Chapter 14

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Song to play: The weekend by SZA

I couldn't handle the ache between my legs so I decided to help myself out. I mean, there's no crime in self pleasure right? Right? I took off the lingerie and layed down on the bed.

I started pleasuring myself until I came.
I finally came down from my orgasm and smiled like an idiot. I am one if we're being honest. I mean, I just masturbates to the image of my kidnapper who I don't even know his name or atleast his last name, who also got my friend killed. I'm a pretty fucked up person.

I decided to clean myself and sleep since there won't be anything I'll be doing for the rest of the day. Turns out, boss man made me his personal dancer now. I'm grateful to say the least but if I continue like this, I'd pretty much prefer working at the club than seeing him everyday and leaving his office with a pool between my legs.

-----the next day-----

I woke up the next day refreshed and in a good mood. The weather was beautiful and sunny today. I did my business and freshened up. I got back to my room with my breakfast already there and my bed already made? What the hell? I usually make my own bed. This is new and kinda creepy. I decided to let it slide for today but I won't let it happen again. The maids here are not my workers, it's worse enough that they have to make me breakfast and bring it to my room. Now they making my bed? That's taking it too far.

I honestly don't understand the special treatment I'm getting in this house. Am I not a prisoner? I shook my head and decided to eat my food before I made myself go crazy with all the overthinking and endless questions. I finished eating and waited for any orders. I got lost in my thoughts until someone decided to barge into my room like they're running from something. I almost peed myself when I realised who it was. It was that lady, that lady that killed Bianca. She locked my door and turned to look at me with an evil smirk. Holy shit I'm dead. I quickly got off my bed in attempt to lock myself in my bathroom but she grabbed a hold of my hair and yanked me back towards her. I screamed in pain as her grip was painfully tight.

This is not the hair pulling I ordered people, the one I ordered is supposed to bring me pleasure not pain. She pushed me to the bed and I tried to escape but she grabbed a hold of my leg and pulled me closer. She quickly got on top of me, straddling me as she started to strangle me.

She had a tight grip but not enough to leave a bruise. "You little bitch. You took everything from me." Excuse me what now? What did I ever do to her, I don't even know her on a personal level. Please don't tell me she was Mariano's girlfriend or something. "I'm sorry, I didn't know Mariano had a girlfriend. He told me he was single, I swear." I was already crying and she looked at me with a confused look. "Who tf is Mariano?" Oh? So she doesn't know about him. Than what is she talking about? "Than what do you mean I took everything from you?" "Don't act like you don't know you dirty skank." Woah stop with the name calling you bitch. But I'm not crazy enough to say that out loud, she's crazy and won't hesitate to kill me.

"I honestly don't know, I promise." Her grip started to get tighter and she took out her gun from her waist and pointed it at my head. My eyes widened in shock and I'm pretty sure I just peed myself. I started shaking my head and pleaded with her to not kill me. "Please, please don't kill me. I have a family. Please." "I don't fucking care about your family you slut! All I care about is how you took Alex away from me. He's mine you hear me? Mine?" Who's Alex now? I don't know any Alex. "I.. I don't know any Alex, I swear you have the wrong person." She scoffed in annoyance and squeezed my throat even tighter. I was starting to lose my breath now.

"Do I look like an idiot to you?" "N.. no. Yo.. you don... don't." I was starting to lose my consciousness and she finally let go getting of off me. I coughed hysterically as I tried to get as much air as I can in my lungs. She headed for the door and stopped, not turning around, she said, "I'm warning you sweetheart, stay away from him." With that she unlocked the door and left.

I rushed into my bathroom and locked the door and started crying. I sat down hugging my knees as I rocked myself back and forth. The dampness of my panties was starting to itch so I decided to shower again. I can't believe I peed on myself. I finished taking a shower and left for my room. And again, the bed had new sheets, how is it I never hear these people when they enter my room. The embarassment I was feeling now, that poor lady had to clean up my mess. 

A black lace underwear with a matching bra were placed nicely on the bed along with a shirt and formal pants? Am I going somewhere? I decided to keep my mouth shut and wear the outfit. I was escorted to a different room this town. It was on the 4th floor.

The interior of the room was different and more lively. The curtains were open, and the sun illuminated the room perfectly. It had a shiny, slippery wooden floor. A bed, a book shelf that covered almost the entire room and two doors. I stood at the open space that was available, I faced towards the bed as he finally made his way inside. He sat at the edge of the bed with legs spread open, he wasn't wearing a tie and his shirt was undone with the sleeves rolled up. He looked tired but good.

He took a remote and pressed a button and The weekend by SZA started playing. Mhhhh okay, I see what you did there Mr boss man. You just want me strip off these "work clothes" as a symbolism of the weekend, meaning no work. This man is a genius I tell you, unless it's not him who came up with the idea.

I started by taking of the heels, carelessly throwing them to the side. Slowly moving my hips to the beat of the song, I started unbuttoning my shirt, revealing the lace bra I was wearing. Keeping eyes contact with him at all times as I slowly took off the shirt, turning around in slow motion throwing the shirt across the room. Now my back was facing him and I quickly unzipped my pants. Bending whilst taking the pants off, giving him a good view of my behind.

I heard a slight groan and I smiled in satisfaction. I kicked the pants of to the side and turned back looking at him. I gave him my most seductive stare as I got on my knees and started crawling my way towards him.
I than decided to give him a lap dance, moving my hips in circular motion as I got back on the floor. Ending the dance with me bending over, ass up face down if you know what I mean.

The song ended and I stood up, I started at him. Waiting for any instructions but he just smiled, his smile was intoxicating and left me shocked. He made his way towards me and gently cupped my cheek with one of his big hands around my waist. I continued to stare at his ocean blue eyes, getting lost in them. He leaned closer and started kissing my neck.

I held his chest for balance, and damn those toned abs were to die for. He had tattoos covering his skin, and his scars were also complimenting the tattoos. He looked and smelled so good. He kissed my neck all the way up to my ear, he started to nibble on it. The words he said had my body frozen on the spot and dying in embarassment.

"Were you thinking of me yesterday when you touched yourself?" Jesus Christ, did he hear me? I made sure I wasn't moaning loudly. "N.. no." I chocked out the words. Of course I was thinking about him, he chuckled and continued kissing my neck. I started moaning, if I knew his name I would be moaning his name right now. "You're such a lier my little vixen."

I'll continue on the next chapter. This one is already long enough.

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