Chapter 3

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Song to play: Midnight sky by Miley Cyrus

I woke up in the morning with a terrible headache. My eyes were puffy and red from all the crying I did last night.

I quickly did my business and freshened up. Putting on an oversized t-shirt with socks. Went downstairs for some breakfast.

"Morning sis." My little brother Ben said, he is 5 years old. I didn't even notice him till he greeted me. I bent over to pick him up and placed him on top of the kitchen counter.

"What would you like for breakfast my lil star shine." "I would like some coco pops please." He was a very respectful child, and I loved him for that. His speech was good too for his age. I made both of us the coco pops and we ate together. I cleaned up after we were done and my little sister Candice finally decided to wake up. She is 17 years old but liked acting older.

"And she's awake." "Good morning to you too sis." She said yawning. I honestly cannot wait for mom to come back home so we can be happy again. Since she got sick, it's been a rollercoaster of emotions. We were always living in fear because we didn't know if she was going to live or not. But now that we know she's okay, things have gotten better at home. It's not always sour and sad like it has been for the past year.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?" "Last time I checked, we don't go to school on weekends." I chocked on the water I was drinking. I had totally forgotten that it was Saturday today.

"Yeah sorry, forgot it was Saturday." She laughed at me and joined us at the kitchen, she made cereal too and we talked. In a long time we finally talked, a decent and light conversation. "Anyways, I'm going out tonight. So, don't forget..." "Lock up and don't open for anyone except for you. Yeah I know the drill sis." "My card is in my room if you guys need anything, snacks or some pizza."

Her eyes lit up at the mention of my card. This girl loves money, too much for her own good. "Can I buy a Choo Choo too?" Ben asked cheerfully. "Of course you can sweetheart." I said squeezing his cheeks. "Can I get something too? Please, there's this really cute dress that I want. No, I need it so bad." I rolled my eyes at her being dramatic for no reason.

"Yes you can, only because you'll be babysitting Ben. And take it as a celebratory gift from me to you." She clapped her hands excitedly and went upstairs to freshen up. I finished cleaning the house and went to sleep, I'm going to need the rest since I have a long night tonight.

I woke up around 18h00 when I got a text from Bianca telling me she'll pick me up at 19h30. I quickly took a long deserved shower, washed my hair and I was out. I decided to wear a purple black backless silk dress with thin straps and black heels. Put on my mascara and red lipstick, left my hair as it is after drying it. I took my purse and put in everything I was going to need and went downstairs to check on my siblings.

They were cuddled up together on the couch and I just had to take a picture. The flash of the camera woke Candice up. "I see you're ready to go." "Yep, and how was your day? Did you guys have fun?" She gently removed Ben from her and stood up to give me back my card. "You can keep it for tonight and tomorrow. Bianca will be paying for everything, so I'm covered." She shrugged her shoulders and thanked me. The sound of music coming from the car outside was my indication that Bianca has arrived. I bid them goodbye and left.

We arrived at the club and it was packed. Looked like one of those expensive clubs with tight security, but of course Bianca got us in easily. The name of the club was Secrets of the night.

The interior was nice and dark. The blue and red lights making it hard to see.

We danced our way to the bar and like she promised, she didn't order any alcohol. I started off with 2 shots than got a cocktail. After that, I kept drinking without a care, taking shots after shots.

The night was going great and I was enjoying myself. Midnight sky by Miley Cyrus started playing and I pulled Bianca to the dance floor and we started dancing together. Moving our bodies in sync, grabbing each other's waists. I turned around and started rubbing my back on her front, only to notice that it wasn't her front anymore. I was too drunk to care so I continued dancing on the stranger.

His strong hands grabbed my waist and I held back a moan that was threatening to come out. Feeling his very prominent boner only motivated me to dance for him even more. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't planning on sleeping with the guy, I just enjoyed dancing with him that's all.

The song came to an end and I pulled away from him going to the bar to get some water. He came and sat next to me, and that's when I finally got the chance to see his face clearly. He was an average height, probably 5'9, dark skinned with hazel eyes. A freshly cut fade and a nicely trimmed beard, his muscular body couldn't go unnoticed.

"Hey beautiful." He flashed me his million dollar smile and I was impressed. "Hey", I gave him my biggest smile. "Mind if buy you a drink? I'm sure you need it after the dancing we just had." "Thanks for the offer but I'll have to kindly decline, I'm done with alcohol for the day." I said showing him my water bottle.

He talked to the bartender and he poured me cold water with ice. I didn't wanna seem rude so I took the water and thanked him. "So, are you here alone or with someone?" "I'm here with my friend actually." I said looking around for Bianca who was nowhere in sight. Maybe she was in the bathroom.

"And where is she?" "I don't know, maybe in the restroom, I should go and look for her." I said standing up but I felt a little lightheaded. Probably the alcohol leaving my system. I stumbled my way to the restroom with my head feeling really heavy and my vision becoming really blurry. I held on to the walls to stop myself from falling. What is happening to me? I started panicking and crying, after that everything went dark.

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