Chapter 23

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.... Bianca's pov

For the past week, I've been feeling a little happy. Damon has been nothing but a good friend to me. He said he talked to some of his friends and he's promising to give me a job. It's promising but I won't stop searching too. I'm sure he's still wondering why I don't want help from Amanda.

I mean besides the fact that she has a own problems too I just don't trust her. Atleast not anymore, we've been good friends for 3 years now. Started out great, I loved her so much that I would do anything for her, but things change.

When I introduced her to Ethan, he wanted her. I mean, I couldn't understand it causes Ethan is a racist but I guess men will be men. As long as it has a pussy, they like it. Worse cause Amanda is beautiful and has an amazing body, confident, and lovable. Guess she won even Ethan's heart, a heart that was supposed to be mine.

I thought it wouldn't get worse but it did. Ethan wouldn't stop talking about her, moaning out her name when we had sex. It was just too much that I started to hate her. I know it wasn't her fault but still. Ethan was supposed to love me, not her but me. He even went as far as saying he'll pay me 100k if I made him sleep with her. Meaning, I was gonna have to bring her over to his house, drug her, than he was gonna have his way with her.

I was shocked and angry when he asked me to do that. Not because it was wrong, but because he had the audacity to tell me straight to my face that he wants to sleep with her and he needed me to help him do it. That's when I lost all the love I had for her, I still hangout with her though. I guess a part of me still values our friendship.

I invited Damon over for dinner, Kevin was visiting Ethan for the weekend. Which means, I had the weekend to myself. I cooked a nice dinner for us, he deserves it after all the help he's been.
I quickly set the table, and just in time, I heard a door knock. I'm sure it's him, I went to open for him and damn he looked good.

"Hey beautiful." "Hey handsome." I was a blushing mess already. "Aren't you gonna let me in?" "Oh shit sorry, please come in." I let him in and closed the door. "Smells good in here." "Well that's because I cooked for us. Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells." "I'm sure it does." He said giving me his million dollar smile. I told him to sit down as I went to dish up for us. Took red wine too, I need the alcohol for strength. We started eating whilst having small talk.

"Wow, your food tastes good. You sure you cooked?" I rolled my eyes smiling. "Yes I did thank you very much." "I don't believe you, seems too good to be true." "Ouch." I held my chest dramatically, "For your information, I studied hospitality in high school and also did a culinary course so I know how to cook Mr." "I was just joking. You should take it as a compliment though." "Well thank you. Hope you'll like dessert too." "There's dessert too?" He said giving me a mischievous smile.

I clenched my thighs and bit my lip. He noticed the action and just smiled. God it's so embarrassing how much I want him right now. "Lemme take these to the kitchen so I can prepare dessert." I quickly took our plates and made my way to the kitchen. I placed them on the sink and took a deep breath.

He came to the kitchen and stood behind me, placing his hands on my waist as he softly kiss my neck. "Now about that dessert." "I was talking about real dessert Damon." "I don't mind both, but I think I would like this one first." He said as he started kissing my neck, sucking on my favourite spot making me moan.

"Damon." "Yes baby." "Please." I don't know what I was asking for but I needed it. "Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you." His big hands started massaging my boobs through my dress and I threw my head back resting it on his shoulder. I wasn't wearing any bra so he easily grabbed my nipples and started pinching and rolling them in his fingers.

"I want." "Mhhh? What do you want Bianca?" "Fuck Damon please. I need you." "I'm right here sweetheart." "You know what I mean." "No I don't, so please enlighten me." Fucking hell, why is he doing this to me. "I need you to fuck me, please." "With what? My fingers? My tongue? My cock?" "I want all of you. All of it please."

He hummed in approval, turning me around and kissing me. I immediately deepened the kiss, grabbing his neck and pulling him closer. He pressed his body against mine and I could feel him. Hope he's as big as he feels.

I moaned as I wanted more. "Where's your room?" "2nd door on your right." He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He led us to my room without breaking the kiss and gently laid me on the bed. He started kissing my neck, than my shoulder, leaving a trail of wet kisses and making me a moaning mess.

He took off my dress and looked at my body with nothing but hunger. He started sucking on my nipples and I screamed in pleasure arching my back. He attended the other one to, switching turns between my boobs. I was a socking mess and I needed him now. "Damon please." "Such a needy little slut." I groaned in frustration as he continued to tease me.

He started kissing my stomach going all the way down until he reached my underwear. He tore it off, taking me by suprise. He placed my legs on his shoulders. He started kissing my inner thighs , leaving his marks. I gripped his hair tight throwing my head back in pure ecstasy.

He than started kissing my clit, teasing it. Before I could complain, he sucked on it causing me to scream. He ate me up like I was his favourite meal. Sucking and gently biting on my clit while he fucked me with two of his fingers. "Fuck Damon please don't stop."

I was breathing heavily as I felt myself getting closer. My legs started shaking which only made him switch his fingers for his tongue and started fucking me with it. "I'm close, God I'm so close." "Come for me." And I did, arching my back as my orgasm hit me hard. He didn't stop, drinking all of my juices until I came down.

"Fuck you taste good." He said licking his lips. He started taking off his clothes and I just enjoyed the show. He had a nice muscular body, veiny hands and arms, toned abs and a very defined v-line. "Do you have protection?" He asked, "Let me check." I checked my drawer and luckily I did.

He finally took off his pants and damn I was impressed, I haven't had sex in a long time and I'm happy I'll be getting some good dick tonight. He put the condom on started kissing me again. Wrapping my legs around his waist, he started grinding on me. Making me wetter than before, if that's even possible.

Slowly teasing me with the tip of his dick and he finally thrusts in with a quick hard thrust. I gasped for air, "fuck you're so tight." I couldn't do anything but moan. He gave me a few seconds to get used to his size and started moving with deep slow thrusts. Increasing his speed as he kissed my neck. I moaned his name as he fucked me so good. "Fuck this feels so good." I closed my eyes throwing my head back.

He sat on his knees, putting my legs on his shoulder and started fucking me again. This position making him go deeper and driving me crazy. I had the sheets in a vice like grip, screaming as he started hitting my g-spot. I could feel another orgasm and I started meeting his thrusts.

He gripped my waist even tighter and fucked me even harder, if that even makes any sense. My orgasm took me by suprise as I started shaking, "yes that's it. Cum all over my cock. Show me how good I make you feel." "Damon." I moaned. "That's my name baby. Scream it as loud as you can. I want everyone to know how good I make you feel." He continued to fuck me not stopping. The room was filled with nothing but my screams and his groans.

🕯️🕯️🕯️For no one in my family to find this on my phone. Should really get an app lock now. Oh and this is my first time ever writing smut😭🤧. If you're reading this story and you know me, please don't ask me anything about this chapter.

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