Chapter 5

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Song to play: Gangster by Kehlani

They took me to a room upstairs and told me to freshen up. I did as told because I didn't want what happened to Bee, to happen to me too. I was a zombie throughout my shower and didn't notice how long I was in it until that lady barged into the bathroom and told me to get out.

I quickly got out and found an outfit on the bed. It was a white lace lingerie set with a matching garter belt. Black heels were also placed nicely next to it. I quickly put on the outfit and waited for the next instructions. A beautiful woman entered the room, "boss will see you now." Was all she said as she stood by the door waiting for me to follow her. I did as told and followed her. She led me upstairs on the third floor of the house we were in.

The interior of the whole house was black, decorated with dark paintings and gold artifacts. This floor only had 3 doors, and we entered the second one. It looked like an office, but it had a pole in the centre. The only light in the room was the red light surrounding the pole. I was told that I'll have to dance for the boss, and if he's impressed they'll keep me. If he's not, they'll "dispose" of me. Were we animals to these people? I didn't notice anyone in the room so I just stood there waiting. After a while I heard shuffling and music started playing.

Gangster by Kehlani? Really? Anyways, I just started dancing, moving my body to the beat of the music. Slowly going down on the floor, keeping my eyes at the front, hoping maybe whoever was there could see me. Eye contact is very important when doing these kind of dances.

I did my twists and turns on the floor before I stood up and made my way to the pole, circling it before I grabbed it and started spinning on it. I turned upside down and hooked one of my leg on the pole while the other was spread out. I continued to do my routine until the song was over.

I stepped away from the pole and waited in anticipation. I heard movement and I saw a shadow of a tall figure standing up and making their way out of the room. I couldn't even see his face, was he the boss? Who is he? After standing around like an idiot, the door finally opened and the club guy came in. "You did well beautiful, boss was impressed." I rolled my eyes at him and looked away.

I still hate myself for falling for his looks. He chuckled and came closer to me, I moved back with every step he took until my back was against the wall. "My name is Mateo by the way." He said that and left. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I was escorted back to the room where I freshened up in. They said it was my room from now on. It was a pretty descent room and I honestly expected less. I hated being alone in this room because all I could think about was Candice, Ben, mom and Bianca. Today I witnessed a murder of my best friend, I got sold to whoever that man was, and now I'm stuck in this place until I don't know when. I hugged my knees and just let the tears fall.

What did I do to deserve this? I've never hurt anyone that I would deserve to live in this harsh reality. I thought I had escaped the dark reality of stripping only to be led back into it. I don't deserve this at all, I just wanted to be a kid. Go to college and live my life how I wanted. I'm only 21 for crying out loud and I feel liked I've lived a lifetime and the weight of the world is on my shoulder. I cried until I dozed off.

'No please stop, please don't hurt me. Bianca wake up, I forgive you okay just please wake up. Candice, mom, Ben! Anyone please help me, help!

Please don't hurt my siblings, I'll do anything I promise. Please!'

I woke up sweating from the nightmare I just had. It felt so real, like I was back home and Bianca's lifeless body was in my living. Than Mateo had my sister at gun point, whilst Ben had a knife placed on his neck while he cried for me. I tried going to him but I couldn't, it like I was paralyzed on the spot. I kept crying out, calling their names but nothing came out, than I woke up.

I went to the in suite bathroom and washed my face. My eyes were red and puffy. My face looked darker than it already is. All in all, I looked terrible. I sighed in frustration and went back to my room to try and go back to sleep, but I couldn't because the moment I closed my eyes, all I could see was Bianca.

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