Chapter 20

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...3 years ago...

"Please don't kill me. Please, I have a family that needs me." "Which one? I'm sure you're not talking about the one you abandoned, the one you don't give a shit about?" Mateo says as he continues to punch the Samuel causing him to cry out and beg in pain.

He knew that this was his fate from the start, that's why he had to abandon his family and act like he doesn't care about them. He has a daughter that he loves but couldn't have a relationship with, his wife, well ex wife, he still loves her too but he had to leave them all behind.

He left African when he got a job offer to be a bodyguard for an important man. He wasn't told much about the mysterious man, but he didn't care. He was paid well and was able to send some money back home and also start a new life here.

He met a woman, a beautiful woman, Catherina Brown. She was a college student, and working part time at a breakfast place. She was 20 when they met and he was 29.
They started dating and he fell in love with her, he knew he couldn't be with her because of his job. Their relationship had to be a secret, and of course Catherina wasn't pleased.

That caused a fight between them, and their relationship wasn't so rosy anymore. They were close to breaking up when they found out they were pregnant. It was the best thing that has ever happened to Samuel, and Catherina was just as happy.

Samuel knew the danger his family would be in if he stayed in their life, so he had to leave them. As much as he knew how much it would hurt Catherina, he couldn't stay. So he left, when Catherina was only 4 months pregnant. Never made contact with them again.

he was devastated and heartbroken, felt used.

5 months later, she gave birth to her beautiful daughter Amanda Browns. She hated the fact that she looked just like her father, wanted to hate her but knew she couldn't blame her for her father's sins. So, she loved her daughter with all her heart. It pained Samuel to watch her daughter grow from the shadows, and the love of his life move on to be with another man.

"I'm sorry boss, I only did it to protect my family. You know I'd never betray you." Alexander did nothing but take Mateo's spot and hit him with his metal bat, he hated the man infront of him but the good side in him still left understood why he did what he did. He wanted to kill Samuel, torture him in more ways than one. Making him feel the pain his mother felt 18 years ago. As much as Samuel didn't kill his mother, but the fact that he still had a hand in it all pissed him off.

He was his father's bodyguard, his most trusted.
He would watch his father abuse his mother and himself included and he did nothing. He never understood why, and that made him hate him even more. Why would you just sit and watch another man beat up and molest a woman infront of you? When his mom died, he too died with her. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. He loved his mom, more than anything in the world, and his father knew that.

He would tell him, "love makes you weak son, you should never love. Look at me, I'm the strongest and built the most powerful Mafia because of my stone cold heart. I never loved your mom, and never loved you too, and that's why I'm here today. If I loved you, it would've made you my weakness, and men like me don't need weaknesses. You're nothing but a legacy to me and your mom was nothing but a hoe that I needed to carry my seed. If you want to survive in this life, you have to feel nothing but hate." Those were the words he said to him on his mom's funeral.

Apparently, she was "cheating" on him and the boyfriend killed her. Of course he didn't believe it, his mother was the most amazing soul to ever exist, and she loved his father even though he didn't. He knew he was lying and had something to do with her gruesome death, but he couldn't prove it.

So after all these years, when he found out Samuel had a hand in his mother's death, he lost it. All the rage he has kept inside finally came back. He continued to break his bones with the bat, ignoring the painful screams coming out of Samuel's mouth. All he saw was his mother getting beat up, molested, her dead body in a rundown motel and her body in her coffin.

"Get me information on his daughter. Find out where she'll be this afternoon." "Yes boss." Mateo said exiting the basement. "No boss please, not my daughter." Samuel pleaded for his daughter. He was in pain but he couldn't stomach the thought of his daughter getting hurt because of him.

Alexander went on to punch the wall, letting out his frustration and anger. Not caring that he was breaking his hands, but the pain didn't matter. He needed it, he needed to feel something before he gets trigger happy and murder everyone on his sight. He finally stopped, breathing heavily as he looked at his shaking broken bloody hands.

He looked at Samuel one last time and left the basement. "Clean this up, and keep him alive" He told one of his men. "Yes boss."
He went upstairs to his office, wanting to call his father.
He wanted him dead. He wanted to kill him the same way he killed his mother, torture him, make him beg for his life.

He wanted to avenge his mother but he knew he couldn't do it just yet, it has been long a time, but it wasn't the right time yet. He wanted his death to be slow and painful, and he intended on making it that way.

Hey guys, if you have questions. Yes, Candice and Ben are Amanda's half siblings. If you have more, you can ask in the comments, and I'll gladly answer them. Don't forget to keep voting and commenting 😘❤️

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