Chapter 35

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Today is the day I get sold, again. I'm numb, I don't even know how to feel. The chances of me ever seeing my family again went from slim to none. With Alex, he was starting to have a soft spot for me. Maybe he would've agreed to let me see my family, even if it's just for a while.

Rachel has been coming around a lot and I'm starting to wonder if Mariano is also involved in this. I don't even know who to trust in this situation. Alex, I definitely cannot trust him, but a stupid part of me misses him. I miss Mateo too, him laying in his own pool of blood still haunts me even now. I hope he survived.

My life, as much as I don't wanna admit it, lays in Alex's hands. If he doesn't agree into marrying Natasha and giving his father a grandson, I am screwed. I don't if I should hate him or not. I mean, I should hate him. I should be disgusted by him, but I'm not.

The only person who disgusts me is myself. How can one person be so stupid? So oblivious to what's going on in their own lives. I blame myself for the mess I'm in. Maybe if I never dated Mariano, I wouldn't be here. Maybe if I never fell for Alex, I wouldn't be here. Maybe this is some kind of punishment, I don't know.

I was moved to a room with other girls two days ago. It pained me to find out I'm not the only one being sold off. Being a woman is truly a curse. What makes it even worse, is that even women are now involved in selling other women.

Like, aren't we supposed to be fighting this together? What pained me more, is that one of the girls here is only 16 years old. Fucking 16. That alone brought tears in my eyes as I imagined my own sister in this situation. Who will protect her now? Who will train her to be strong now that I'm gone?

And than the situation with my dad. Mom never liked talking about him that much, but she told me a little about him. She said I looked like him, that if I were to see him, I'd know instantly that he's my father. She told me how in love they were with each other, until of course, he broke her heart and they never saw each other after that.

I wish to know how she'd react if she found out he is still alive. Would she be happy? Angry? I guess I'll never know.

"Get up, it's time to prepare yourselves." Rachel says entering the room we are held in with the other girls. Two more women enter carrying bags that have lingerie and heels. They also came in with makeup kits, I'm guessing to make us look appealing enough to be bought.

We shower in the bathroom inside the room. Not being given more than five minutes. We all dress up and wait for further instructions.

"Okay listen up. You will behave yourselves because we won't hesitate to kill you. When you enter the stage, just smile and look sexy. When you're sold, you better behave. Whoever buys you, they will do whatever they want with you and you will take it. Do not embarass me or one of your younger siblings will fill in for you. And trust me, they even take little boys." Rachel says and my heart skips a beat. I never liked her but I never thought she'd do something like this.

There's 20 of us here and she leaves the room with the first five. We can hear someone speaking. Prizes and sold being said over and over again. The harsh reality of what's happened hitting me like a tidal wave. I mean, I knew it was happening, but now it's happening for real and that is something else.

Everyone was numb. We had no tears, I mean, we've all given up. Who will come and save us? This isn't a fairytale where a night in shining armour will come and rescue us. We're all on our own, and nothing and no one can save us now.

Other girls were called until there is only five of us left. My palms were sweating and my heart was beating out of my chest. I started pacing up and down. This can't be it. Is this really happening? Is this the end of my life? Cause I'll definitely kill myself if I end up being sold.

"Your turn, remember to behave." Rachel leads us out of the room and we follow. There's nothing we can do but follow because a lot is at stake. I felt tears stinging my eyes but I wasn't going to cry. I'm tired of crying. Crying won't help me, it won't save me from this mess I'm in.

We finally arrive at the stage and the room is crowded. Men in expensive looking suits sit infront of us. Some of them already have some of the other girls seating on their laps. I feel so disgusted and angry. I'm in a rollercoaster of emotions and I don't think my body can handle all of the at the same time.

One by one, the four other girls I was called with are sold, and now it's just me. "And now this beauty. A precious little thing isn't she?" Rachel says and the men agree. Fucking sick bustards. "She's one of a kind. She can strip, dance and make all of your deepest and darkest fantasies come to life." The men cheer, some even clapping their hands at what Rachel said.

I watch in awe as she continues telling them how perfect I am. "As perfect as she is gentlemen, she won't come cheap. The offer starts at 2 million." A tear escapes my eye. This is it, it's really happening. The prices went up until it reached 15 million. That's how much I'm worth? 15 million grands. "Going ones, going twice so..." Gunshots were fired from outside, causing a huge distraction and chaos to erupt.

Everyone starts screaming and running and I take this as my chance. Pushing Rachel out of my way and running the hell out of that stage. I don't even know where I'm going, or if I'll be safe, but I'm hoping whoever is shooting, is on our side.

I grab a broom I find in the hallway and continue running. It won't do much but it's still a weapon. The first guy I come across, I don't hesitate. I beat him with the broom stick, over and over again. Making sure to aim for his head. He tries to cover himself and trips. I use this as my chance to grab the vase next to me, straddling him and smashing the damn thing on his head.

I don't know where the strength and bravery came from but I intend on using it. Seeing that he's passed out, I grab his gun and check if it's loaded. Good, it is. I continue running. "Hey you. Come back here, where are you going?" The guy who was with Natasha the day I was kidnapped says. The anger I have for him comes back and I don't hesitate to pull the trigger. Shocking myself at the perfect headshot.

My eyes widen in shock as I look at his body and the gun in my hand. My ears still ringing from the loud sound of the gun firing.

More gunshot sounds come from outside and I follow them. Maybe I can ask help from them, I hope they're good guys. I run and the closer I get, the quieter the gunshots get.

I reach an open space, still inside the warehouse and I'm met with nothing but mayhem. Bodies covered in crimson are scattered all over the floor. The site infront of my eyes has me frozen, I almost pee my pants and I know for the fact that I'll never forget this day. And then I see him, I see them.

Soooo, that happened. I'm honestly so proud of this chapter. Please continue voting, commenting and sharing my story.

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