Chapter 39

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Happiness. That's how I'm feeling right now even though Alex is dragging me to I don't know where. When Mateo called me his little sister I felt joy in my heart cause he's like a big brother I never had.

Seeing him alive was all I needed. I know he still hasn't recovered fully but I'm just happy he's alive. Mariano told me that my family is safe in Italy and I was relieved. It brings joy to my heart to know I have so many people who care about me. Who care enough about me to care about the people I love and care about too.

My dad and I, we'll be okay. We talked for hours after we woke up, me telling him about my childhood and him doing the same. He said he wants to take me to Africa one day, to meet my family and learn more about my roots. Only if Alex allows him though. I don't think Alex has that power anymore, he's still in the dog house with me and I know he knows it too.

We enter the elevator and he presses the button for the 4th floor. I've never been there. I didn't even know there was one. We stay in uncomfortable silence as the elevator goes up. The tension is so thick you can cut through it with a knife.

We finally reach the floor and he leads me out. There's only one door here. We enter the room and I can just tell it's his bedroom. It's big, really big. Dark grey walls, black bad sheets. Everything is just dark and I can smell his scent all over the room. Yep, it's definitely his.

"I'm sorry." He says and I turn around, looking at him. "What for?" I ask. "Everything." I stay silent, giving him the chance to talk. I do admit, being with him again just brings back the feelings I had for him. He still makes me nervous, my heart still skips a beat and I still very much get a pool between my legs just by him looking at me. But I won't show him that cause he'll use it to his advantage.

I want him to think I'm angry at him when all I want is to just run to him and give him a hug. And of course, apologize for shooting him. "I was going to kill your father." He continues and his words remind me of the real reason we're here.

My father told me all about it. How he witnessed his mom get abused by his father, when he was only just a kid. I can understand how hurtful and traumatic that must've been. He than told me how Alex's father made him hide, or should I say leave his mom's body in a motel to make it look like she was murder and left there to die. He told me how it broke his heart to just sit and watch, but he had no choice because if he tried to stop him, my mom and I would've been killed.

"I hated him with everything in me. A part of me still does but I knew why he did it. He did the same thing I would've done if I was in his situation. I would've done anything to protect my mother, and now, I'll do anything to protect you." His words catch me off guard and I look at him.

Alex is not a man to just show his emotions, but right now I can see exactly how he's feeling. Sad, angry, in grief. "When I saw you, I had intentions of killing you too but I couldn't. I didn't know what these feelings were but I both hated and loved them. I became obsessed with you. I followed you, watched you sleep." He says the last part laughing.

He puts on a serious face and makes his way towards me. I stay frozen in place as his eyes never leave mine. Finally infront of me, he takes my right hand and places it on his chest. "I thought I lost it when my mother died. I thought I could never love another human again, I thought I wasn't capable of it anymore." He trails his knuckles on my cheek and gently cups it. I lean into his touch.

"Love, marriage and kids are things I never wanted for myself. Until you came along. I hated you for making me rethink that. Making me want to love, have you by my side. I hated but also loved how you made me feel human. Feel. That is something I wasn't used to but you made me feel." I can feel the water works and I'm slowly breaking.

"I don't expect you to love me back, hell I don't even expect you to forgive me. I lo... I love you and I don't want anyone to have you. The..." I don't let him finish his sentence as I pull him closer and kiss him. He groans in my mouth and kisses me back. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and he leads us to I'm guessing the bed without breaking the kiss.

Gently laying me down on the bed, he breaks the kiss and we both catch our breaths. "I know I should let you go live your life but I'm too selfish to do so. I owe you that much after everything I've put you through but I cannot stand the thought of you moving on and being with someone else. I do love you, but I'm guessing not enough to let you go. Because you are mine, you belong to me. No one will ever have you except for me."

He starts kissing my neck and I moan, fisting his hair and he groans. "You're mine." Kiss. "I'm not gonna let you go." Kiss. "I'm the only man who'll ever get the privilege to touch you." Kiss. "Kiss you." Kiss. "Make love to you." Kiss. "And fuck you like my good little fuck toy." He kisses me again and I kiss him back. This kiss was different, filled with so many emotions. Hunger for each other, anger, sadness and possessiveness.

Okay yall so my mans Alex finally confessed. I mean, after this I don't want that, "I love you so much that I'm willing to let you go" nonsense. Like why? Why are you letting me go? Just come here baby and show me how much you really love me❤️.

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