Chapter 44

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Song to play: Shut up and listen by Nicholas Bonnin and Angelicca


Today I decided to dance for Alex. Not because I have to, but because I want to. I put on nothing but a black silk gown. I told him to meet me at the dance room. The one we had our last dance in.

The dark purple light I chose making the room nice, dark and give off an intimate mood. I was nervous but also excited. I stand close to the pole, patiently waiting for Alex to show up. I didn't wait for long because he entered the room in less than 5 minutes.

He wore grey sweatpants and was shirtless. I had to pick my jaw up from the floor and wished there was more light in the room. I couldn't believe my eyes. He sat down at the edge of the bed with his legs spread. His entire attention on me.

I was nervous now, he was definitely going to be a distraction. I shook my head as I took deep breaths. I can do this, I will do this. Pressing the remote, shut up and listen by Nicholas Bonnin and Angelicca started playing.

I started on the pole, doing the upside down eagle pose, hanging upside down, slowly spinning around. The silk gown doing little to hide my nakedness now in this position. I could hear him groaning through the music.

Changing to a baby snake move, I spin around until I slowly land on my feet. Moving away from the pole.

"bet you like it when I show up in a gown,
let my body work it out,
slow your grind,
don't tell me stop it,
just let me on top yeah,
baby you want it"

When Angelicca's verse started, I slowly took of my gown. Leaving me in nothing but my birthday suit. His eyes trailed all over my body and I didn't feel an ounce of shame.

I modelled my way to him, running my hands all over my body as I did. Finally in front of him. I slowly push him back, he seems to get the message because he moves further into the bed and lays on his back.

I join him, crawling my way to him. He doesn't take his eyes off me. Slowly straddling him, I feel his hard on pressing against my already wet heat. I can't hold back the soft moan that escapes my lips.

Placing my hands on his chest, I slowly start grinding on him. He releases a deep groan and I moan throwing my head back. Circling my waist as I feel him getting harder with each passing second.

I pick up my pace as my clit starts throbbing, begging for some attention and stimulation.

"Amanda." He groans, "don't fucking tease me." He says and I hover over him, our lips slightly touching. I give him small baby kisses as I continue grinding on him.

I kiss his face, slowly making my way to his neck. His breathing has changed, so has mine. I suck on his neck, and he growls. I continue attacking his neck. Sucking and biting it, sure to leave my mark.

Finally satisfied, I look at my work and I was proud. His eyes were small and red with lust. I wanted him. No, I needed him.

I get off the bed and remove his sweatpants, enjoying the sight of his hard dick as it keeps twitching upwards, over and over again. It gets me all excited and hot.

I didn't expect him to give me this much control but I appreciate it. I return on the bed, straddling him again. I start grinding on his hard cock and he groans. Coating it with my wetness. The tip rubbing against my sensitive clit, causing me to moan throwing my head back.

Finally, I take his cock in my hand angling it up to my entrance. I look at him, seeing his eyes were already on mine.

I slowly go down, feeling him enter me and stretch me out. We both groan at the same time. I take all of him until he's buried to the hilt, God it felt so fucking good. He grabs my waist and  I balance myself by placing my hands on his chest.

I start with slow motion. Slowly circling my waist, but also going up and down. The action causing both of us moan. His moan is the sexiest thing I've ever heard and it just drives me crazy.

I hover over him and kiss him before going back to my position. This time I pick up my pace as I start twerking on his dick. I throw my head back as I say words that I don't even understand.

Being with him, is so fucking magical. "Fuck doll you feel so good wrapped around my cock. You don't know how long I've waited for this." Alex groans as I continue to twerk on him and all I can do is moan.

He turns us around with him now on top of me. Wrapping my legs around his waist, he starts fucking me with slow, deep, hard thrusts. Causing me to gasp and moan with each thrust.

"Alex! Fuck that feels so good." I cry out fisting the shits as he fucks me. He wraps his hands around my throat tightly ,but not tight enough to cut off my breath. The action causes me to be a little light headed which just doubles my pleasure.

He picks up his pace and starts being rough. It's so fucking good that I scream with my legs shaking as my orgasm takes me by suprise. He doesn't stop and I start scratching his back, causing him to groan and start kissing me.

He continues to fuck me and that prolongs my orgasm till I'm overstimulated. "Fuck Alex, I can't." "Yes you can. You'll be a good girl for me and take it. Cum for me baby, cum for me one more time." And I do, my toes curl as I throw my head back, arching my back as my second orgasm hits me. He follows after me, filling me up with his hot cum.

He kisses my lips and I pull him by his neck, deepening the kiss. We break the kiss as we both breath heavily, trying to calm ourselves down. He places his forehead on my own and I hug him, closing my eyes. Enjoying the moment.

You guys, I honestly tried. I still need to improve my smut🤧💔.

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