Chapter 7

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Song to play: Pour it up by Rihanna

I was starting at the club today and I was a nervous wreck all over again. I can't believe I'll be doing this again. I was ordered to change at the mansion and was driven to the club afterwards. It was then when I noticed that this was the same club me and Bianca went to. Club Secrets of the night which explains how we got in so easily the other night.

I was led backstage and told what I was supposed to do like I didn't know anything about strip clubs. Like hello people, I worked in one for a year and became the best. I'm not blowing my own horn here but it's true, in club Guilty pleasure I was the best. Now we'll just have to wait and see who is here, or maybe I'll take someone else's spot again like I did with Rachel.  I'm so evil it's cute sometimes, but the cute kinda evil. Not the bad one, I can never be like that.

Music started playing and I went on stage and started doing my thing. I had on a school girl costume which consisted of a black pleated mini skirt that showed my lace underwear, a cropped shirt and a black tie. Which I paired with thigh high white socks and boot heels. This was practically a dance for pedophiles, fucking old men who lust on little kids. Disgusting fuckers, they deserve to have their dicks cut off and fed to them.

The crowd seemed impressed with my dancing which boosted my confidence. I honestly wished I found this club a long time ago because it's filled with wealthy men. If I worked here before, I would probably have made enough money for everything last year and wouldn't have had to work for a long time. But you know what they say, you can't cry over spilt milk.

I finished my dance with a couple of 100 bucks already decorating my outfit, not forgetting the one on the floor too. I did good for my first time. My second first time at this point, I guess?

I went backstage and was met with Mateo clapping his hands for me with an impressed look on his face. I took out the money on my body and shoved it on his chest and left him there going to the restroom. I started hyperventilating as my anxiety came back. The reality of what I'm doing here hitting me like a tidal wave. Tears streaming down my face as I tried to calm myself down. I did some breathing exercises and I was finally calm.

I washed my face and looked myself in the mirror, I did not like the Amanda infront of me. This one was broken beyond repair, dark circles under my eyes, sadness and sorrow written all over my face. I couldn't look in the mirror any longer so I left the restroom. I went back and continued dancing for these men.

It was around 3 in the morning when we finally left and I was dead tired. I'm glad I didn't get the chance to socialize with any of the girls at the club because I wasn't going to be good company. The minute I laid my head on my pillow, I dozed off.

The next day...

I was at the club again and it was more packed today. I was wearing a black bodysuit with stockings, black boot heels, and cute bunny ears. God I hated this, especially the outfits I was supposed to wear. I started dancing to Come get her by Rae Sremmurd.

Somebody come get her, she's dancing like a stripper.
Somebody come get her she's dancing like a stripper
Somebody come tip her, she's dancing like a stripper.

And like the song said, I started dancing like one. Moving smoothly in that pole like it was made for me. Endless money thrown my way, and them chanting for me to continue. Men sometimes, they waste a lot of money on strip clubs, money they probably would've used to take care of their families. But who am I to complain? It's their money that saved my mom and took care of my siblings and I.

I finished my dance and went backstage. "Hi." A cute thick redhead said. "Hey." I said back with a tight smile. "I'm Sasha" she said extending her hand out for a handshake. I politely took it for a brief handshake. "I noticed that you're new here and I just wanted to introduce myself. What's your name?" Only than did the outfit make sense to me.

She was wearing a red corset with thigh high red stockings and red heels. She must be one of the strippers too. "I'm Amanda, and yes, I'm new here." "Well it's nice to meet you Amanda, hope we can be friends." She said the last part in hesitation. "Of course we can, I would love that." She smiled and told me we'll catch up later because she had to go back to work. I honestly don't plan on making any friends but she seemed nice and I didn't want to bust her bubble. After Bianca, I don't think I'll ever have friends.

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