Chapter 34

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I've looked everywhere but nothing. I'm starting to lose my mind and I don't know how many of my men I've killed for not giving me the information I need.

Mateo is still hospitalized and it's frustrating cause he's the most reliable in all of my men. He knows how to get the job done. He was shot six times, two bullets on his chest, and four on his stomach. I'm surprised he survived but I'm glad he did.

It's been three weeks, three fucking weeks and I haven't found her. Is she dead? Is she hurt? What are they doing to her? How is she? Is she scared? Has she lost hope? Has she escaped?

All these questions were driving me crazy and making me even more angry. I haven't had a good night sleep since they took her. Haven't eaten anything, the only thing that enters my system is the brandy stored in my office. I can feel my body shutting down and I'm losing energy.

"Boss?" I look at one of my men, he's frozen infront of my office door. They all never dare to enter my office because they know they'll leave it in a body bag.

"Talk. Have you found her location?" "No boss but..." "Than what the fuck do you want?!" I take my gun out ready to shoot him but than Mariano enters my office. What is he doing here? Seeing him just fuels my anger cause all I can think of is him touching and pleasuring Amanda. I know it was way back before she came to my place but still. He still touched what was mine.

"What do you want?" "This is honestly not a good look for you man." He says. "Did you come here to disrespect me? If so than by all means leave my house before I kill you." "You don't even want to hear what I have to say?" He's testing my patience and I have very little of that these days.

"I'm sure whatever you have to say won't hold any value or interest me." "Oh really? Than I guess you don't want to know where Amanda is." He shrugs his shoulders and turns to leave. The mention of Amanda's name has me rushing towards him and using the little strength I have to push his body against the wall. Circling my hand around his neck and strangling him.

"Where is she? Did you take her?" He doesn't even struggle against my hold, and that proves how weak my body is at this moment. This only angers me more and it doesn't help that he just laughs at me. I let go of him and pace around my office. The action making me a little light headed and I decide to sit down. I can't pass out without knowing where she is.

"Are you done throwing a tantrum?" I swear if I wasn't desperate to find Amanda, I would've killed him already. No one, I mean no one disrespects me and lives to tell the tale. "Where is she?" "Say please and I might just tell you." I gave him the what the fuck look? He has the time to be playing games in a situation like this? He sees I'm not going to entertain him and sit down.

"I know where she is." "Yeah I figured that out, what I want to know is where she is." "She's held at the warehouse at Orange grove near the abandoned building." Wait. I know that warehouse. "That warehouse used to be..." "Be your father's warehouse. Yeah I know." So it's been him all along. All this fucking time.

"How did you find her?" "Well, you weren't the only ones keeping tabs on her. But unlike you, I also kept tabs on people who I knew didn't like her. My girl, she was my girl Rachel, she didn't like her that much. So, I kept tabs on her. And lately she's been going to that warehouse meeting a woman named Natasha, who I've also found out is her sister. I did my research on her sister and I found out she is working for you and was also promised to you, for marriage of course. I put two and two together and that's when I figured it out."

Natasha has a sister? My father wanted me to marry Natasha four years ago but I didn't do it. Marriage and kids is not something I want for myself. Like I said, my father's legacy will die with me and giving him an heir is something I'll never do. "I put a bug on Rachel and when she went to the warehouse last week, that's when I heard a conversation between her, her sister and your father regarding Amanda."

"What did they say?" "They are hosting an auction next week, and Amanda is one of the girls they'll be selling. Of course, they'll only not sell her if you agree to marry this Natasha and give your dearest father a grandson." Fucking hell. This is all my fault. I should have left her alone. I bury my face in my hands and release a deep sigh.

"Look man, I care about Amanda. I love her even." I give him a look and he just laughs. Again, he's only still alive because of Amanda. "Calm your tits. I won't take her from you. Only because I know she wouldn't take me back, I broke her heart." "You know, I should really kill you for that. She cried all night that day because of you." "Yeah man I know. But I want to help. I already sent off her siblings and mom to my safehouse in Italy because I know they were gonna be the next target."

Damn it, I had long forgotten about them. I've been so occupied that I've neglected them. After I took Amanda, I didn't care about anything else. "How is her mother?" "She's okay. After you took Amanda, it was hard for me to convince her and her siblings that she was okay. I knew she was with you, I didn't know why but I knew you weren't gonna kill her." "How did you know?" "I don't know, gut feeling I guess." He says shrugging his shoulders and leaning back on the chair.

"Thank you." I say sincerely. "I didn't do it for you, but for Amanda. Now if you're serious about rescuing her, I'd suggest you stop drinking, eat some food, take a shower and sleep. You'll need to have your full strength." I just nod my head. He's right. If I go head on into the warehouse in this state, I'll get killed before I can get inside. "You should expect a call from them anytime soon. I have one of my men who'll act as a buyer on the day of the auction. We can rescue her than, so we can save the other girls too. But for now, rest and prepare for next week, we'll keep in touch."

He says that and leave my office. I decide to eat and sleep so I can get my strength back. I'm going to need all of it to kill my father and Natasha.

Ncoooh😚. Isn't Mariano the sweetest? Y'all didn't think I forgot about her fam now did you? They are safe and our girl will be rescued.

Who do you love for her? Mariano or Alex? At this point I don't know. I don't mind both of them😩.

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