Too easy for my liking that it left me feeling anxious. "So? You got everything?" Damon asked taking me out of my thoughts. I gave him my handbag and he smiled in satisfaction. He looked at me like he was proud and it made me a little happy that he was.

"Fuck baby you did good." He attacked me with a kiss, grabbing my neck in the process and I moaned in his mouth. Forgetting all the fears I had and just simply enjoying the kiss. Running my hands through his hair, pulling him closed and deepening the kiss, he groaned in appreciation.

He ran his hands through my body, squeezing and grabbing my ass through my dress causing a moan to escape my mouth and a pool to form between my legs. Damon knew my body, which buttons to press and how to get me hot and needy for him.

I'm not one to compare but Ethan has nothing on him. He's a 2-minutes noodles and can't fuck. I think I only fucked him this long because he's hot and I wanted his money, but I guess he was smart enough to see right through me. Looking back now, it all wasn't worth it. But the only thing I'm grateful for, is that I got the chance to meet Damon because of him.

We continued to make out for, I don't know how long. The car came to a stop and we finally pulled away from each other. "Let's take care of this first than I'll take you to my place and finally reward you for doing such an amazing job." He said in a husky deep voice and I just nodded. I couldn't say anything cause I was still in a daze from the make out session and my clit what throbbing, begging for attention.

He took my handbag and told me stay in the car and that he'll be right back. I said okay and decided to just check my socials. I saw a message from Amanda, I decided to open it.

"Hey Bee, I hope you're okay. I love you and I really miss you. I have some good news that I wanted to tell you in person but I can't hold the excitement anymore.

I'm finally going to be free, next week Friday is my last day at the club(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠). I'm so excited I could scream. I hope you'll get this message soon cause I miss you.

I love you (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)"

I was happy for her to be honest. I know I may dislike her a bit, but I know how much she hated working at the club. I honestly had mixed emotions when it came to her. Sometimes I loved her, and sometimes I hated her. I just don't know.

Damon finally came back. "The boss is very pleased and he will send you your money in the morning." He said when he entered the car. "Okay I'm glad he did. And thank you Damon, really. I don't know how I can ever repay you for this." "I'm the one who should be thanking you sweetheart. I honestly don't think I would've pulled it off without you."

I just smiled and then he kissed my cheek. The driver started driving, I'm guessing to his house.

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