Chapter 8

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Song to play: Secrets by Angelicca

Today is said to be a "special" and very important day because I'll be doing a private dance for the boss and his very important business partner. I was told if I screw it up, I'll get my little brother's head for dinner, and I don't need that.

My outfit is a blue lingerie with a matching garter belt and blue heels. The meeting is going to be held at the club, in the private rooms. They are on the 4th floor, and of course it was nice and quiet here. I enter the room and it is different from the ones I'm used to.

This one has 2 single couches with a small round table separating them, than a stage for the dancer. The room is dark, but the blue light illuminated the room enough for me to see everything.

The boss and his associate enter the room and my jaw drops.  Both of these men are fine as hell, how am I supposed to concentrate now? God why did you make old men look this good? And most importantly, why did my self respect decide to leave me?

His associate also has blue eyes, a big beard and shoulder length blonde hair.  He is fit and looks good in his expensive suit. They both sit down in the chairs and their eyes are on me. My heart starts beating faster and I try to calm down. I can't mess this up, or else my siblings are gonna get hurt.

Secrets by Angelicca starts playing and I move closer to the pole. It is a slow song, so there isn't much for me to do. I do the routine I had practiced for the song over and over. When the first verse is over, I slowly land in a split. Spinning around as I start crawling towards the associate, not losing the eye contact.

I grab onto his spread knees as I slowly rise up, slowly moving my face closer to his. I straddle him and start grinding on him, the hard-on pressing against my clothed pussy is a good sign for me. I look to my left to see the boss with a frown on his face, his jaw tensing and relaxing. Is he jealous? Nah, I'm probably seeing things.

I get off his associate and go over to him. I circle his chair, and when I'm behind him, I run my hands through his broad and muscled chest. He tenses at the contact and I internally smile. Moving away whilst dragging my fingers on his shoulder, I catwalk my way back to the pole. I do my final spins until the song is over. The boss ushers me out with a simple wave of his hand.

The moment I leave the room, I'm finally able to breath properly. Fucking hell that was a tough one. Dancing for 2 freaking Gods who have bodies to die for. Not forgetting their good looks, they most definitely aged like fine wine. Mateo and his annoying self took me back to the mansion and I fall asleep the minute my head hits the pillow.

The next day...

I woke up earlier than I usually do, probably because I didn't do much dancing last night. I quickly freshen up and have the breakfast that was already placed in my room. It's funny to me how I still don't know the name of my so called boss and what he actually does for a living. I have a feeling it's not anything legal, probably some shady business. I wasn't given any orders today so I decided to sleep.

As I was about to fall asleep, I hear my door open and I groan in frustration. I wait for Mateo to say something but he doesn't say anything, which is wierd because Mateo always has something to say. I open my eyes to check what his problem is only to realise it is the boss himself. I quickly jump off the bed and stand far from him. He takes slow steps towards me, and like the idiot I am, I stand still. He smiles when he sees that I don't move away from him.

He has a beautiful smile, but I couldn't enjoy it cause it disappeared as quickly as it came. He finally stands infront of me and I look anywhere but him. He grabs my neck and slams me against the wall, I gasp at the impact and his hand being around my neck.

The grip around my neck is not a painful grip but it's tight enough. I look at him to see him already looking at me. It's like he is studying my face, looking for something I couldn't quiet put my finger on. He still has his grip on me and I do not like how it's making me feel. The wetness between my legs is indication enough that I have lost my mind.

How can I be aroused at a situation like this? What if he's going to kill me. I try closing my legs to try to release the ache between my legs and he notices the action.

He smirks at me and lets go of my neck, moving away making me miss his closeness. What the hell is wrong with me? "Dance for me." Fucking hell that voice, I swear to God my ears just had an orgasm. It's so deep, making me imagine things I shouldn't. How amazing it'll sound if he were to say unspeakable things in my ear as he fucked me till I forgot my own name. Or how sexy his morning voice is.

I snap out of my thoughts to catch him looking at me with an amused look like he knew what I was thinking about. He comes closer to me again and this time I moved away, which was pretty much pointless because I'm already against the wall. "I said, dance for me." "I... I didn't practice anything." He tilts his head to the side and comes even closer, his front presses against mine and I gasp for air.

He leans down to my ear whilst his right hand grabs my waist. "I wasn't asking you if you practiced or not, I simply told you to dance for me." His minty breath brushes against my skin and I shiver at both his voice and his touch. My underwear is socked and he hasn't even done anything to me, if anyone called me a slut right now I wouldn't blame them.

"You know doll, you're really bad at following orders and I hate disobedient little girls. You made me repeat myself and I hate that." I let out a small breathy moan at his words, his lips torturously brush against my neck and I moan. To say I am embarassment would be an understatement. I can feel his smile against my neck and he starts sucking on it, leaving wet kisses.

I grab his muscular arms for support as I couldn't stop moaning. He seems pleased with how my body is reacting to his touch because he doesn't stop his assault on my neck. I start squeezing my legs shut, trying to get some friction down there but it doesn't work. I groan in frustration and he steps away from me. I'm a wet panting mess and he looks at me with his emotionless face one more time before he leaves. What just happened?

By the way, I'm very much still a virgin who doesn't even know how to kiss. Now lemme go and rest my brain because I don't believe I just wrote that.

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