Chapter 27

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Bianca's pov

The mansion was huge, a five story dark ass mansion. It had a long driveway, a big fountain in the front of the house. Grey walls that gave the house a dark yet inviting look. Expensive cars lined the driveway, expensive cars that I've never even seen before in my life.

Damon held my hand as we made our way inside the house and it was breathtaking. The interior was dark, like black walls with touches of gold and dark grey. Whoever owned this house was filthy rich. We were led to what I think is the ballroom and it was just as huge. Long ceiling that had a huge chandelier decorated in black diamonds, and normal diamond.

The room looked and smelled rich. Crowded with filthy rich and expensive looking people. I was in awe, and I felt out of place. "Relax kitten, just act normal and try to blend in." I nodded my head at Damon as we continued to walk around. Bodyguards were everywhere, I'm starting to rethink my decision of coming here. How will I even leave the ballroom without raising any suspicions?

A bartender walked by and I grabbed myself a glass of champagne. Before I could down it in one go, Damon held my wrist. I looked at him with my brow raised. "Blend in remember? You have to act like you're rich. That includes drinking like a rich person. You don't just down your drink in one go like you're in a club in places and events like these." I groaned in frustration and rolled my eyes. He didn't seem pleased but he let go of my wrist.

I took small sips as I looked around. Thinking of how I'll be able to leave the room unnoticed. We finally sat down and my nerves got even worse. My leg started having a mind of its own, bouncing up and down. I tried to stay calm as Damon engaged in conversation with the people sitting with us. He was a natural, he talked to them like he was one of them. Men are such amazing liars and actors.

Most people were now settled down and engaging in serious deep conversations with each other, and I saw this as my opportunity to leave. "I'm going now, I'll be back." I said in Damon's ear, making sure to lean in on his ear whilst running my hand down his chest like I'm telling him something else. I moved away from his ear as I gave him my most flirtatious smile. He looked impressed and I stood up, taking my handbag, giving him a smile as I winked at him.

I took out my phone and acted like I was on a call. "Felix baby, mommy is busy at the moment what's wrong?" I said as I passed the guard at the door, giving him my most innocent smile while still acting like I'm on a call. "I told you to stop taking your brother's toys, you have a room full of your own." I said as I made my way down the hall away from the ballroom.

The supposed office is on the third floor. I kept smiling and walking as I passed the guards and the maids. I saw steps leading to the top floors and I did one last check and saw I was in the clear. Most of the guards and maids were on the other side of the house where the ballroom was and that actually made things easier for me.

I made my way up the steps making sure I walked as quietly but as fast as I could. When I finally made it to the third floor, I was already dead tired. There were only three doors in this floor. This should be easy. I tried opening the first one and it wouldn't budge. Fuck. I took my tools and started doing my thing. Unlocking a locked door without a key isn't only a man's talent. I was raised by the streets, and breaking into people's homes is something I'm used to.

Finally hearing a click, I was satisfied. "Yes". Opening the door, I made my way in and I cursed in frustration. This wasn't the God damn office. It looked to be a private dance room with a pole in the middle. I left the room going to the second door, it was locked too and I did my thing again and I was in. Sighing in relief as this one was the office.

The interior was dark and everything was in place. It was so neat and organised that rummaging through things here was gonna be a problem. I don't know where the safe is, or where the diamonds were. I had to figure that shit out myself. "God why did I agree to this?" I asked no one in particular.

I started my search, opening and closing every drawer. The documents here didn't seem to be of any importance. I pulled every book in the huge ass bookshelf to look for some secret safe or something but nothing. Nothing at all. Finally having an idea. I went over to the desk, looking for a key or something. Getting on my knees as I looked under the table. Jackpot.

I squealed in excitement when I saw a button. Pressing it, I heard a click and I quickly came out from under the table. The tv situated in the middle of the bookshelves moved to the side. "Cool." I quickly made my way to it. I pulled on it and it revealed just what I was looking for. The safe, I fucking found it. I could scream in excitement right now but I can't.

I used what Damon gave me, it's some kind of device. Don't know what it is, but he said it'll mess with the safe and be able to crack the code faster. I didn't bother asking what it was cause I didn't care. I placed it on the safe and it started beeping as it did a countdown. The code to the safe was a 6 digit number. I waited for about 5 minutes before it got all the numbers right. "Yes, Jesus fuck yes."

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